11 May 2008

Blessings to this Mother's Heart

As moms we often wonder if the lessons that we're trying to teach our children are sinking in. Is anything getting in there? It's such a blessing when God gives us a glimpse into their little hearts. I thought I'd share two little stories that were huge blessings to me in the past couple of weeks. Maybe they'll be blessings to you too.

Both of these stories involve my four-year old. Isn't he cute?
I've been trying to teach him that we need to pray for other people. Even if we don't know them. Whenever we're in the car and an ambulance or fire truck goes by with the sirens blaring, we pray for all the people involved. For their safety, their piece of mind, their salvation. Usually this involves me praying aloud, with my eyes open of course, and the kids listening. We'd done this a few times when this conversation happened.

Ambulance races by with sirens screaming

Me: "Hey kiddo, did you see that? What do you think we should do?"

Kiddo: Silence

Me: "Hey kiddo, did you hear me?"

Kiddo: Silence

Me: (a little annoyed) "HELLO. CAN YOU HEAR ME?

Kiddo: (very annoyed) "Mom! An ambulance just went by! I'm praying. Shhhhhhhhh!!"

Me: (wipes tears from my eyes)

Second story...

A few nights ago we were reading from Kiddo's Jesus Storybook Bible at bedtime. We were reading the chapter about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Obviously, the story is very intense and Kiddo is really engaged in a way that I haven't seen before. As I get to the part where the soldiers come to take Jesus away, Kiddo looks at me with huge tears in his eyes and says, "Mommy, is Jesus going to die or something?"

Oh, I thought my little heart was going to burst wide open! We have read this before. He knows what happened. He will tell you that Jesus died for our sins but this was the first time I saw him actually "get it".
If only we could all keep that type of emotion when we remember what had to be done to save us from our sins. The enormity of what was done for us can't be put into words.

Now just to be fair, here's a picture of my other cutie-pie.
Happy Mother's Day to you all!

6 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Karla Porter Archer said...

Happy Mother's Day!!

You won the Framed Nest from The Nesting Place that we are giving away at Blissfully Domestic!

I will need you to either email me or The Nester your mailing address so that we can get it sent out to you!

I hope you enjoy it!


Heathahlee said...

Oooooh, Kim, I am SOOOOO jealous!!! Here I was going to comment about your sweet, sweet post and then thank you so much for your sweet, sweet comments you've left for me, and now I'm just too jealous! Not really. If I couldn't win it, I'm so glad you did! Woo hoo!

Sally Lloyd-Jones said...

Hi Kimba

I'm the author of The Jesus Storybook Bible and I came across your blog via a google alert thing and thought I'd stop by and say Hi.

And also tell you how moved I was to read your post about your (ultra cute) four-year old.

Thanks for sharing that--I'm so glad you're enjoying the book. It's God's Wonderful Story--and i'm so honored to have a part in retelling it for children.

My best to you--and to little kiddo.


PS you may be interested to know about some cool resources on my site connected with the book, including audio of me reading the stories that you may enjoy, downloadable stories, interviews and reviews--as well as other new children's books--(latest one is an "instruction manual" for children on how to care for your grandparents)

Rue said...

Hi Kimba :)

Those stories were so sweet! What a good boy :) Your kids are really cute. How neat that the author contacted you!!

rue :)

Amanda Jo said...

This is my first time visiting your blog and I am so glad I found it! This story is so sweet! I love it when God is gracious enough to show us that we're honoring Him with our children.

They sound precious! I'll visit here often!

ugagirl30 said...

I love that my children are so in love with God. That kind of love is so inspirational. I swear my son has always had God on speed dial. Love the ambulance story!