16 October 2008

You Can Make This

I have been drooling over those expensive stick bundles (willow bundles) that you see in all the stores lately. Well, not actually drooling on all of them. That would be gross. But I have been wishing that I could have one (or two) in my house. But the ones I was looking at the other day were between $25 & $35. YIKES! Not happening!

So, of course, I had to try and make my own.

What do you think? So easy and only $4.00!

A couple of tin cans that I spray painted brown (of course). That's so that if a bit of the can shows through the final product, you won't really be able to tell. Then I put some plaster of paris in the bottom of each can for weight. You could use anything you wanted to give them some weight. But I wanted to make sure that whatever was in mine didn't spill out when my little hooligans knock them over. :-)

Then hot glue a piece of floral foam into the can right on top of the hardened plaster.

And start sticking in your sticks. My stick-grass stuff came in a big bundle from Joanne for $4.00 (50% off!).

And hot gluing the sticks around the outside of the can. Don't worry if a bit of the can shows through because you painted the can brown, remember?

A little rustic twine to finish off the bottom.

Wrap it around a few times.

Then tie another piece of twine right above the top of the can.

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97 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

The Birds Nest said...

Love it!! Where did you get your sticks?

Shilo said...

Ok...this settles it. You are definitely a genius! I never would have thought of that! I guess that's why I have you to borrow ideas from! :)

Janell said...

I bet a glass coke bottle would work too!? This is super cute!!! You always have THE BEST ideas EVER! BTW...I LOVE your black island in your kitchen! (I want one) ADORABLE!!! =0]

Anonymous said...

Aren't you somebody special making something so easy and classy looking.
Thanks for teaching us how to make a pretty.

{oc cottage} said...

Completely cute! Way to go!

M ^..^

Ashley said...

These look awesome! They would be so pretty for a Thanks giving centerpiece. You are so creative.

Anonymous said...

WOW! That is really really cool!! I may have to copy :)

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

That's a great idea! I'll have to try that!

Shannon @ Silver Trappings said...

Wow, you did a great job! They look wonderful!


Lacey in the Sky said...

I have been seeing these in stores too and loving them! I can't believe you did this for $4!! AMAZING!

jeana said...

glad you posted that bit of goodness! I was at the store today wishing I had some...and refusing to pay $40 for sticks... :) now I know how to make my own...THANKS!

cherry said...

Sooo pretty! cherry

My2Gs said...

You are so clever! I love it :)

Empty Nest Full Life said...

That is great! Who would have ever known. That is a definite must to try. Jackie

Marie said...

What a great idea and it looks like you paid a lot of money for them! I love those stick bundles, but agree....so pricey!

Kristen said...

I'm like you--I've been loving the stick bundles, but not the price. Definitely going to have to give this one a try!

Suzann said...

Okay, when I saw your title, I laughed and said to myself, "Self, isn't she in for a chuckle! It should say, you can make this if your name isn't..."
Then I read through it all and holy smokes bat girl, I betcha I CAN make that! LOVE IT! And O.M.G. (that's just "OH" "EM" "GEE")do I LOVE your kitchen!!
I am going to give those doo-dads a whirl MIss Kimba - Thanks!

hotmama said...

what a great idea.. too clever!

CMB said...

I think they look even better than the ones in the stores!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Love your sticks! They look great! (Laughed at how gross it would be to actually drool over them. Ha.) -Julia :-)

Hyperactive Lu said...

Great idea! I might steal this!

Darlene said...

Those are GREAT!!! What a fabulous idea!

Sarah Mae said...

That is AWESOME! You know what I did, I went outside in my yard and picked up a bunch of thin, tall sticks then stuck them in a clear vase! Very nature-y! :)

Andrea said...

Fantastic... I never would have thought to glue them to the outside!

Anonymous said...

Wow! those look great.

duchess said...

Wonderful project. I've also been eyeing those at stores but couldn't bring myself to purchase -maybe now I can copy. :)

Alison said...

Kimba~this looks great!! Nobody would ever know that you made that for $4!Wowsers~Where did you get the sticks?

Lauren and Justin said...

wowza! good job, kimba! this is definitely a success!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Very cute, Kimba! You are such a crafty girl.

TidyMom said...

you are SO clever and crafty!! I bow down to you!!! LOL

Good job!


Inspired Kara said...

This is the best DIY of the entire fall blog season. Hands down.


Tiffany said...

This is FANTASTIC! I would make one myself, but my cats would try to eat it.

Heather said...

It amazes me of the creative streak you have. I truly am green with envy!

Avery Tales said...

Wow!! How awesome is that?? I'm printing this and I'm going to try this little project over the weekend! Can't wait to read more of your blog.

Jennifer said...

that looks great! oh and you totally inspired me to paint some pumpkins this year! i even painted some purple to go in my little girls' room! :)

Candice said...

Wow...What a great idea!! You always have such great ideas!

My Three Girls (The A girls) said...

super duper crafty..Miss Kimba

Were you always so crafty or is this a new skill since you started blogging???

Anonymous said...

Love it love it love it...I see those all the time, and think they look so cool...but you are right, just to expensive...

Anonymous said...

Fabulous project! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting on my pumpkin topiaries. I appreciate that so much!

queenbee said...

This looks great. I definately will be giving this a try.

Wendy said...

Very pretty...you are a clever lady!

Tanya said...

cute cute cute! such a good idea.

Amy Jo said...

ahhhh. Great idea! That would be fun for my mantle. I'm always looking for something that has height.

Unknown said...

You are just so clever! That looks wonderful!

Valarie Lea said...

Have I told you lately that you are AWESOME!!!

Aubrey said...

I say you're awesome, too. That looks so fabulous. And hello fabulous saving big money!

Melissa said...

Kimba~it looks fantastic! Such a creative idea. I'm thinking it might be cool with wheat for autumn as well~what do you think? Hmmmmm....you've got my wheels turning

Kara said...

WOW! You have amazing ideas. I love it!!!! I might have to try it myself, actually ; ) Thanks!

The Lunch Lady said...

Great job! That's right up my alley. Thanks for sharing. I knew you had to find a way to put spray painting in there somewhere!

Heathahlee said...

You are amazing, sister.

Sarah said...

Genius! Love your ideas you come up with.

Kris said...

nicely done~!

Richella Parham said...

Kimba, you rock! A friend told me about your site, and I am hooked. I've read your entire blog. I feel as though I know you, and I so wish that I could meet you in person. God bless you for being so generous with your ideas. You are a real blessing to me!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Looks easy, too!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, love thanks for sharing....Pat H

We're Blessed said...

I LOVE this! It would be great as decorations for the Thanksgiving table!!!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Oh my gosh, how creative!

stephanie h said...

That looks AMAZING! I am soo gonna try this! :)

anne said...

um yeah...I'm in love. :)

Laura said...

I need to make some. Those would look great on my empty dining table.

Home as Hobby said...

You little crafty critter! I love them!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Brilliant!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Way to go! I love this idea and wish I had somewhere to put some so I could copy you!

martha said...

Reeeeeealy good idea, Kimba.
And thanks for the tutorial.
You're the best!

Anonymous said...

A-maz-ing! I wish I could just look at something, then make it!
What kind of sticks did you use?

Holly said...

OOH I am intrigued!! What a fabulous idea. I love the pumpkin too.

Deb said...

This is my first visit to your blog! Your willow bundles are fabulous. Such a great idea.

Blogger said...

Very creative, Kimba!!! :) :)

I love that your refrigerator door has stuff on it...a family lives in your home :)


Julie said...

I love this idea! great job they look cute on your table I will have to try this one

bloggin' Chrystal said...

Wow...that's incredibly cool! Looks like so much fun too. Kimba...I've been eyeing those sticks too...wasn't paying for them though.

KKB said...

Thanks for that tutorial! Do you think they would work well with bigger/fatter cans? I was thinking for my mantle...Great idea, thanks so much!

Ankeney Tribe said...

That is SO GREAT!! Thanks for sharing the idea! I four little bundles of sticks at the dollar store and stuck them in an old milking can that I spray-painted black...it looks pretty nice, but I LOVE yours!!

Amy said...

Way to go! These are awesome!

Rachelle said...

Loving your blog! This is the best idea E-V-E-R! you saved me a lot of money on a pile of sticks. :)Thanks!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

So cool-love it!

The Beauty Bargainista said...

wow! These are great, and I love the pumpkin too! What a great table setting!!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

You are BRILLIANT!! I'm NOT kidding -- I've been eyeing these at Target for weeks. But they are $40 each! No way! I couldn't figure out how to make my own and now I don't have to! So cool, thanks for posting this, it looks great.

kate said...

That's amazing. I never would have thought of that, nor would I spend $30 on a bundle of sticks! You go girl! :)

Anonymous said...

Love it! You are incredibly talented!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

love this project!1 Thanks for the easy follow along photos! If my cat won't eat it, it will make a great centerpiece for Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

OOOH i love this! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love this, I am totally going to have to try it. Thanks!

Jennifer said...

AWESOME idea! Looks great and I may have to try that.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word. I was just looking at the bundles in Target. Your idea rocks! I will have to try this out.

I'm Jaime said...

Love those sticks-- so creative! and I love the cute pumpkin!

Ramona said...

Bravo....wonderful job!

It looks beautiful on your table.

Smiles ~ Ramona

Four Paws and Co said...

I'm so impressed! This is awesome! :0} Diane

Valley Girl said...

First of all, you have a hot glue gun in a picture, LOVE!!!! You are my kind of girl. Listen, I keep a roll of Duct Tape in my car... you just never know!

Eve said...

Very clever - and so pretty!

Avery Tales said...

I loved this so much I decided to try it out myself! It was my weekend project and my kitchen table looks FABULOUS!! I'm going to post pictures to my blog in the morning and give you all the credit of course. Thanks so much for sharing these tips. My interior designer mother was even impressed, which says a lot!

Krys72599 said...


AliceAnderson said...

Brilliant! I love finding such good, cost effective ideas. One of the best things about Blogland in my opinion. :)

I think I'll have to try this for my mantle. I already have the twigs/grass.

Now to find twine like that...

Flipperdelph said...

Such a cool idea, you're a genius ! I'll try this if I find sticks...thank you !

Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad said...

Super cute!

Suzi said...

I LOVE these!!! I never buy these stick things cuz they are so pricey--thanks soo much-I am totally trying this out! Love your blog, gotta go back to reading!!!

Positively Creative! said...

OMGoodness, I am totally trying this one, I absolutely love these, so creative you are and SO nice of you to share your talents!!

Sue said...

A little late, but have to say....you are genius!