Today's post is all about being real. With all of you and with myself. I love blogging. I love sharing my life and my home with you, my dear friends. And, in turn, getting to know you through glimpse into your lives. But it's just that. A glimpse.
As much as I love blogging, I think it has one major danger (aside from being the cause of hungry children with no clean clothes). The danger is that we begin to think that everyone else is doing "it" better than we are. "It" is whatever we're struggling with. Everyone else has better behaved children, is a sweeter, gentler mother and wife, is a better housekeeper, decorator, whatever.
It's the power of the edit and the zoom lens.
So in the interest of encouraging you before we all spin off into the business of celebrating Christmas, I'm going to get real.
Do you remember these adorable children who were sweetly waiting for their blueberry muffins? As I am writing this post, the older one is enjoying some time alone in his room because he SCREAMED at his younger brother and shoved him off the couch. But don't you go feeling sorry for that baby boy. He spent some time in the naughty chair earlier today for clonking his big brother on the head with Thomas the Train.
And these beautiful scrapbook paper chains that you all raved about? Well, the scrapbook tape that we used to make the loops isn't holding. Every few minutes, I hear a flick and a shuffle as a loop pops open on the tree and part of the chain falls to the ground. Repairs will be made with staples.
Allow me to share my dining room with you. It has looked like this for a month. Actually, this is pretty good. I cleaned up for an hour last night. The dining room becomes my dumping ground for all projects in process. At Christmas, that gets a little out of control.
And that Christmas yakk on the chandelier? My failed attempt at creating something beautiful. It's OK. I know it's a hideous mess. And I have no intention on trying to fix it because I am done. No more decorating. I've got plastic bins that haven't been opened and another tree that will have to stay in it's box until next year. I'll enjoy what is done and that's that.
And in case you think I'm all sweetness and light...let me assure you that Monster Mommy has been hanging out at our house a little too much lately. And what's worse is that Witchy Wifey usually travels with Monster Mommy. Let this be a pledge to my dear family that I will banish that evil duo.
So, on the off chance you thought that I had it all together, I hope this is an encouragement to you. We're all just doing the best we can. Some days are better than others and I pray that my Lord will cover my failings.
And here's an extra bit of encouragement for a few of you. The winners of my Christmas presents are:
Studio M Design - Magnetic memo board
Mandy - Table runner
Reading Rosie - Snowflake tee
Congrats to the winners! I wish I could send something to everyone.
146 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:
All sounds very familiar to me!!
My table and your table must be twins. I'm so glad to know you are not perfect.
Thanks for being 'real'.
Maybe we should have a real party. LOL
This is a great post! I think that women especially, bury our short comings, problems, issues, worries, regrets, (the list could go on forever) way deep down inside ourselves! It's what we do! We (at least me) can forget that others carry the same burdens as the next. It's easier to be all "things are great! Yep, Yippee"!
Congratulations to the winners, and congratulations to you for keeping it real!
Kimba, you are so brave and wise to share your reality. Our enemy would have us keep up the facade and remain isolated in thinking everyone else has it all together. The Lord has been teaching me this since high school (a long time!) and I still haven't learned it completely!
And you are so right about blogging...I have often read things that leave me feeling like I am falling short as a mother and wife and Christian and whatever!! Jesus is the only standard by which we should be judging ourselves. And wonder why we can accept the imperfect reality in others more easily than we can accept it in ourselves? Anyway, thanks for the reminder to cut myself some slack and keep trying to be more like Christ!
You and I must be on the same wavelength, today. Right down to the Monster Mommy and Witchy Wife (but that may be hormones, combined with stress). Anyhoo, did you read my home tour post. I really wanted to post a gorgeous tour like everyone else, but I knew I didn't have the time or the energy to get my house in the condition it needed to be for that. And the more I thought about it, the more I worried that, in doing so, I might be doing a disservice to some of my friends/readers, who might be feeling overwhelmed at this time. I'd hate for them to think that something is wrong with them if they aren't doing everything I am.
So while I love the beauty and inspiration I find on all of these blogs. I think it is important to pat each other on the back, and get real sometimes, too! Thanks for expressing that so eloquently!
Kimba, I am sitting here with tears in my eyes, and I can't tell if I'm crying or laughing too hard! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for being real. I know you are real, and I know you don't think you're all that and a bag of chips, but sometimes in my mind all I see is my messy, messy house with three dogs and a husband and a nine year old boy and horrible flooring and wish that I could have a Kimba or Nester house. Thanks for reminding me that we all struggle with the same things. You are a treasure!
Yep, thanks. I was going to do a blog house tour this year and our power was out for a couple of days so I missed it. THANK YOU, LORD!! That's all I needed to add more to the "sweet Christmas cheer" I've had going around here. (Ahem. Cough, cough!)
What I almost decided to post was our real Christmas look--the rack and hooks and chair backs all full of drying mittens and gloves and pants and jackets, along with all the mud and leaves and all it brings in. Well, maybe I should! Because maybe what I'm seeing is extra work and less House Beautiful but what my children are seeing is that they get to have fun and their clothes have a place to dry so they can go back out all warm and toasty. Leave it to God to leave the situation the same and change my heart!
Your post was most timely. Thanks!
Wise woman, well said!
Kimba you posted what has been on my heart this past week. I've been meaning to sit down and have a serious disclaimer on my blog. I went around earlier today and took pictures of the disaster that has become my home. I would like my blog to reflect an accurate picture of my life - not just the good, ya know? Thanks for posting this!
Thanks for keeping it real!
Great post.
Merry Christmas to you and yours from Northern Ireland.
I am so glad I found your blog.
This was so much fun to read - and I loved your use of "yakk" as a descriptive.
Maybe you should throw a keeping it real party next...
*eyeing up my husband's cement covered workboots in the front foyer,and the 20 pound sack of potatoes sitting beside my computer desk*
I feel the need for a little emancipation.
Hey! I just looked to my left and saw that Diane thinks so too... great minds think alike!
Happy Friday...
This has been my heart for the past few weeks. I've commented on others and posted a couple "keepin it real" posts, along with shared deep things in my life, but I really desire to be a real person on my blog.
And sometimes it's hard. Because you feel so vulnerable. I don't ever pretend to have it all together, but sometimes it's just easier to post the nice & pretty stuff.
That has been my vow. To make my blog a reflection of me. And sometimes that pictures isn't so pretty.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for saying that Kimba!!! It's so fun to post all the fun projects and things that we are doing, but it's so nice to feel that I have a place that I can vent and feel support in not being perfect. So thanks for keeping it real!
You have no idea how much I needed to hear this message. I am weary beyond words with all that is going on in my life right now, and the pressure to do it all and do it all perfectly, is swallowing me up.
Thank you for being real and for being obedient to the call to show it.
Please pray for me to go to the Lord for my strength and rest.
We were thinking the same thing!! I just posted photos of my messy craft table. ha. I'm glad you're a bit of a mess too:-)
And this is one of the many reasons I *heart* you. Our stuff finally arrived yesterday (huzzah!) and I'm feeling terribly overwhelmed at the moment, but I know it's not going to all get magically put away and look beautiful. It's going to take weeks probably, and I'm cool with that. If someone stops by and are offended that we have a stack of boxes by the Christmas tree and pictures leaning against the wall instead of hanging,well, they can just go home.
Oh yes, "Witchy Wife" or "Nag Hag" as I call her takes up residence with us sometimes too, unfortunately. :-/
Great post!
thanks you don't know how much I needed to hear someone say that today of all days
Being real - perfectly said.
Today I'm such a bad mommy and room mom that all I want is for school to be CLOSED! I'm much to busy today (or I need to be).
Merry Christmas from one real girlie to another.
very refreshing...the more we are all honest with each other about things really are, the more we get some perspective on life!!
I have a dining room table that looks just like that!! lol
Thank you for this post and your honesty!
Love your honesty! Monster Mommy and Witchy Wife visit my house too!
You have no idea how much I needed that. Thank you!
Well, my dining room table looks like that - or worse! I think we all should have a day of posting "the real" in our houses! Merry Christmas!
Thank goodness that you are normal.Sounds like a normal day in the life, at my house!! Except my girls no longer hit each other, they yell and slam doors.
Thanks for all your great ideas and for being so willing to share them with all of us.
Amen sister. We all show our best side, our triumphs and wins and tend to edit out our failures. Just human nature, but I know I have junk in the corners that needs to be cleaned up or confessed occasionally just to keep it real. Bravo for your bravery and for being a real person:>)
Good to read this. You are right...blogging lives can look pretty perfect in still shots. I'm with the second girl who said we should have a "real" party.
Like, for instance, the picture that went on my Christmas cards is cute but only seconds before Monster Mommy came out and told them the next one who kicked the other, made a funny face, couldn't sit up straight and look at the camera would get a spanking...all while yelling of course. IN MY DEFENSE THIS WAS AFTER 20 MINUTES OF TRYING TO GET THE PERFECT PICTURE (SO WE WOULD LOOK LIKE A PERFECT FAM, RIGHT?).
Thanks again and Merry Christmas! You provide so much inspiration for me and I really enjoy reading your blog DAILY!
I totally agree with your insight! Blogs can easily be the best picture of our worlds.
Saw your post on twitter and thought I would drop by and say Hi!
Happy Friday!
Thanks for keepin it real...
thanks for sharing that! It is all so true of all of us! There are days I wish my life was like my fairy tale blog. Its good to know there are others out there who are in the same boat!
Pobody's nerfect!
We cleaned up our son's room a couple weeks ago and hauled out a bunch of out grown clothes, books & toys. His room looks SO good and he's been really good about keepin it cleaned up. But where is all the stuff we hauled out of his room? Still cluttering up the entrance area of our home, crowding the area near the Christmas tree and making it impossible to completely open the front door.
All that to say, looks can be deceiving! And the whole story can't be told unless you let people into the uglier side of things, as well.
Thanks for sharing the "real" you! :)
Good for you Kimba! I love the "real" posts!
Then again, I pretty much love all your posts! :)
Yep, after a month of shuffling around my office due to wrapping paper, bows, scissors, name tags, boxes and gifts sitting around, I just FINALLY have it all cleared our, mailed out and put away this week. I stopped striving for perfection in my housekeeping 4 or 5 years ago. Who cares if there's a little dust.
NONE OF US has a perfect life. although mine comes pretty darn close... LOL
Kimba, this was a funny post and maybe a touch of reality. But, I get the feeling sometimes when a person is "not all that",that it will show up at some point on their posts.When you visit people on a regular basis, you get to know them as friends. I just admit up front, that I'm not all that, so no one expects anything from me. LOL
Witchy wife has been hanging around my house, too. It's time for her to go!
Life is life...the good, the bad, and the ugly (referring to MY dining room table, which has become Dumping Ground Central....actually, it's always that way, no matter the season, as well as my kitchen island...)
Thank you for sharing your reality!
And personally, I think that our kids will look back and reflect on the fun of a "life" lived and enjoyed, messes and all, and will be more humbled and real than trying to put on a "front" of perfection.
Yes, my friend - you know that is what I am all about. Women hear enough "perfection" voices in our head and blogging only intensifies them at times. Please just leave everything on your table and then we can be twins for another few months. :)
Thanks for keeping it real!
I've only just started visiting your blog (and others, Nesting Place comes to mind). I was thinking just yesterday as I was looking around my house - How do they do it??? I just cleaned the house Saturday, top to bottom and now -well, I wouldn't let anyone in that's for sure.
I think I need a zoom lens too.
God Bless you for saying all of this! Sometimes I think I should stop "blog surfing" because I start feeling like everyone is a better decorator, mom, cook, blogger than I am. I don't even have that great of a camera to take photos!!!!
It's especially hard when I see these beautiful homes that people have! I wonder if they have unlimited time and money to make their houses look so fabulous. I have neither the time nor the unlimited money.... and I have a house full of boys and pets! My life is just not a perfectly peaceful and organized existence. Oh well....I guess we have to appreciate what we have and move on :-)
It's nice to see someone "keeping it real". Thanks for that!!
It is nice to be reminded that my children are not the only ones who act up and I am not the only one who can lose it with frustration...I especially like the terms "monster mommy" and her traveling companion, "witchy wife". I might have to use that sometime!
Merry Christmas!
Kimba, that was great! I think we all have times of definitely NOT having it all together & yes, blogging just makes it worse. How many times do I put off cleaning the house, cause my butt is stuck in my computer chair?! If I had kids around, it would only be magnified, I'm sure.
Hope your family has a wonderful, peaceful Christmas! I look forward to sharing with you in the New Year (and seeing you in person at Blissdom!). xo
This is a great "real" post and I can totally relate! My dining room looks just like yours!! Merry Christmas!!!
Ha! It's so true. Great post, Kimba! :-)
Kimba ~ You are just the medicine that I needed this snowy morn....I am cracking up. I recently did the Hooked on Houses Holiday tour and my husband asked..."how did you take these pictures..." because our house is really a big~o~beyond~Christmas~miracle~mess...but all I did was push the crap~ola aside and snapped a photo for the blog...I feel so free this morning now that I have exposed my Christmas Bless you for being "Real"...because being real is the REAL Christmas miracle! Amen!
Smiles ~ Ramona
What an excellent post, Kimba! I, as I'm sure a lot of others, have a tendency to think that other bloggers are holding together much better than myself. It's refreshing to know we're all in the same boat!
Have a wonderful Christmas!!
Looks like real life to me. And I like what I see. It means you love you house (and Kimba it looks great), but you love your sweet family more. You're busy doing things with your children and for your family.
Life is like that isn't it? Thanks for showing us that your family is just like ours - not perfect.
Staple those paper chains back together & have a great weekend.
Kimba, what a beautiful post and great reminder to "keep it real"! Thank you for being authentic and showing the blog world that yes, we all struggle with the same things. I too planned on joining all the Christmas parties but couldn't get everything finished & picked up in time, so I let it go. In the big picture, these things don't matter and are trivial...I have to keep reminding myself of that! (Oh, and thanks for the pic of the table...mine looks like that too...but worse!)
Thank you Thank you Thank you for keeping it real - it's a relief!
Thank you, Kimba. That did make me feel better. We moved in to our new home in June and we have boxes that have not moved an inch since then still sitting on our dining room floor. I just told my 6 year old daughter last week that we don't need "perfect" to be happy, and this was the Christmas of "good enough". I think Jesus will understand, and Santa will still come down that chimney. Hopefully he will not trip over things once he gets down here though . . .
I think that you are my new best friend! Check out my post of "I Want More" from this week. I don't really know anyone that has it ALL together.
I have been seriously thinking about putting my blog down. I kept seeing others having such a perfect life, thinking they are better than others, their decoration are better than others, etc. It got to the point where I am about not to enjoy doing my blog and reading others anymore.
I may read to get a tip on crafting and such but beyound than that... nothing more. I guess what I am trying to say is I am really tired of having my feeling hurt or putting myself down all because I see someone else decoration is far better than mine.
I am very glad to see that you are being very honest about yourself. Wish others would do the same.
For that, I, now, know what to do with my blog.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. You deserve nothing but the best. Much love to you.
Kimba...oh you sweetheart~ I think that is why we all love you so. I too feel the need to be better, try harder,and it just leaves me in knots sometimes. My two oldest are teenagers,,,need I say more about that! Thank you for putting this out there and making us all feel better. You have just inspired me to do a get real post. Thank you my dear friend for keeping us grounded and keeping it "real"! Susie H~
Amen to being real. People have commented multiple times asking how I keep my house so clean... to which I reply that I have a secret editing :-) Thanks for sharing the reality of life.
Love this post! My dining room table ends up a dumping ground too!
Thank you. You will never know how you encouraged me today!
Great Post. I love a real post. We have the evil duo living at our home to, gotta change that right away.
Thank you. Amen.
I am back again to say that you inspired me! I think we should spread a little "keeping it real" in blog land! I have posted some "real" pics on my blog and gave you a shout-out too! :-)
Great post, Kimba. I don't have any little ones around, except when my grandchildren come, but I still identify with what you said. There are times I'm a Not-So-Nice Nana and a Witchy Wife.
It's very easy to get caught up with making things look perfect rather than focusing on what's really important ~ our relationship with the Lord and with people we care about.
Thanks for keeping it real.
Thank for putting it all into perspective. I, too, have a project dumping area. Some day when I am brave enough I will show it to everyone on MY blog. Right now my dumping spot is my sewing room. I can't even go in there to work because my Christmas boxes are piled too high! It's nice to know I'm not alone in this :0)
This is my most favorite post EVER.
And I can't believe Rhoda said "butt". ;)
That was a great post. I often think that I am not perfect enough. In fact, this morning, while posting pictures from last night's popcorn ball making, I was thinking that the kitchen looked messy. Yeah, I didn't put away the yellow dishwashing gloves, nor did I load the dishwasher before I took the photos. :)
Yes, we are all human. I need to remember that and not fret so much.
Thank you for keeping it real..You are right when we feel that somebody is doing something better than ourselves. It's life....But with blogging it shouldn't be. This is our outlet...Kids, I read about the best ones all the time...You hardly ever read about the bad things that kids do. We know that all kids aren't candy kisses and smiles all the time...Oh and if I could take a picture of my house on a daily basis, haha...I clean up once a day in the afternoons or before bed. You should check out the pictures around what is "staged" for the picture! Thanks Kimba for keeping it real!
I have always wanted to do a linky of people and their real lifes. What does your kitchen look like most of the time. HOw about your laundry. Your bathrooms. I know that when I read a fellow friends shortfalls, it makes me feel so much better about my own. I cause it's the whole power in numbers thing. Thanks for keeping it real! It's a wonderful present. I like to think that Mrs. Clause's house is a big fat disaster-at least until the 2nd week in January when she finally has some energy to do something about it!!
Have a fantastic weekend! you deserve it!
So true about blogs being glimpses!
I have that same duo visiting my house too sometimes. I can't stand them! Thank goodness they are visitors and I can boot. them. out!
And my kitchen table and your dining room table are sisters - I just know it! Mine is getting a makeover today! :)
How did the picture of my dining room table end up on your blog? It's nice to know I'm in good company:)
Wonderfully said! sometimes it great to admit our downfalls.... it keeps us humble! No one is perfect.... but striving to be is what keeps us going! Have MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Amen sister!
Thanks for keeping it real! It is so easy to fall into the "everyone else does it better than me" thing.
A wise mother of two young children once told me that every night after tucking her children in, she goes to a quiet room and talks to God about her day with her children. She then goes to the children to ask forgiveness for any harsh or unkind word she made that day. ... thank you so much for being real. After all, Christmas is very much about 'making happy memories' and stories to repeat over the years. - sherylcanadiangirl :-)
Thanks for that glimpse into your "real" life, it does give me encouragement that I am not such a failure in the planning and decorating department! Thanks again! And yes, what I have accomplished will be enough for this year. Except for some more baking. There's always time for baking.
Oh, yes ma'am I wholeheartedly, categorically agree. That's why I've only blogged about every other day or so.....and you're's easy to post the perfect moments or the best photos and leave the rest off. But we all are encouraged by your transparency...and I vow to do the same. Yes, boxes that never got undone, but I am done. Meals/goodies made only in my head.....then serve them corndogs! Let's not add to the stress by portraying It's a Wonderful Life when we know life happens moment by moment by God's grace....Witchy and Monster love to visit, but by His grace we can walk true to who we are because of Him, and not succumb to the stress that we heap upon ourselves. Merry Christmas and thanks for keeping it real.
I stopped by the first time the other day when you posted about the paper chains. The close up of the tree looked simply beautiful. My tree is the homemade, kid decorated version. Anyway, I checked back today and really enjoyed your post! Thanks for being real.
Love you, love you, love you! I was commenting to my sister how that I don't have my bathroom or kitchen decorated for Christmas and so many bloggers show beautiful decor in every room! I was doing good just to have minimal decor this year. Thanks for encouraging me with your post and keeping it real for all of us.
Thanks for this. I was just blog surfing and feeling kinda, well, over-inspired (and completely bummed out). It's nice to see other "real" people out there.
Monster mommy and witchy wife have been hanging around my house too. I hate it! Thanks for the real post.
Wow! Thanks for this post. This year I just gave up and didn't even house is in a mess and I knew it wouldn't be done for Christmas. We are painting, packing and doing??? We hope to move soon. Well, if we can find a house and rent this one.
What a dear you are! Thanks for keeping it real.
I loved the description of Monster Mommy being followed closely by Witchy Wifey. I KNOW we all understand that.
Glad we have the GRACE to move on each day and reflect His love once again.
Blessings, sister!
Thank you so much for this heart felt post. I'm an newlywed and after having been a big reader of your blog pre-marriage, I came into marriage thinking my house needed to be nicely decorated and rehabs needed to take place immediately...but I just can't do it. It's better, I find, to have a clean home, than nicely decorated home. Not to mention, a happy husband than Christmas decorations everywhere.
Thank you for reminding us that you do not always have it together, and that you're not perfect. You are so talented, it's good to see a "real" person behind it all. Because that's what we women are.
Thanks for this post. It means so much to me.
So you have one of those tables too! I try to get rid of mine, but it just never leaves!
Cute post! Isn't it nice to know that we're all completely human☺
Love your blog!
Thank you. Thank you. You really spoke straight to my heart with your dining room table. Mine is always a mess and it's one of the most discouraging parts of my day. Constantly picking up after a hubby who leaves a trail of stuff wherever he goes. Thanks for being real. It's all I can say. Thank you.
Here I thought I was on a little dingy all by myself! But I see now, I am cruzin' on a big old tug boat and there is a mighty big crew on board! (Hope you get my drift.)
So glad to not be alone. :~}
How did you get into my house and take pictures of my dining room? LOL!
I like real. I like your blog. Consider yourself on my reading list! :)
Excellent, come by and visit my dining table, also been like that for a month! My Mum thinks we are either on diets or eating off the floor! Rachaelxo
I heart you and this post! We all have the same things going on!
THANK YOU for this post!!
Thanks for sharing the dark side! As I travel through the first trimester of my second pregnancy, Monster Mommy and Witchy Wife are around our house too. A day at a time, an hour at a time that's my motto! I'm glad to see others can relate!
Merry Christmas early!
Just read Diane @ A picture is Worth's comment about having a real party! What a great idea! And so needed after all the holiday goodness shared earlier.
SAY IT AIN'T SO!! I was so sure you were that woman I've heard about in Myths and Legends...dang way to pop my bubble! LOL this is such a cute post. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a dining table that looks like that!!!
I'm wandering through the bits and bytes of computerland today, thanks to a snow day in Michigan! I stumbled here, a bit dazed and dazzled on the Christmas Tour of Homes. Had no idea of such things and my family probably is glad I didn't up until today, when I actually had a little time to spare.
Anyhow, thank you for your honesty in today's post. I made my sides split. I should post a photo of my dining room table.
God bless you and I will be returning to your site, if ever I can find it again!
I love your posts Kimba. Thanks for being so authentic with us. You rock.
Oh Kimba, how wonderful is your blog today. As I get older, I realize more and more that we are all a bit bent and broken. We need to give ourselves a break, don't we?
Blessings ~ Eileen
Well, it's very good to know that, you too, are HUMAN. Been there, done that :)
Merry CHRISTmas!
Thank you for keeping it real, Kimba! I am with you 100%, as I am sure are all your other readers. It's such a fun season but there are so many imperfections. Just the other day I wanted to have a cozy little moment making shortbread cookies with my two year old daughter. Crazy Type A Mommy made an appearance when she started licking the flour off her hands and rubbing it in her hair. It was a lovely Christmas moment, as I am sure you can imagine! We all have them. I appreciate you being honest about it all!
Have a great Christmas though! I love coming to visit you.
So true! I love that you wrote about it! There are so many of those imperfect things...I wouldn't know where to start!
Thank you!! I don't feel so guilty now for my "Holiday Decor" if you could call it that. Thanks for the laughs. I love real people.
WOW! I won???????? Little ol' me??? I never win anything, I usually am the one giving away! Yeah me! Thanks Kimba, I love the goodies that you create. Creating is a beautiful thing, you know. And as many things as I make,I never think to take play-by-play pictures. I am so eager now to see this gift! So excited. I will have to announce it on my blog!
It's so funny that you talked about being real, you should see the spritz cookies I just took out of the oven. They finally got pulled out of the cookie press with my fingers and rolled up like peanut butter cookies with the big fork technique instead! They are hideous but delicious! I would send you some, but you would crack up!
Thanks again! oh and by the way, you have the best tassels ever. If (probably never) I ever get to open a store I will be calling. As a matter of fact, I know the perfect store here in North Georgia that they would be perfect in...we can chat about that later.
Thanks Kimba, you rock!
Dearest Kimba,
Your subject of being real has ministered to me deeply. I needed to hear that I am not alone. This has been a tough year. There are a few empty chairs around my table this year. Some physically and some emotionally. That tends to create an anxious mommy inside of me.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Thank you Kimba! It helps so much to know I'm not alone in the reality department! :) Merry Christmas!
Hi Kimba :)
This was a great post LOL
My office is a wreck filled with boxes kept for moving and I still haven't polished the silver for Christmas Day dinner for 12. I have a Christmas craft project that needs to get done (could it be any later LOL) on my kitchen table that I've been shoving over to let my family eat dinner every night and I think my floors are wood, but I wouldn't know right now LOL
It's not that I'm hiding it, but I just figure we all have a mess going on somewhere, so no one wants to see mine. Yours on the other hand is not anywhere near as bad as you think. Oh and your kids... I remember what that was like. Mine are just older now, but don't think that evil mommy isn't still lurking here in this house. She's just yelling about different things ;)
Have a Merry Christmas and relax. A wise woman once said "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful" ;)
OOOO I like the idea of a real party too! Really this was a much needed post to read! Monster Mommy and Witchy Wife have just come from my house too! Thanks
Fab post!
BTHank you for keeping it real. It's an easy temptation to think that all of these other amazing bloggers out there are 'better' than we are, when in reality, we all have our issues. Thank you for this, and MERRY Christmas! It sounds all so familiar, and believe me when I say, a post like this is SO encouraging!!! Thank you for that! God bless you and your family!
That's the beauty of life - all of the imperfections, craziness, etc.
Thanks for sharing!
Sounds perfect to me!! Life would be so boring any other way. I was going to do a similar post. A lot of magic can happen with the right camera angle. ;)
As I was vacuuming, getting ready for a holiday party I'm hosting (trying to make my house seem like it LOOKS clean all the time) I thought about your blog. I love your blog. I love your wonderful ideas, your energy, the people who post on your blog. But now, TODAY, I love your blog more....because I can relate even more. Thanks for keeping it real, because realy people read your blog.
Merry Christmas to your and your wonderful family!
Thanks for being real. I have always thought that you were :)I have heard so many people say the same thing about blogging. It is kind of like dating, we put our best foot forward. There is no such thing as a perfect family and if a family seems like they are, there is something that they are not telling.
I found your blog searching "how to hang a wreath on a mirror." I love this entry! It is so true how we begin to think we aren't as good as others. Thanks for being so real. Maybe we should all do a post just like this. I loved your wreath entry by the way:)
I stumbled across your blog for the first time this morning. I've been inspired and as soon as Christmas has passed I think I'll tackle a few fun decorating projects.
Thanks for the inspiration and for keeping it real. What a great reminder during this busy season where we all want to get it just right all while keeping everyone happy. (I'm sure some of that is just hardwired into us as women.)
I love this post. I have three small boys and I always have delusions of grandeur about the holidays.
In my head I plan a Martha Stewart Christmas, but we end up being more like the Griswold's.
There is nothing that keeps it more real than three little boys I tell you.;
Thanks for the photo of your dining-room table. My table looks much the same.
Ahhh, it is sooo nice to have company.
I understand every bit of it! I took boxes of decorations back to storange the other day because I felt like I was making it more of a priority than it needed to be. We don't need the perfect decoration in every corner to have a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for sharing your beautiful life and real family with all of us!
Merry Christmas!
Squeal with delight! I just now read that I was the winner of the Snowflake Tee! Thanks so much.
Kimba, thanks for being real and reminding us of that hidden danger! It's so true. Have a very, very merry Christmas. Kelly
Christmas yakk... that's hilarious! I laughed so hard, my husband had to find out what was wrong!
Kimba, You are real, thank God. We all know life is not perfect. If you want to see real come look at my cookie day. Posted Friday. That is as real as it gets. I guarantee a few good laughs.
Thanks for sharing your real life I am still smiling.
Christmas love...Jeanne
Your table especially makes me feel better!! I am really glad you did this post. It's nice to be reminded that many of us have the same struggles that we go through.
Thank you! Have a Merry Imperfect Christmas!! :)
I loved this post. Boy if we all share our realities. Talk about opening up a bunch of cans of worms. It would be very interesting. I'm sure we would all find that we have more in common than we know. Thanks for sharing.
Awww thanks for that, I really needed it today!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours--
Were you at my house? Thanks for being real. Can I borrow this idea for my blog?
It's nice to be reminded I'm not the only one! Thanks for keeping it real.
Great post. It's nice to keep it real!
Thanks for such a great post. With Christmas coming ever so closer and me so not ready and feeling like I'm failing, it helps to know that there are other people out there like me and things don't have to be perfect.
So, so true! I'm going to have to blog about what my LAUNDRY pile looks like after all the business of Christmas.....and about how my christmas tree didn't actually fit in my house once got it home which meant we had to cut off the top :)
THanks for the smiles and Merry Christmas!
I just came across your blog and was supose to red this post. What an encouragment to me as a mother that I'm not alone in this journey. Thank you!
I love this post! Thank you for your encouragement to all of us. Some days, we do need to look around and just get real.
I just wanted to add my thank you in. I read yours and so many of your friends' blogs and it's nice to know that you guys are real. I do envy your crafty sides and try to do some of your ideas... but more often then not, it's just pure envy. :) At least I know you struggle with "it," too. :)
I LOVE it! I was going to do a similar post but haven't found time - ha! Up until Saturday, my dining room looked like the SL@H warehouse with all the sale orders I had to fulfill! I think I had 13 BIG boxes of stuff! Thanks for keeping it real!
This post makes me smile bigger than the most adorable DIY project. :)
Oh yes...welcome to my humble pie home too! I did a bit of a post on it this morning!
Love your "keepin' it real" post!!
Thanks for being real!! It sounded just like me. Mean Mommy and Complaining Wife are at my house. We need to hear that we are not alone. Thanks again!
Hi there, stumbled upon you via Blog of MBW - in Germany.
What a refreshingly honest account of writing a blog!! A girl after my own heart.
I have a 2 year old, a 9 month old, 2 dogs, a house that we just moved into with hardly any furniture (at least not any without holes or stains) and no decorating sense at all. I have been keeping up with your blog and a few others for a few months now. I have been wondering what, besides my lacking bank account and full time job, has been keeping me from trying some of these things. Thank you for putting it into perspective. This Christmas we can't afford any new decorations or many presents, but we are together. In a house we finally own and love, even with it's empty rooms and mis-matched furniture. I feel blessed and thankful. Thank you for reminding me how lucky I am.
Just found your blog and I LOVE this POST!!!!!!!! It is SO true. People make all kinds of assumptions (mostly positive) about my family from the small glimpse I offer. LOVE this!!!!
A Monster mommy And WitCHEY WIFE OF LATE)
I'm sorry I missed this Friday. You spoke right to my heart. The Madwoman of Menopause lives has been at my house for waaaaaay too long. Sometimes I'm nicer to the dog than I am to my husband!
And you're right. I read these blogs and think, "These are super women. They manage houses and toddlers and businesses and don't seem to lose it at all. I'm just not that good."
Thank you for reminding me that we all have our moments and we all are only human.
Thank you. Thank you for making me feel a little more "normal" in this crazy Mommy kind of world!!
Aren't we thankful that Jesus does cover us??
**By the dining room is my dumping ground too...haha!
Just found your blog- I'll be back for sure! I so appreciate reading a post like this one. Nice to know I'm not the only imperfect being in the blogshere. Sometimes I get to feeling like I'll never measure up...
Thanks for "keeping it real"!
I was going to write a post about "blog-life envy" soon. May I quote you and of course link to you? Let me know via email if you don't mind! (mamastoff at gmail dot com)
Amen sister!!!! I hear ye & know where your coming from!! hehahe
Thanks for all the great posts - tho this is my "for real favorite!" Nester's fallen garland is a close second, along w/her pict of boys crawling on table. ;-) Hope to see the Keepin It Real Party SOON. I could relate perfectly. Some (distant) friends think I have my act together with horses, chickens, children and decor - NOT! My tiny working farm house has all kinds of animal and toddler YUKK everywhere... (I have a 2 1/2 yo and just turned 5 y.o. Dec 27th - with a preschooler party here-phew talk about clearing the table too many times!)
You ladies in blogland have truly inspired me to try crafts I wouldn't have without your prompting and because of YOU my home makes me happier. Still I've discovered that aiming high, then cutting my losses when deadlines can't be met w/out a meltdown actually works best. So long as nobody tries to see "my" (dumping) room I can muddle thru...
This Christmas I fell into bed near midnight too often after I made all my gifts. One night I turned on TV to find the story of Jesus and prayed hard that I could keep my focus and feeling on Christ and stop decorating & gift making when too many don't even have a warm spot of their own. We had a leaner Christmas & birthday party than usual(our extended family gives to charities + small gifts), but it FELT much richer.
Thanks again for the crafty AND spiritual inspiration! Hope yours was blessed and the New Year brings you great JOY!
Hi Kimba,
Boy, you hit the nail on the head. At times I do go away feeling really bad about my house and my life compared to others more glamorous and clean homes. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one struggling with these feelings.
I love this post. I think this is one of my favorite posts that I have read any where... a real honest post that makes us all connected and know it's okay to have a messy dinning room table and to put your kids in time out and that all kids act up and also that we are sometimes Monster Mommy and Witchy Wife... that just happens.
thanks for keeping it real and sharing it with all of us... who are exactly the same!! :)
I have enjoyed reading your blog this year and I look forward to reading more of it in 2009!
xoxoxo have a happy and healthy new year.
I know I'm almost a year late, but this is the most AMAZING post I've read EVER!!! I posted a picture of my kitchen earlier today and I was thinking to myself "this is so fake"!!! My kitchen hardly ever look like that! After I sat the camera down it was like saying "CUT" and all of the mess came right back to where it was pre-photo!!! Thanks for being "real" because I think we all forget that!
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