14 October 2009

Good Enough Curtains

I know that I've shown you this corner of my family room about eleventy-hundred times. At one point it was my quiet time/blogging spot. When we built this house, I had an image in my head of a bright corner with a couple of windows and a comfy chair.

Can I just tell you how much I hate trying to photograph windows? It took me 3 days to get these crummy pictures. Either the room is too dark or it looks like the Mother Ship is landing outside my window.

This is what it looked like before I hung the fabric. That "For Sale" sign that you see out the window isn't for our house. It's for the never-gonna-sell-in-this-economy lot next door. Who wants to come be my neighbor? Pretty please?

Something about this corner has bugged me since we moved in a year ago. It never felt quite right. Then as I was hanging the curtain rods, I realized that THE WINDOWS ARE DIFFERENT SIZES! Not a big deal but I can't believe it took me over a year to figure that out.

A few months back, I got my hot little hands on some Dupioni Silk fabric from Fabric.com for really cheap (like $5.00/yard cheap). Some of you got in on that deal too. I grabbed 12 yards of this beautiful khaki/gold/green silk. LOVE IT! Even at $10/yard, it's a great deal.

I used The Nester's Fold, Clip and Poof Technique, minus the poof. I tried the poof. It looked good, but I preferred no poof. The edges are completely raw but even the selvage of this fabric is pretty. I may cover it up with some pretty fringe at some point. But then again, maybe not.

Do you have any curtains that you usually look at from the side? This rod is primarily seen sideways from the kitchen. It always bugs me a little when the the curtains kind of hang away from the walls. Here's a little tip for you.

Take one of your ring clips and turn it around the corner so that it's hanging on the bracket rather than the rod. Then run the rest of your clips on the rod like normal.

It's a dumb little thing that bugs me and this trick fixes it right up. See?

One more picture just because I love it so much. I've got two more windows to do in this room but they'll have to wait until the painting is done.


DIY Day is still going strong! Scroll down or click here to see over 250 project posts and link up your own. You might win a fantastic prize from Madison Reese Designs!

Today is the last day to enter our giveaway from Rondo Room. Winner announced tomorrow.

Speaking of giveaways, did you see that Remodeling Guy is giving away an Ipod Touch? My Walkman (my what????) just broke so I'm going to try and win this! Get yourself over there and get entered to win.

65 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Those WT's look really nice, Kimba! ANd yes, fabric makes such a huge difference in a room.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

That looks really pretty, Kimba, and perfect to warm up a corner with windows for fall. I need to check out the tutorial as I could use a new look in my living room. Maybe instead of buying panels I could just do a hook and poof treatment.

Life with us.......................... said...

I love the color of the fabric so pretty!!!!ill have to check out the fabic.com!

Keelie said...

Thank you SO much for sharing the hook around the corner trick!!! That always bugs me too!

Anonymous said...

They look great (and I love the price)! Love the look... I've used that "pull the curtain around the corner" trick a few times before too and it always works like a charm.
pk @ Room Remix

Unknown said...

Love that clip on the side trick, gonna have to use that one!

Dee said...

WOW-what a difference! I have NO curtains in my house...just wooden blinds. I like the clean lines of my blinds but I think I need to add curtains in my dining room at least-it will add so much!

Sherri said...

The curtains add lots of warmth to the corner. I love they are no sew and easy. The fabric is stunning. Great tip on the corners.

~Country Lady~ said...

Your window treatments did the trick. Isn't it amazing how fabric warms a room and makes it more cozy?! I love the dupoini silk! Scrumptious fabric! Thank you so much for sharing your tutorial!! Perfection.

Suzann said...

Amazing transformation. Love it. Your walkman!? Oh no.

Richella Parham said...

This looks wonderful, Kimba! And thank you so much for the side-view tip. I'm with you: the "naked" side bugs me. What a great idea to use an extra clip and eliminate the nakedness!

Jessi said...

Looks so much more warm and cozy!

Karla@TheClassyWoman said...

I always love how window treatments can warm up a space. They look awesome and that corner looks so much more cozy now. :)

Although I design for clients, I spend so much time in their homes' that I have neglected the window treatments in our own home.

I can't wait to add some new drapery to our living room. It needs it!

southerninspiration said...

Ooooh, they look niiiiiiccccceeee......


Amy {The Red Chair Blog} said...

Love the new silk curtains and the tip to "turn the corner" with the clip ring. Your comment about the mother ship landing is a crack up. It always takes me ages to get a decent photo--most things I photograph outside in the shade so I don't have to deal with indoor lighting.

Shannan Martin said...

That "clip on the bracket" thing is pure genius!

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said...

Simply beautiful! And the silk just makes it! Your lovely room transformation continues!

{northern cottage} said...

The finishing touch that these drapes give this little spot is very dramatic & yet calming. NICE! I love that rod clip inside the bracket thing (I do that too - doesn't it make a world of difference?) Happy Wednesday Kimba!

Queen B. said...

did you sew these ????

Kathy C. said...

Kimba, that fabric is gorgeous. I love the clip idea. I made my curtains years ago and sewed on the rings. Do you know what a dorky idea that was? I have to clip off the wash the curtains! Then sew them back on - I need to go buy some clips! :)

Sunny said...

Isn't it amazing what curtains do for a room?! Looks nice. Looks exactly like the place in the room that you'd want to curl up and read a book.

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

They look great. I love your tip. I'm gonna have to remember that for the next time that I run into that little problem!

I'm new to the blog so I must find out with the nesters tip is for the fold, fluff ,etc.

Kimba said...

{Bangs head on desk}

I forgot to link to The Nester's Fold, Clip and Poof technique! DUH! It's linked now.

Check it out! It's pure brilliance, people.

Tamera said...

They look great and really warm up that space. Thanks, also, for the tip on the corners! Will be implementing that now:)
Have a great day!

Lettered Cottage said...

SO AWESOME! Your room is really coming together. Love it, love it, love it!


Terri said...

Great tips! Love the look, and the deal you got on that fabric. It is so cool that you can use the fabric to fool the eye about the mis-matched windows, too. Blessings!!!

The Weathered Cottage said...


Chris said...

Beautiful. It's so amazing what a difference some window treatments can make. I love that corner!

Anonymous said...

Those curtains are just beautiful. They sure solved the weird window problem. And that IS a weird problem. I didn't notice until you said something. Now ... all fixed.

And I love your fix for the open sides to the curtains. That is slightly brilliant and totally simple. Thanks!!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Beautiful curtains. I love the color!


Lynn Kellan said...

Kimba, you made a blah corner into a WOW corner.

BTW, do you remember the cartoon called Kimba the Lion? It was my favorite when I was a little girl.

the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

Great job on the curtains!!!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I must be extremely unobservant as well, b/c I totally didn't notice your window sizes. :)

I love the tip with the curtains and the rod. :) Thanks also for the link to the Nester's tutorial.

I think your room is awesome, Kimba! :)

Mrs Montoya said...

So pretty! I'd like to be curled in that cozy chair with a blanket and laptop right now. The fabric is beautiful and I love your tip on closing off the corner. It's a pet peeve of mine. Thank you for sharing!

mother of three fellas said...

I LOVE the curtains, softens it up so much! :)

Gussy Sews said...

I love the tip to place one curtain ring on the brace of the curtain frame. Great idea! We recently bought curtain hardware... so this is exciting :)


mary beth said...

woah! that side hide tip is awesome! I can't believe I havn't thought of that one before...thanks! Hope I can snag some of that silk for cheap one of these days! love the look you have going on there.

Tammy@InStitches said...

Doesn't fabric make a big difference ! I like your tip for the return. And I agree with you about how hard it is to get a good photo of a window.

Wendy said...

Love the curtain rod tip - thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love your curtain "fix" tip -- that "gap" thing is the kind of thing that bugs me, too! And, yes, the curtains looks fabulous!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I love the silk -I've always had the impression that you should line silk to make it hang better - yours look fantastic! Pretty pretty pretty.

Connie said...

Love your corner and what you did with the windows. The fabric was a great buy at that price - you were lucky to find such a deal. Thanks for sharing your great find with us.

Bunny Jean said...

I agree that window shots are hard. I have wooden blinds and never know what to do with them.

I have used that trick to cover the gap many times in my design business. Another way is to put up sheers, that are on a smaller rod, closer to the window. The sheers don't even have to extend the width of the window, just peek out from the panels.

I Always like visiting your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Great tip about the side view. The curtains are beautiful!

beth said...

That looks great!! And I am going to use that tip of yours!! I also hate it when the curtains stick out away from the wall and I can see daylight from the side of the curtains. I never knew how to fix it, and I've tried fiddling with the curtains, and nothing ever worked. I'm going to have to try that.

P.S. My husband just moved the clip for me as I was typing my comment, and it looks so much better!! Thanks for the great tip!! :)

Team Skousen said...

I love the color! Beautiful!

My Notting Hill said...

What a great tip to put the curtain clip on the rod holder! That is going to be very helpful to me in my bedroom.

Mary Lou said...

I love the curtains...I'm off to look for some silk fabric!! They're not just good enough, they're greater than..

Marie said...

Hello Kimba - lovin' your corner! The curtains are fabulous. Beautiful job.


Jill said...

LOVE them!!! they turned out *perfect*! What a delightful spot!!

grannyann said...

That is a neat thing to know about the end of the curtain rod.

One tip: if you want your curtains to hang straight sew (by hand) several fishing weights on the bottom back of each curtain.

Brittany @ The Rollins World said...

Maybe it's just because I've had a long day and am extra tired, but that "hook it on the bracket" technique seems like the most genius thing to me right now!

Tiffany @ Mine Are Spectacular! said...

This looks great!! The curtains definitely cozy up the space... I think it's the PERFECT place for blogging!!

Little Oak Table said...

hey girl, i happened on your blog tonight and feel thoroughly (sp??) refreshed. today has been one of those hard nights for some reason (a million people needing my help) and i just started blog browsing. thanks for the laughs and smiles and fun pictures. you have the gift of being funny and being a great decorator :).

Kristi @ Addicted 2 Decorating said...

Those are really gorgeous window treatments! And what beautiful windows! Love all of the light. It's a perfect corner for blogging and reading.

Jennifer @ The Craft House said...

That material is gorgeous!

It seems a little odd that the windows would be different widths, I wonder who's idea that was? XD

Out of curiosity, is there a set date for the Rondo Room giveaway to end?

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Kimba...

Ohhh my goodness...what fabulous drapes!!! Okay, right off I must admit that I have a drapery fetish! Hehe! Ohhh...and Girl, I really just fancy these gorgeous drapes!!! I love dupioni silk and the color is beautiful! You did a great job making them...what a deal on the fabric!!!

Loved your tip about using a clip ring on the side...I never would have thought about that!!! I am going to fix my drapes tomorrow...they hang out from the wall quite a bit and I have never liked how you can see through the sides! Thank you...thank you...thank you!!!

Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

Roeshel said...

Your curtains look gorgeous. Great job!


Curtains and Blinds said...

You have done a great Job, I had some corner curtains added and same as you added the first eylet onto the actual pole. Perfect !

Remodeling Guy said...

Hey Kimba! You've got a boatload of great stuff on your blog right now! I have to go back and read more! But I noticed some people coming from you and I went looking for the source. Found it! Thanks for mentioning the giveaway! I appreciate it!

Lauren Marie said...

OH LOVE!!! I MUST know the exact color of this fabric!!! Please?!?

KimMalk said...

@ Cheap Chic Home. Douppioni? Ten dollars a yard!? I'm all over it. I'm such a fabric junkie, I might just buy that neighborhood house so I can come and check out those draperies! Did you line them?

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Your family room is looking really great. I can't wait to see when it's totally finished...although, will it ever be? :)

Anonymous said...

Those turned out just perfect Kimba! I had to laugh at your comment about realizing the window sizes were different :)

Moore Minutes said...

Those are lovely! Just what that corner needed. :)

And I wanted to tell you that you are very talented and have an incredible blog! I just love seeing your new posts. Keep it up!