05 August 2009

Starfish Candlesticks

I glue-gunned starfish to my candlesticks. So simple...but it made me happy.

They used to look like this.

Now they look like this. That is all.

Here are a few other projects. Some simple. Some not.
Raising Olives ~ Rain gutter bookshelves
Living Locurto ~ Lots of FREE downloads!
Complete Organizing Solutions ~ Paint can cubbies
The Magic Brush ~ Teacher pails (AKA brown-nosing buckets)


If you didn't get enough of me on video yesterday, here a few outtakes that didn't make it the cut...for good reason. :)


Don't forget! Tomorrow is DIY Day! Get your posts ready with those home projects, makeovers, crafts...even a great recipe counts as DIY, in my opinion. The post will go up at 10:00 PM (eastern time).

40 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Anonymous said...

The bloopers are fabulous! Makes you a "real" person like the rest of us. My personal favorite..."there's a dead bug in my paint."

The Blushing Hostess said...

I cannot tell you what a great idea this is, I inherited a set of wood cancelsticks which Ic annot not not stand. Now I am inspired to find a way to warm up to them.

Suzann said...

Super idea! Thanks

Amanda said...

What a great and simple idea! It is amazing the difference it makes!

Rachelle said...

Great idea! I'm loving the starfish lately. Too bad it's basically fall up here in Michigan and I'll be packing it away soon for the fall stuff! :)

Kitty Scraps said...

Good Morning Miz Kimba,
This just proves that sometimes simple is best, love the clean look of them. Great job!

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea! Love them...

Unknown said...

I'm obsessed with the chunky wooden candlesticks lately for some weird reason. Who knows why! These would look darling leaned up against a couple of them... great now I need more starfish, maybe that's a growing addiction, too.

Stacey said...

Your starfish candlesticks turned out so cute! They look perfect with your mantle display!! :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I love bloopers! :) What an easy and inexpensive way to dress up some candle sticks. :) I SO wish I had discovered the blogging world before I got rid of stuff I thought wasn't worth saving. ;)

I have a fun burlap project to blog about tonight. So excited for another DIY day. :)

Sadie said...

Okay the outtakes were HILARIOUS! Thanks for the morning giggle!

Kathy C. said...

Kimba, I loved watching your video yesterday AND today :). This may sound strange, but you kinda remind me of,...well, of me, LOL. I guess you'd have to know me to understand that (Hey Kim! Do you see it???) LOL...
Love the candlesticks by the way! :)

Amanda-TheEckLife said...

ok so the bloopers are better than anything I have ever seen!!! LOL my kids even got a kick out of them. We are lauging with you dear not at you! tee hee. and you are just too cute too!!

Joanna said...

Love the outtakes! Your so funny.

Those starfish are great! It looks awesome with your mantle set up.

Madison said...

Good idea they are sooo pretty!!! And you can do that with anything!

Chris said...

Oh how I love outtakes! "A fresh piece of...of...of". Hilarious! The starfish look fab there! I can't get enough of starfish!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

The candles look gorgeous. Love them. Hugs, Marty

Decor To Adore said...

The blooper reel is always my favorite part!

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

Thanks so much for linking to me. I adore you and your blog!!

So you are one brave girl with your videos. LOL! Love them! I have a few dressers I need to re-finish. Thanks for the tips.

Desiree said...

Great idea! I love these starfish, I buy them whenever I find them at a discounted price. Thanks for sharing!


Barbara Jean said...

Great idea and so simple.
thanks for all the ideas and info you pass on.

barbara jean

Tamara Jansen said...

I love the candle stick makeover.....and I love your video outakes :)

Anonymous said...

they look great, Kimba!

These Are The Days said...

I've missed keeping up w/ your blog, kids started school today so I am all giddy to catch up. :)

Susan said...

I love starfish!! Cute!!

Southern Fried Gal said...

My kind of project simple with lots of wow factor!

Mandi Shandi said...

Love the starfish on the candlesticks. Paired with the sailboat and empty frame it looks really great. The bloopers are hilarious!

Kimberly @ RaisingOlives said...

Thanks for the link, you are sending tons of traffic my way.

Your site is lovely. I'm inspired by all of you creative types. I love that you are able to be real and include a bloopers video.

Thanks again!

Magic Brush said...

Thanks for the linky love!!!!! Love your starfish. Trying your video again. Yesterday... my volume wouldn't work (sad face)!!!

Shabby Shells said...

I would love to join you tomorrow.
I am new to blogging but this is going to be fun.
Hope you will stop by and say hi.
Til then

Unknown said...

Aaahhh, so good to see that you're not PERFECT, Kimba dear! Although, that was perfectly funny...
LOVE the starfish, now I'm wishing I had brought some home from the beach! (from the souvenir store, that is)

Victoria Hayden said...

Love your bloopers! So funny! The starfish looks great on your candlestick's too!!

Hugs to you,

Laryssa Herbert said...

Very cute! BTW I enjoyed seeing you on video. :-) I had fun meeting you at BlissDom '09. You were just as sweet as I had expected.

{oc cottage} said...

I have never been able to say no to a starfish...anywhere! Love this!

m ^..^

Deborah said...

I love your eye candy. It always encourages me to try and do something constructive around my house...so far I have lots of thoughts, little actions.

However, I have had starfish on my mind lately. Come by and visit my blog.

A Southern Rose said...

These bloopers were so cute! You reminded me of myself...trying to work in the rain!

I like your starfish candleholders! Good idea!

stagingworks2009 said...

Kimba..I love to see your collection of candlesticks here buddy. They look so elegant and beautiful. I wish I could have some. Thanks for sharing. Let others know about Home Staging Tips also

Marie said...

Hello Kimba - love what you did with the candle sticks. Those starfish gives them so much more character! And who doesn't adore a cute starfish? Hilarious bloopers. You could send it in! Thank you for sharing!


msbits said...

Heehee.. My favorite part was the end... you sounded just like my 5 year old when he's playing cars. lol. It was wonderful!

Anonymous said...

love the candlesticks K, you are an inspiration! The bloopers? OMG.... too funny... helicopter, and bugs... so so real! thanks for letting us laugh with you!