12 January 2009

The After-Christmas Mantle

Or is it mantel? Either way...I never know what to do with my mantel/mantle after Christmas. After all of the more is more decorating of Christmas, I am ready for clean and simple.

But I live in Pennsylvania. I can't even begin to pretend that spring is on the way until at least March. Way too depressing otherwise. So what do you do when it's post-Christmas but still the dead of winter?

Here's what I came up with.

Snowflakes are winter, right? Pinecones too.

Those candles will definitely get burned and so will the wood on the hearth. It's COLD here! Like single-digit cold.

My Valentine's pins are almost SOLD OUT! You guys are the best. If you ordered one, I plan to have them all in the mail by this weekend. If you're still interested, you can get one by clicking right here.

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62 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Lulu said...

the mantle looks great!

Tiffany said...

I agree, snowflakes and pinecones should be on displace right through to Spring. I really like the simplicity of decorating after the Christmas season. It's like recovering from over stimulation. :)

Christi said...

LOVE it! Where oh where did you find that snowflake?

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

Looks great to me!

Unknown said...

Oh - great decorations! I was wondering what to do and had thought of winter. This helps me and I like the clean and simple feel of it.

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Yes snowflakes & pinecones, logs on the hearth are all winter! Looks great! You could even use SnoWonder (faux snow) in those hurricanes.

Kasey said...

I really like it. Nice touch.

Andrea P. said...

If I weren't so turned off by snow right now I would decorate with snow flakes as well.

I think you mantle looks beautiful. Simple and classy. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Allison said...

Love the giant snowflake!

Just purchased one of your pins! I have been away from blogworld for a little over a week for some personal issues, so I missed the first post about them. So cute and I hope you still have one for me! (It is under Bethany A Lemme)

Have a great week and stay WARM!

Wendy said...

I like the "mossy" snowflake. Very organic and pretty!

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

I've been trying to figure out what to put in my apothecary jars! I just can't bring myself to put any shells or anything that will make me long for warmer days any more than I already do. The mantle looks great!

Amber Filkins said...

It looks beautiful!!! But I'm most shocked by the fact that you live in Pennsylvania. I guess I never knew that??? Well, you learn something new every day!

Anyways, it's beautiful and serene!

Anonymous said...

love the mantle...I hate mine!! it's coming down eventially (so I stole the picture of yours) and right now I need desperatly to "lighten" it up...I've been thinking about a mirror...

Anonymous said...

Oh man I love the mantle!!!! and I think you can go for snowflakes...now me, down here in South Texas...I am just hoping for a 60 degree day!!!!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Simply beautiful! Bravo! Bravo! I live in AZ where 60 degrees feels like a blizzard to us...lol! I'm originally an OH gal so I MISS those seasonal changes!!! Waaahhh...that's me crying...very homesick...Now I'm gonna unpack my big snowflakes and put them out for a bit! Thanks for the inspiration!

Betsy said...

Looks terrific. Cannot relate to the cold though. 60s here today in Texas.

Anna Molly said...

You are so fortunate to have a fireplace and your mantle is BEAUTIFUL! You re so inspirational to me. I got into this whole blogging thing last week (i'm a total virgin) because of your blog and I'm following it. Thank you! :)

The Runyans said...


hobby lobby was 90 percent off today. lots of great stuff left!

Valarie Lea said...

Thats a really cool snowflake! Where did you get it?

Erica Shurter said...

Love it! :)

Erika said...

Okay, I just took my two new boxes of $0.59 pine cones to the basement! Now I'm going to have to go get them. At this moment it's winter here, but ask me in five minutes...

Thanks for the great winter decor ideas!!

Sarah Mae said...

Kimba, so simple and lovely! I have to admit though, when I first saw the up close picture I thought, "what kind of moldy thing is that?" Once I saw the whole shebang I was impressed - as usual! :)

Lana said...

The mantle looks great! I think snowflakes are definately a symbol for winter. I love your Valentine pins. They are very pretty.

Heathahlee said...

I want to know where you got that snowflake, too! Very wintery without looking Chrismas-y! I have white and silver and snowflakes left on my piano where all my snowmen were. Sound Man made me put up all the snowmen because they looked too Christmas, he said. However, I did sneak one more picture to keep since I didn't get it finished until we had taken all the decorations down.

Oh, and the word you are looking for is "mantel". "Mantle" is like a cape or something. I'm not that smart, I just looked it up because I wanted to know, too! : )

Pretty Organizer said...

Fantastic! We're already into the 70's again... bring on spring:) I get the simplify thing. Christmas congestion wears on you!

Rune said...

You are so creative:)
Very nice.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!!

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

Love it! Where'd you find that great snowflake?

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I just redid my mantel yesterday. I'm keeping some of my snowflakes and snowmen up...because in Canada, we will still be seeing snow until oh, end of May. No joke. But I'm originally a PA girl! And still am in heart. Woo hoo for PA!

Amy said...

I really like it - simple & wintery, but not empty! One day, I'll get it together for seasonal decor. . .

Georgia Girl said...

Love your winter decor Kimba...really neat snowflake on the mirror!

Virginia said...

Love the snowflake!!!!Looks beautiful.
Virginia :)

Meghan said...

Love it!
Love it!
Love it!

Natalia said...

Your mantle looks great!

Those pins are adorable,


Angie said...

I think your mantel looks awesome! Congrats on selling so many pins!

Anonymous said...

Being from Wisconsin...I'm picking up what you're putting down. Can't think about spring until at least March...but more like April!! My seed/bulb catalogs are starting to roll in already! We'll be struggling to make it out of the single digits all week!! Yikes.

Have a great week...the mantle looks fab!

Anonymous said...

It looks great and I think it good when your actually going to used the wood and candles...not just look at them! :-)

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I love the rustic snowflake! Plus the greenish in the moss helps reminds you that spring will be here...eventually. :-) I'm in NJ so I know that it's no time soon. Brrrr.

Runner Mom said...

I like the snowflake idea! I also continue to use my snowmen stuff from Christmas.

I need an overhaul for my study! Wish you lived closer! Wow! Pennsylvannia!


Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

I love the simple beauty of your mantle/mantel. That word has been bugging me for a while. I must look it up once and for all so that I will know how to use it appropriately. Btw, did you make that lovely snowflake? If so...how?

Glitter & Bliss said...

I love your simple mantle. I also love your Valentine pins. How precious are these!!! Thanks for stopping by my little blog. Leslie

Queen Bean said...

ooh I love that giant snowflake. Deana

Unknown said...

Perfect and simple. You're right, just what we all need after the excess of Christmas. Of course, tulips are simple too, but we'll just have to wait for them.

Unknown said...

Your mantle looks great Kimba!

Unknown said...

The mantle/mantel looks perfectly post christmas! I always feel like my house looks a little sad and empty after Christmas :(

& I KNEW those pins of yours would sell quickly the moment you posted them! So cute :)

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

I hate being stuck between Christmas and Spring...the mantle looks fabulous-simple & chic. I love stopping by your blog.

Anonymous said...

Very warm and inviting Kimba! Love the stone fireplace. My stone stops at the surround, I love how yours goes all the way up the wall. Do you still have your giant pine cones up?

HSingMama said...

I love your mantle. It looks great.

Cassie said...

I think snowflakes are perfect for this time between Christmas and Spring! Great job on your pins, they really are so lovely!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Kimba --

Your mantle is gorgeous! I love the giant snowflake! Perfect for January!

Have a great night!


Jennifer P. said...

wintery is perfect! Spring stuff out too soon is depressing, especially when it's still FREEZING :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely mantle! I didn't know you were from PA. I'm in Lancaster.

Tori Leslie said...

I think it's just perfect, love the rustic look!

Your pin is so cute!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

The mantel looks so inviting. Craqnk that fire! Its cold here too. Did you make the snowflake? If so how?

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! Did you make the snowflake?

Anonymous said...

Fabulous mantle! You sure did something right, it looks awesome!

Emily said...

I love your mantle and what a beautiful fireplace.

The Beauty Bargainista said...

ohhh, I love this look! :) GREAT job!! We acutally put our fall decorations back up, but I love this "winter" look!

Susan of Pink Portuguese Roses said...

You could always go with Valentine's Day. That's what I'll be up to today....LOL!


Karen said...

love the look of the mantle. nice going kimba!

Cresta said...

I've been having the same problem! Great idea!

The Lunch Lady said...

I'm a PA girl too! I didn't know you lived in my state!

I have to admit, I left up my garland on my fireplace. My hubby asked me to! He loved it so much.

I don't have a mantel, just a hugemongous floor to ceiling fireplace, sometimes I wish I had one....