It's hard to believe that I only started this blog in April. In that short period of time, I've been blown away by the new friends that I've met...both bloggy and real life. It has been a true joy getting to know you and sharing a bit of my life with you.
In the spirit of still being in my jammies at 11:00am, here are a few of my greatest hits (in my opinion) from 2008.
Happy New Year!
A bit of inspiration for spring
A girly furniture rehab project
Dreaming of summer

Make your own botanical prints
Furniture Rehab tutorials:
101 - Painting a kitchen chair
201 - Recovering and painting a piano bench
301 - Distressing chairs
401 - A BIG piece
55 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:
Happy New Year! Can't wait to see what you have in store!
I have really been enjoying your blog and look forward to more good stuff in 2009! Happy New Year!
Wow only since April!!!
I am so very glad that I found you blog, you are a true inspiration and the reason I got a hand held sander of my very own for Christmas. :)
I look forward to the next year of inspiring projects. I have a give away going on at my blog for my 100th post. Hop on over and enter. Happy New Year!
Ahhh, I can't wait for flowers, bright fresh colors, warmth.....
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve and Happy 2009 to you and yours!
oh yes, you have nailed a few of have many more that are truly thee best. :)
Our Blissdom count down officially begins tonight when the ball drops. :)
Happy New Year, Soft Place to Land!!!
Can't wait to see where your blog goes in 2009!
-sandy toes
Happy New Year, Kimba! I've so enjoyed your blog this year & can't wait to see what's in store for 2009!
Happy New Year! I am so glad I found your blog..can't wait to see what comes in 2009!
I can't believe you've only been blogging since April, either! Wow! You've come a long way in a short amount of time. Congratulations on all of your blog success. Looking forward to reading your blog in 2009. Happy New Year, Kimba!! :-)
happy new yr, kimba! and a great 2009 ahead for you ...
I am so thankful I found your blog. You are such an inspiration to me & my decorating fantasies. Sadly, I live with all men whose idea of decorating is putting up a Steelers banner on the back of our front door & an 11x14 framed pic of our dirt modified race car in my living room.....I redelegated that to the stairwell.
One day, one day I will have a beautiful home!!
Looking forward to all your new goodies in 2009! You are so much fun! Have a Happy New Year Kimba!!!
Happy New Year! I'll have fun loooking through your projects.
Looking forward to meeting you at Blissdom. I'm all signed up! Yippee:-)
Whoops! I was signed into my Faces account. That was me who commented about Blissdom:-) Speaking of... have you been to my new photography sharing web site? I hope you'll join in on the fun and help us spread the word:-)
I have truly been inspired by your creativity. I also enjoy your humor and honesty. Happy New Year!
I puffy heart you rblog! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for 09!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!
Kimba, I can't believe you've only been blogging since April either! You're a natural. I've so enjoyed seeing all your projects that you have shared & I've done quite a few myself. I'm doing a 2008 Project recap next Wednesday, so I hope you'll come over & participate. Just link up this post & you'll be all set.
Can't wait til Blissdom either! what fun, what fun.
Add me to the list of that a word? that didn't realize you only began your blog in April...You're indeed a natural! Keep up the great bloggy work.
Love your posts and creativity and transparency.
I, also, cannot believe you've only had your blog since April. I think I've had mine a little less time than that, but I've only been routine in the last few months.
Anyways, congrats, and Happy New Year!!
I wish I could go to Blissdom!
Happy New Year Kimba!! I have loved your blog from the start and cant wait to see what the next year holds!! :)
Happy New Year to YOU. How exciting to see what 2009 has in store.
Happy New Year Kimba! Rachaelxo
Happy New Year to ya Miss Kimba and where can I order some of those shirts.... love em'
Thanks for all the great posts so far! I hope you have a happy and healthy and safe New Year!
Happy almost 2009!
Cheers~ Les
Happy New Year, Kimba! So glad that I read Lysa's blog when she told us about you! What a blessing you are! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Kimba.
Did you realize you're right at 200posts??
Yippee! It's 2009...Keep up the Good work girl!
Happy Happy new year to you friend! So glad you started blogging, looking forward to 2009 and all the inspiration you give!
Blessings in 09!
Happy New Year! Looking forward to 2009! Wow - only blogging since April - how inspiring! Any tips for the newbies?
Happy New Year Kimba! So glad we've been able to "meet" through Blogland! I'm looking forward to this New Year and everything you have in store!
happy new year :)
Happy New Year! I just started Blogging a couple of weeks ago, and your blog is one of my favorites to follow!
You have just taken the decorating blog world by storm!! I hope you have a fabulous New Years, and I'm looking forward to coming back for lots of spray paint inspiration. :)
I hope you know how much we all love you, Kimba girl. I heart you bunches! : )
I love your inspiration for all things home, but my vote for your best of would include the times you stop and say/remind us that "Jesus is all that matters" :) happy '09
I hope your Christmas was all you wanted it to be. I wish you and your family a wonderful new year full of joy, peace, health, happiness, success and prosperity and all God's love.
Virginia :)
I enjoy your blog so much and have enjoyed all of these inspirations so much!
A very Happy New Year....looking forward to blogging in 2009!
I LOVED the seashell garland. I might get around to making myself one of those soon. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Kimba and family! Wishing you many blessings in 2009.
I know I've already commented, but as I was writing MY recap (I'm such a copycat), I was going through some old posts and found the first comment you left for me! It made me all nostalgic and stuff. : )
It's been so much fun reading your blog this past year! Here's wishing you a Blessed New Year and 2009! :)
Have I told you how much I enjoy your furniture fixes, trash to treasure, new paint jobs and all that jazz? Well I do, so keep it coming and inspiring all of us in 2009.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Love the pink chair with very girly! Happy New Years! I just started reading your blog and am loving all your great advise and projects.
What amazing transformations ~ well done ~ thunderous applause from Phoenix!
Kimba, I know I've seen every single one of your projects & they are fantastic. It's been SO fun to get to know you this past year & I look forward to meeting you a the conference, roomie! Our room is gonna have some fun!
Hi Kimba :)
You started a month after I did! I keep thinking I should join SITS like you did, but I can barely handle the comments that I have LOL
Your projects have always been great :)
Happy New Year,
Great ideas, Kimba! I so want that girly chair!
Great Kimba!!!
What a fun party:)
Wonderful projects you shared!
Have a wonderful evening,
hey girl, love all your creative inspiration! And that dresser you did is magnificent!
Great projects. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
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