06 March 2009

Oprah's Been Reading My Blog

I nearly fainted when I opened that most recent (and last. sniff.) issue of O at Home magazine and realized that O (we're on a nickname basis) has been reading my blog! I fully expect a call to be on her show any day now.

Clearly, she got the idea from this post where I spray painted a bunch of ceramic birdies. That post created a blogging sensation and a run on birdies at the Dollar Tree. She overlooked my suggestion to use glossy spray paint for the best finish. But hey, she's Oprah. If she wants to use flat paint, who am I to argue?

I might have thought it was just coincidence, but then I saw this picture! Obviously, she had been reading this post! Personally, I prefer my oil-rubbed bronze finish but the white is nice too.

Now technically, I haven't ever posted about spray painting little vases, but I did write this post talking about other random ceramic items that could be saved with a coat of paint.

So, to summarize:
~You can spray paint anything
~Oprah reads my blog
~I'm all that and a bag of chocolate chips

A tip for you: Now is the time to scour the Goodwill and thrift stores for ugly bunnies that can be made beautiful for Easter with a quick coat of white paint. Unless you live near me. In which case, step away from the bunnies, my friend.

Obviously, I'm hooked on spray paint. Visit Hooked on Houses to see what other people are hooked on.

75 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Gretchen said...

You are ahead of the times, girl!!

Oprah has been secretly stalking you.

Thanks for your comment... I'm off to teach school, but will try the linky this afternoon (I'm a dork) I didn't get your first comment that you mentioned, so thanks for stopping by again.
Have a great day!

Ang. said...

hahahaha!!!! love it!!!! and I hope Oprah's people call your people!!!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Well, you know you've hit the big time when Oprah starts taking advice from you!! We'll all say we knew Kimba when... :-)

How fun is that? And I loved your "summary" at the end. You're all that and a bag of chocolate chips!

Thanks for joining my party today. Always nice to see your smiling face. Have a great weekend!

leigh ann said...

I love your new blog design!! I'll be prowling goodwill today for some bunnies, too. Oprah's a blog lurker...who knew? Have a great day!

Chris said...

This post made me laugh! However, I hate that it's in the magazine because now my stash at Goodwill will be depleted! Darn all that publicity!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Ha-ha, Kimba! That Oprah, she's all over the place these days. And of course the ideas are great.

Love your new bloggy design. We're on the same page & I love mine too.

Anonymous said...

Love it!!

O.k I know I'm gonna be treading on sacred ground but I'm going to take a step and ask anyways.... What do you think about other colors than just white. I like white, in moderation. I'm not a hauggge white fan. I keep seeing white everywhere. Is it legal to do some spray (over)painting let's say a RED... or a YELLOW....or a TURQUOISE?

I hope I won't be banned from the soft place forever....

Pretty Organizer said...

Oprah?!??! What? I thought she was copying me? We have identical toilets! I was sure she got the idea from me... of course, she's not printing all of my ideas up like she is yours. I guess you guys are bff's.

And Yes, You are ALL THAT and a FEW bags of chocolate chips!

I'm sure now that your pins are worn by famous people (you ought to send one to her) and Oprah's writing obviously reflects the inspiration she's sought from your blog, you'll be flying to the White House with your tool box and spray paint to redecorate! Just remember us little gals...

Love you girl!
Pretty Organizer

Wendy said...

Obviously Oprah HAS been reading...just like the rest of us. ;-)

Emily said...

That's too funny!! You're just so COOL Kimba :)

duchess said...

Was there ever any doubt??

Kristen said...

Fabulous post! Made me laugh :)

Rochelle said...

You are soooo funny... and this is so great. Yeaaaa for Oprah reading your blog! :)

Ahhhh now I want some chocolate chips.........

TidyMom said...

What a hoot!! yes I agree she's been reading you blog!!

Thanks for the reminder about looking for bunnies!!...

I'm hooked on Giveaways this week! LOL oh, and my new puppy! LOL

Have a GREAT weekend Kimba


V and Co. said...

totally lol over here "step away from the bunnies" glad i live over here cause we'd have a showdown!

Tiffany said...

Ah yes. Perhaps it's time that we create a spray-paint-aholics group.

My name is Tiffany and I'm a spray-paint-aholic.

(That's where everyone else comes in and says "Hi Tiffany")

heeheehee. The spring weather is making me giddy. :)

trish said...

I spray painted some ceramic bunnies for the first time yesterday. :o) I remember when you painted the dishes! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I am hooked on spray paint as well! It has been too cold to spray in Michigan, but my neighbor and I are getting excited for the return of warm weather-that is spray painting weather!!!

Our Complete Family said...

Too funny! Now, you'll have to start signing autographs chica!!!
Happy almost the weekend~ Les

Valarie Lea said...

I am planning a thrifting road trip hopefully for tomorrow! :)

Jenny@ L.O.T.s of Love said...

You crack me up!!! I am going to paint some white plates for a display!

Joanna said...

That's pretty awesome...I mean clearly she has to seek decorating advice from one of the favorites among us bloggers. *Smiles*

Unknown said...

You know, the other day when I was lunching with Oprah, she did mention that she wanted to BE you. So there you have it, you're my idol AND hers. :)
Have a great weekend, Kimba. Oh! and I got my fabulous pin, thanks so much!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

OMGosh! This post just made laugh out loud! You ARE all that and a bag of chocolate chips. I have already been the Goodwill and Salvation Army this week looking for bunnies. Tee hee.

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

You are all that Kimba! You never know - she might be. Wouldn't that be cool!

I think you are a rock star!


Misti of Studio M Designs said...

I have a huge stack of stuff that got a fresh coat of cream spray paint. That's a post for another day. Tell Oprah I said Hi!

Unknown said...

I'll take your style and advice over Oprah's any day my friend!! She doesn't even compare! :)

Love all of your ideas - you are an inspiration and you are real!

Have a fabulous Friday!

Hmmm...and I just might have to head to the thrift store today. I have never really done the spray painting thing, but there's always a first time!

southerninspiration said...

I'm sure ya'll will get the call soon.....bloggers unite and star on Oprah....we will all watch you, my friend.
Those are amazing ideas she got from ya.


Magic Brush said...

Do you ever dump chocolate chips into a container of creamy peanut butter and eat with a spoon????? If so... we share a brain.

Have you considering gilding eggs for Easter (or bunnies, or whatever). I just stumbled onto this post on this blog at http://fabulousfinishes.wordpress.com/2009/03/04/all-that-glitters-is-gold-silver-and-copper-leaf
and I am TOTALLY ordering a gilding kit for Easter eggs. I think you may like them.

jen Allwood

Darcy @ m3b said...

You got Oprah??

All I have is Clinton Kelly stalking me. And that' just insulting.

Love ya and alll yer spray paint.

{darlene} said...

Oh, she SO IS reading your blog. You got me thinking about spray painting a lamp now. Hmmmm....
I'll be sure to send you the pics.

Anonymous said...

YOu are starting a trend...I'll be checking out my local thrift store for ugly vases and lamps and bunnies...

Lisa said...





Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Love this....and I really wonder how many garage sales O has been to. Questions minds want to know.
We LOVE our spraypaint. :)

Unknown said...

Haha, all I'm gonna say is I SAW IT HERE FIRST! Also, I giggled so much at your "step away from the bunnies" statement that I'm just gonna try to drop it into sentences for the rest of the day.

MOMSWEB said...

Tooo funny!! I enjoyed visiting with you.

Bonnie @ See How She Runs said...

Too funny.
First time to post - I enjoy your blog tremendously.

I was looking this week and last week for bunnies-(read stalking the cart as they brought out new items..) GASP! does that mean I might be considered trendy? or early?....

Melissa said...

You know, people who work for those magazines do look around and see what's "hot." I do consider you one of the first spray paint pioneers. :D

Melissa ;D

Jennifer said...

How funny! Okay, I'm off to look for things to spraypaint . . .

Anita said...

Crack me up...I love your blog and your ideas...and so does Oprah:) and she should have hired you to run that magazine and maybe they would still be happening...but since not, we'll all be turning to you, my dear, for more inspiration...so what's up next?

I'm off to our paint recycle center to jones for white spray paint- or maybe pink or yellow for some Easter ideas...


Yvonne said...

O I just love how you are an inspiration to so many women, your outlook on life is so beautiful! I also love your pins, I'm in the process of opening a little shop and want some information on wholesale. You can email me to pinkflipflops67@yahoo.com. Also go to my blog www.raspberrylemonadeandmore.blogspot.com and check out my marquee with all my grab buttons. If you like it I can pass over the code.

jennykate77 said...

Too funny! Well, it's apparent that you are quite the trend-setter! To be stalked by Oprah is a definite compliment ☺ Maybe you'll have your own segment someday?!

SoBella Creations said...

Well if you do get some Easter bunnies be sure to post how you pretty them up.

I have some in my tote bins. But, I don't have a lot of shelves in my house. And I don't know if they would survive a 2 1/2 year old.

Unknown said...

Oprah would have been tipped off by one of her 'people' who undoubtedly read your blog faithfully. Great idea. Just wondering if anyone spray paints INDOORS in winter. I have previously only spray painted outdoors in summer and fall. It is to cold here in winter but is it safe to spray paint indoors?

theUngourmet said...

I like your new look! :)

Cass @ That Old House said...

Oprah reads ALL the blogs, because she is Oprah, and she can.

She could at least have given you some credit!

Thanks for a charming, funny post!

Melly said...

i love your blog and love your ideas

thank you!

Anonymous said...

Huh? Oprah who? LOL

The Blue Ridge Gal

Free Art Printables said...

Oprah is such a copy cat! You should totally call her on it!

Kristen said...

Too funny - you are famous!! You know she must had some editorial assistant over there pretending to work, reading your blog and then goes into the meetings with her very own "I've got a great idea" line knowing full well she stole it from you!!

Nepperess said...

Ha, ha. I enjoyed the "to summarize" bit. You've definitely got one up on Oprah, she needs a magazine and a gazillion people to show off her fabulous ideas. You, my friend do it daily on your blog - at a very reduced cost :)

Scooper said...

So funny! I think you need to name your bird. Better yet, host a contest wherein the best namer for your bird WINS a dollar-tree bird.

Ahh, tis the season for spray paint. I've been inhaling those sweet fumes of Spring myself.

And as for O, well, when you're on her show I can puff up with pride that I'm a follower.

BTW, I LOVE my pin. I'm structuring all my outfits around it. Thank you!

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Of course Oprah is reading your blog! Isn't everybody? I'm off to look for some ugly bunnies to paint...

Unknown said...

You are too funny! Oprah? Oprah who? I read your blog more than I watch her show or read her magazine. Seriously! Great idea to spray paint bunnies from Goodwill. Hadn't thought of that one. I'll put it on my list when I visit GW next week.

Christi said...

I've been thinking about gathering bunnies since I opened the newest Pottery Barn catalog and saw their Easter table.

Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Linda said...

You go girl! I will be watching the TV listings!! Next, on the cover of People mag, oh the lengths we can go! Should we be on the lookout for "O" sitings at the Goodwill stores?

Anonymous said...

Congrats! is the paint drippy since they are ceramics? Do you use primer first? I started a new Eco Pink group!

Andi @ udandi / Lunch It Punch It said...

how flattering to be imitated, although I like your lamp better, too!

This is my first time visiting your blog, so I'm off to look around!

Sallie said...

You are soooo funny. I loved reading that post. Now would you please call O's people and tell them to give you credit, where credit is due. HAHA. Now if she had done the plates, I would have to say she totally stalks you like I do.

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Well of course she reads your blog. Doh. Oprah would never think of those budget ideas on her own.

Thank goodness for Kimba!


Kim Hancock said...

You may say that jokingly, but I'm sure her people troll blogs and other media for ideas!

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said...

Girl, you ARE all that and a bag of chips!!

Anonymous said...

I loved this post! You are a genius and I'm positive she's been reading your blog! It is so clear to see!

momof3girls said...

When you got it you got it! Wow! you are sizzling hot! I loved the post about the Kilz oil rubbed bronze spray paint, (I had missed that post! Yeah! I was glad to catch it)
Keep blogging all your good hints girl!

Tracy said...

Can I have your autograph so I can say I knew of you first? LOL
I am a spray painting fanatic too! :)


You may be on to something here!


JudyBug said...

Now we know how O made all that money...stalking blogs to get ideas!


Kelli said...

Spray paint is one of my best friends. My glue gun is my BFF! Hope O calls soon.

Unknown said...

You're a riot! You had me chuckling the whole way through the post. I can see why Oprah would read our blog.

Em said...

I love me some spray paint too... I "rescued" a sad ceramic turkey from Goodwill last Thanksgiving :)

Sarah said...

Thanks for all the great ideas! You should get a formal thank you from Oprah and her staff!! ;)
Too cute!

Jo said...

I was browsing that magazine a few weeks ago, and came across that article. My first thought was "I hope they're paying Kimba royalties!"

the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

You're flipping hilarious! Step away from the bunnies!

angela | the painted house said...

I bought that issue of O and totally thought of you when I saw those spray painted things, "ho,hum, yeah, I saw that like months ago on Kimba's blog...stop copying my girl!" How fun to see a good idea is really a good idea, huh?

Diane said...

I gave you an inspiration shout out. :) I love visiting your blog!