16 October 2009

DiscHangers.com and a Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed.

Have you checked out one of my newest sponsors, DiscHangers.com? These are the most useful little things ever for those of us who love to hang plates (and other things) on our walls.

They're ridiculously easy to use. You just wet the back of the disc and smoosh it around with your finger a little bit so that the adhesive gets all tacky.

Then you stick the hanger to the back of your plate and let it dry overnight. No more metal brackets! Love these!!!

They're perfect for plates.

And they work for other things like this metal tray that could never be hung with a regular plate hanger.

I even hung this wooden tray with a DiscHanger!

You know how I'm always saying that I love to work with nice people? Well, Stanley of DiscHangers.com is one of those people.

He is offering free shipping to all of my readers. Just use code FREESHIP09 when you check out. Thanks Stanley!

Did I say something about a giveaway? I sure did! We are giving away 3 (yes, 3!) complete sets of DiscHangers. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. No muss. No fuss. Just tell me, GIVE ME THE HANGERS! I'll select 3 winners next week.

659 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Jowanna said...

Give me the hangers!

The Brennan Kids said...

I WANT the hangers!!!

duchess said...

Please give me the hangers.

Lori said...

Give me the hangers, Please

Christina said...

I have been wanting to hang up some of my cute plates! I could really use these!

Lisa said...

What a great little invention! Would love to have some.

Leigh said...

very cool - can I have the hangers, please?

Nina said...


Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

Fabulous idea! Give me the hangers, please!

The Stephens Family said...

I could so use these!

Anonymous said...

Give me the hangers! ... please :)

I could put them to very good use.

Lisa said...

I wish I had these RIGHT NOW! ;-)

Joanna B said...

I would like the disk hangers...Please! :-)

Anonymous said...

Pick me please!



Holly said...

I'd love to win these...I looked for something similar at hardware stores and couldn't find them.

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

oh yeah! I want those hangers! great giveaway

Fay said...

Well, if that isn't genius! I'd love to win them.

{northern cottage} said...

Show me the hangers -- you had me at 'disc' ha! Love the items you hung too - that scallopy plate - a TRAY - get out! There is always a wonderful element of surprise with you - love it!

Pam said...

GIVE ME THE HANGERS! Pretty please with a sugar on top!

Jenn @ Livin' the Simple Life said...

Those are too cool!

Sarah said...

Oh. my. goodness. Why didn't I think of that?

oneblessedmama said...

Will you pretty please with a cherry on top GIVE ME HE HANGERS????!!!

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

Would love some of those hangers :)!

jamie said...

These are the neatest things I've seen in awhile! Give me the hangers!........please.

Deidra said...

Please. Might I have those hangers?

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

Fingers crossed that you will GIVE ME THE HANGERS!

Jess said...

Very cool! I would love a set!

ritad said...

Give me the hangers! I've used these for a few plates and they are the best..Good for those oddies and great for the tiny little ones that no metal hangar fits.

Anonymous said...

Give me the hangers!!!! Please.


Kristen said...

Would love for you to give me the hangers! We don't have anything to hang up plates where we live overseas, and this would be the solution to the stacks of plates I have wanted to hang up for over a year!

Ruby Mama said...

I WANT THOSE DISCS!!!! WHAT AN AWESOME IDEA!!!! If I don't win, I'm so BUYING those suckers! Thanks!!!!

Kim said...

Give me the Hangers, please

Somewhere In The Sun said...

How cool! I already have several things in mind to hang.

Patricia said...

I would be thrilled if you could PLEASE ~GIVE ME THE HANGERS

susan said...

give me the hangers. please and thank you.


Heather L. said...

Oh, I want those hangers!! I have a bunch of stuff to hang on my newly painted dining room walls =) Thanks!!!!

Still Learning said...

WOW, these are awesome!! I am always chipping my plates with the wire clip on hangers. I will definitely have to check these guys out. LOVE IT!!

One Shabby Old House said...

What a great idea. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Toss me into the hat as I would love some.

Brandy said...

Yes, hangers pleeeaaase!!! Could really use them! :)

Connie said...

Please give me the hangers!

Lisa @ Simply Things Family said...

I would love to win these hangers!

~*~ Stephanie ~*~ said...

I want them too! :D I've never seen anything like these before!!!!

Alisa D said...

Give me the hangers! (Please and thank you! :))

Emily S. said...

GIVE ME THE HANGERS! These are great- no more metal holders sticking out and ruining the "look".

Drew&Samsmom said...

love the hangers! i could really use them right now:)

Carol said...

I never thought about how easy these would make hanging trays and things! GIVE ME THE HANGERS!

Lindsay @ 402CenterStreet.blogspot.com said...

I would love to have some hangers!

chris said...

I'd love to win these hangars!

Debb said...

Give me the hangers!!!

Laura said...

Wow! I'm kinda scared that my dishes would start crashing to the ground! I'm definitely interested though.

a friend said...

I have been wanting to hang some plates that I inherited from my Grandmother, but the edges have gold on them & I'm worried about the metal brackets scratching the gold. So... I think my Grandma would want me to have those. :)

Leslie Young said...

Genius! May I please have some hangers?

Lady Farmer said...

please :~P

Bahama Shores Mama said...

Give me the hangers.......pretty please :)

Michelle Torres said...

I NEED these soon!!! Lol, almost finished gathering plates for a project soon!!!! Great Giveaway!!!!

Michelle Torres

KellyinPA said...

Hey Kimba,

We settle on our new home in 12 days (but who's counting;)I would sure love me some hangers to help decorate my new walls. Thanks!!

kimsilver said...

Okay, I'll say it...give me the hangers!

Cheryl said...

LOL Kimba, Give me the hangers! We move a lot and these would be great. How are they at coming off the wall when you need them to?

Autum said...

Give me the hangers!Please : )

Amy Kay said...

Those hangers are awesome, I would love some. I have some plates that are waiting to be hung. Please enter me into your contest.

Liz said...

Yes! I have plates and platters all over my house.These would be perfect! Pick me !

*katie said...

Wow those things are awesome!

Tanya said...

I would love for you to give me the hangers please. I can hang my big servers without the tacky metal things hanging over the sides.

Anne said...

Enter me for a chance to win the hangers, please. Those look awesome!

Laura said...

I would love to have these: give me the hangers! :)

Christine ~ JAZ Creations said...

I Love Hangers! All kinds and I have a beautiful set of orchid plates I need to hang!

Liz @ It's Great To Be Home said...

Give me the hangers! :)

A Southern Rose said...

Give me the hangers...pretty please?

Amanda said...

Give me the hangers... please!

Gail said...

I want the hangers!


Miki said...

The hangers are awesome! I definitely want some! MIKI

Laverne said...

Genius! "Give me the hangers!" :)

Melissa said...

Love them...gotta have them!

MJUnderwood said...

I would love to have the hangers. :)

Mama Byrd said...

Give me the hangers! HOw cool!!

Momof2hapas said...

That is seriously brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Would love these!!! Thanks so much!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Give me those hangers! If I don't win I may just have to buy some. I hang plates all the time and it would be so nice not to have those wire holders poking around. Thanks for sharing them with us!

Marianne said...

Oh yeah, I want some of those. Count me in!

Taylor said...

Give me the hangers! I have been itchin' to hang some plates on my wall but to lazy to do it. These are awesome!

Julie said...

Me Please!

Anonymous said...

Give me the hangers!

Sooner or later I have to win something, right?


Jenn said...

Give Me The Hangers!
(Please!) :)

Summer said...

I'll take the hangers!

Nili said...

those are awesome....give me the hangers...please.

Jamie said...

In the process of closing on a new home and the dischangers would be fabulous for decorating. What a great tip as well! Give me the hangers, please?

Heidi said...

I'd love the hangers for our new dining room that's being built soon!

Staci K. said...

Those are awesome!! I need those hangers! :)

Richella Parham said...

Okay! Give me the hangers.

Please. And thank you.

Laurie Lacey said...

Let me tell you how wonderful these things are! I have this collection of abalone shells I adore but could never find a way to properly display them. Until I saw these on The Lettered cottage! I ordered a few & got to slappin' on the backs of those shells as soon as I got them. Now they hang on the wall beautifully w/o the distraction of wires or other contraptions I have attempted ;-)

thelaceys at live dot com

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE those hangers!! Never cared for the wire ones,,I have to do this!!

Joyce @ The Craft Barn said...

Give me the hangers! Give me the hangers! Give me the hangers!

Now, if I win, do I get 9?? :)

Lucy said...

Give me the hangers!!! They are neato :)

Kathy said...

Those are so cool! I wondered how you hung your plates up!

Linh C. said...

GIVE ME THE HANGERS! Please pretty please with a cherry on top!

Tote, Debby, Sammy and Caleb Jimenez said...


Lisa said...

I would love the hangers!!

Whitney Elizabeth said...

Oh come on Kimba, GIVE ME THE HANGERS! I'm trying to help my mom make her house a little more "homey" and these hangers would do the trick!

dixie@wildwood.baker.org said...

I've got a plate hanging project in my future. This would make my life super easy!!!

Kathryn said...

Give me the Hangers! I have a plate problem!!!

Terri said...

Would LOVE some of these!!!!!!!!Blessings!

angie128 said...

Ohhh - I am hearting those cool hangers. Please may I have them??

Sarah said...

H-A-N-G-E-R-S! Hangers, hangers, hangers!!!! Thanks, Kimba...you're the best:)

Jen said...

What a great product! So I have to say "give me the hangers" lol (please!)

Anonymous said...

How clever! Thank you for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Give me the hangers -- please.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness I want those hangers!!!

Kelly said...

These hangers are a great idea! I would love to have a set!

Get Wired Designs said...

I've never tried hanging plates on my wall, but I'd love to if I had some cool plate hangers! :)

Thanks for doing this giveaway. :)

Aloicoius said...

These are so cool!

Katie B said...

What? Those are so cool!

Mrs. Jenk said...

Love the hangers- wish I had thought of that!

Rebekah said...

Hangers Pleeeeassee!!!!!

Jill said...

I would love something like that! Those are the next best thing to sliced bread! =)

Unknown said...

Please, Give Me The Hangers!

Andy and Courtney Brien said...

Give ME the hangers!!! :)

Andy and Courtney Brien said...

Give ME the hangers!! :)

Beth Anne said...

that is awesome!

Anna said...

I would love to win these!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

Give ME the hangers! (in the Jerry McGuirre voice)
Love it

Christensen's said...

Oh I really could use these... I have some curved plates that I hate with the wire hangers!! I want these!!!!

Unknown said...

Give me the hangers!!

Thanks :)

T said...

I've been wanting to try these. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Now give me the hangers. Pretty Please

bj said...

It's me...bj...way back in the back, jumping up and down, waving arms...screaming, "give ME the hangers"....!!
Thanks so much for giving us the chance to win some of these awesome hangers. I have about a thousand of those wire hangers that I just HATE!!! ;)

bj said...

It's me...bj...way back in the back, jumping up and down, waving arms...screaming, "give ME the hangers"....!!
Thanks so much for giving us the chance to win some of these awesome hangers. I have about a thousand of those wire hangers that I just HATE!!! ;)

Nan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nan said...

Leave me the hangers...please...it's my birthday!

Anonymous said...

May I PLEAAAAASE have the hangers?!

Maureen F. said...


Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Fun fun giveaway - crossing my fingers!

The Book Addict said...

Those are awesome! Gimme the hangers...pretty please with sugar on top. :-)

The Busy Blaine's said...

Give ME the hangers, PLEASE!!

Staci said...

Sounds like a fabulous new thing I would love to have in my house.

Anonymous said...

GIVE ME THE HANGERS - er, please? I mean if you want to...just trying to follow directions but then it felt rude to demand the hangers...so, just sayin' I'd like to have them...; )

liza said...

You read my mind! I was just trying to remember where I saw these. Thanks!!

The Clines said...


Kimberly said...

GIVE ME THE HANGERS!! :D Thanks for the chance to win!

kimberly.yates at gmail dot com

April was in CA now MA said...

Gimmie, gimmie!! These are GREAT!

Turley Times said...

Give me the hangers! :)

Summer Rae said...

Give me the hangers! PLEASE!!!!!

Hayley said...

Pretty please, with sugar on top, give me those hangers!

Heather said...

Give me the hangers! =D

Carol in Indian Springs Village said...


Chris said...

What a cool product! Give me the hangers, please!

Sara said...

I think I must be the last person in blogland not to have plates hanging on my walls, so please, give me the hangers...my walls and plates will thank you.

Laura said...

Give me the hangars! These are great, I totally have some ideas for my dining room now. :)

Kelly said...

Awesome idea! I never quite understood how those metal plate hangers worked anyway! LOL

Brittany said...

I need the hangers!! you should she how i rig getting plates on the wall, its just sad. :)

Becky said...

I want, I want!

Lara said...

That's an awesome idea. No wiry pokey ends hanging out.
I'd like them!

Shelli said...

Ooh, I've been wanting to try these! Give me the hangers (please). :)

Stephanie said...


Holly said...

Me, please!

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Would love me some disc hangers!!

Kathleen Grace said...

These look like a wonderful idea! I have some plates I need to hang too:>)

Chelle said...

Oh my heck I need these!!

Kate said...

I've been looking for a better way to hang plates! What a great idea!

Vintage Dutch Girl said...

Woo hoo! Give me the hangers!

Sara said...

I gotta get some of these! I have a few odd sized plates (similar to your square picture) that I need to get on the wall!

Colette Campbell said...

Yes, I need these. They would be put to great use here.

Marci @OvercomingBusy said...

I want those hangers!!!

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Give Me The Hangers! (please.)

Audra Lynn said...

I'd love to try those! And I have one question - are they removable?

The Weathered Cottage said...

oh please give me the hangers! I said please lady!

Ally's Corner said...

I want those hangers!!!!

janadec9 said...

give me the hangers!

barrynchristie @ yahoo .com said...

I love these!! I would love to win these!

Unknown said...

Give me the hangers!

Tanya said...

i want em!

Candace said...

I NEVER win, but you could let me this time :)

The Birds Nest said...

I REALLY need these hangers!! By the way, I love the copper tray (since it was mine:) Glad you found a use for it. I'm ready for Swap Meet #2!!

Allie said...

Please Give me the Hangers!!!!! :)

Sharon said...

Thanks for the post. I just painted my powder room navy and am going to hang some blue and white plates. This is a much cleaner look than the wire hangers. Hope I win .. if not, I'll purchase.

Sarah E said...

Give me the hangers :)

Erica said...

please pick me!

jarednrosy@verizon.net said...

I'd love to have these hangers!

Angela said...

Give me the hangers! (Please!)

The Brown family said...

Give me the hangers!...please :)

Ashlee said...

What a neat idea!! So clever!! Give Me those Hangers!

Tara said...

(please) Give me the Hangers :)

Micah said...


=-) pretty please :D

Anonymous said...

Give me the hangers!


Kori said...

Give me the hangers! :)

Jen@Notes From the Heartland said...

Please please, pretty please....LOVE the plate hangers!! What a terrific invention!!

Melissa said...

Give me the hangers!!!! I have a box of mismatched plates that belonged to my grandmother. I would love to hang those in my kitchen.

mary beth said...

Give.Me.The.Hangers! pretty please.

Caroline said...

I NEED one of these for a Texas shaped platter that refuses to go up with a plate hanger!

Madison said...

GIVE ME THE HANGERS...please! I would LOVE to win these hangers! These would be very helpful in my home! Thanks for the chance to win!

Love, Madison

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I love that idea for something like dishes or trays instead of using a plate holder!

2sisters said...

Love the hangers! Love to have some!

Leslie said...

I'd love to try these out! I'm curious if you can still use the plate or whatever afterward- just hand wash the front when you are done? they also seem like they'd eliminate some of the clatter that goes on from kids running through the house, which leaves you certain that the walls are going to come crashing down!! :)

Elizabeth H. said...

Genius!!! Count me in!

southerninspiration said...

Hey, you've got plates like me....FV by Johnson Brothers....and I love these disc hangers!!! ;)


Jill said...


This is just genius!! Seriously, I love this idea!!!!

Stephanie @ A Fine House said...

GIVE ME THE HANGERS! (please..I could really use them).

Windy said...

those are awesome! I'm collecting plates to hang - they sure would be handy!

Bethany Barron said...

I love this!!! Can't wait to find some plates to hang on my wall!! Please give me the hangers!

suzanne said...

Give me those hangers!


AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

What a great idea! I'll have to go to their website and see how you remove them...I'm guessing you just get them wet again.


Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

Give me the hangers! Those things are awesome!