29 December 2008

How Things Change

I just had to take a break from my blogging break to show you what was under the Christmas tree for me this year.

The Hubster and I decided to be practical this year and buy each other a garage door opener for Christmas. Romantic, no? But he went ahead and got me a little something extra.

Yes, that is a spray paint gun that works with his air compressor. Does my man know me or what? Look out world! There's no limit to what I can spray paint now!

And my mom searched high and low for the perfect set of pink hand tools. I don't know who loves it more. Me or The Hubster because now I'll leave his stuff alone.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Were there any fun presents under your tree?

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55 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Kristen said...

Wow. Those are such neat presents. Hubby knows how much I have pined for a hot glue gun to broaden my house-project horizons. And one just happened to find its way under our tree this year. Now he's gone for a few days for work. He may not recognize the house when he gets back!

akawest said...

Oh, I would love that spray paint thingie!!! The tools are nice, too, but the spray painting that one could do would be so exciting.

Enjoy your gifts. I know you will.

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

I must have one!!!

Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

How fun! Certainly a great gift for you!

Anonymous said...

Cool gifts...love the pink tools!

I got a new camera for Christmas....very fun, but I have to read the boring instruction manual (hahahaha)!

Leila said...

Yes, I got two days with my favorite handy-man! Not to go on vacation with or anything scandalous like that -- to hire for all the little stuff that needs to get done around here!
Well, two days' worth...

Katie said...

That is to cute and so good for you!

Anonymous said...

Precious....thats what you are! Im so lovin' your pink tools and your spray gun. onder what those cows are going to think of you now, hehe. Enjoy your break!

Kasey said...

Can't wait to see what you create with your new tools.

Tiffany said...

I'm more than a little envious of your spray gun. I can just imagine all the trouble I would get into with that.

James: Honey, why is the ceiling purple?

Me: What ceiling?


Kimberly said...

I LOVE the new pink tools! Any idea where she picked them up? I'm off to google pink tools! Lol!

Enjoy decorating with your awesome gifts!

Georgia Girl said...

WOW...those are cute! I did my first spray paint this past summer...I do need some more practice though...Hope to learn a few more techniques from the pro!

We didn't swap this year since we just built a house...we did get some money so we have decided to buy a storm door for the front door.

The kids were loaded down....

Now I am ready to see some of your crafts for Valentines...I need to start on those soon or I want get nothing done...It takes me forever since I work full time.

Glad you had a wonderful Christmas Kimba!

Michelle said...

Who needs diamonds when you have pink tools and a spray paint gun, you are one lucky girl!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...


Shilo said...

Toooooo much fun! Glad you had a good Christmas!

Kristi~The Slipcover Girl said...

dude, i'm so jealous of your pink tool set! That is fabulous!

Unknown said...

Love those pink tools...and I bet he'll leave your tools alone too! LOL

Happy New Year,

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

Great gifts - I got spoiled this year - a sewing machine and a camera - both of which I'm going to need an engineering degree to operate!

Valarie Lea said...

My MIL got me a sander! I think she thought I was crazy when she asked me what I wanted and thats what I told her. :)

Misti of Studio M Designs said...

Awwww man! I SO wish I had a spray gun! Of all the things in this house that have been painted... My aching fingers! Spray something for me Kimba!

Sandy said...

i love it! yes, a great great great gardening book for me ... woo hoo!

Caren said...

Great gifts Kimba! The Husband and weren't going to do much for Christmas either but he got me a couple cute things that he says double as birthday presents. He also got me a food scale that calculates calories, fiber and fat grams. I know it sounds like a really horrible gift but I love it! ha ha!

Glad to see you had a nice Christmas. I'm having a little giveaway at my blog, stop by to enter if you get a chance.

Cassie said...

Now that is an awesome gift!

jennykate77 said...

Love the pink hand tools!!! I'm sure you'll have hours of fun w/ your airgun/spray painting thing! My most fun gift was from my DH...an autographed pic from Twilight of Edward (Rob) and Bella (Kristen)...I♥Edward.

Angie Ochoa said...

I love the pink tools Kimba! Hubby and I decided NOT to give each other gifts this year, because our finances were so tight. We promised...not even stocking stuffers. But he broke his promise. Although he said the gift under the tree was from our boys, it was really from him...it was a very soft and fluffy pink bathrobe, which I desperately needed! My old bathrobe was a little worn.

scargosun said...

Yea! I am so psyched for you!

Mindy said...

WOW! How COOL!! I can't wait to see what you spray paint =)

I got the movie Mama Mia AND the soundtrack!! I LOVE this movie, especially the music. This was the perfect gift for me. And it was from Hubby, of course ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh I love your pink hand tools. I want such a kit for myself!!! :o)


Anonymous said...

I simply MUST have those tools!!!

Lucky you!

Mimi Sue said...

Looks like you had a GREAT Christmas. Love the pink safety glasses...Mimi

Unknown said...

Those were great - perfect for you!

Amber Filkins said...

Oooh, awesome gifts! I love the pink hand tools. Let's see, I got a new all-in-one printer, a knitting caddy, a really pretty tea pot set that is now sitting on my stove, and some gift cards. :) Always a favorite. So I went out and bought a Making Memories storage caddy from Michaels--with the 50% off coupon, of course. :)

roseroomnz.com said...

Fabulous gifts, I did get a screwdriver set, not pink though! Rachaelxo

Our Complete Family said...

Glad to see you were spoiled with some awesome things for Christmas! You deserve it hun!!!
Happy day wishes~ Les

Unknown said...

Oh, those are perfect gifts! My hubby would love me to have my own tools, also. He is always complaining that he can't find his hammer. Hmmm...I haven't seen it! LOL

the voice of melody said...

Neat presents! Your hubby did great! :)

Penny said...

After, seeing your gifts, I have some serious pink envy~
No material things for Christmas this year.
Best gift recieved was that my Husband was at home on Christmas

Jennifer said...

I am just lovin' those pink safety glasses!! What fun gifts!

Joanna said...

Great gifts! Can't wait to see how you put all those tools to use!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what you do with that spray gun, too!!! I just love your pink tools! Get to work, girl!!!

Suzann said...

How fun!
I didn't get tools, a paint gun, or a garage door opener. I did get dvd's, a new i-pod and several other things I've been coveting. Hubby would be scared if I got the gifts that you got. LOL. Now, I'm looking forward to all the great projects you'll create in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Cool tools! thats what I need!

Sally Pepper said...

A friend of mine also got pink tools and was ridiculously excited....

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Girl - where is Vogue when you need them. Their cover girls have nothing on you. :)

Jennifer said...

what awesome girly tools! Link us!

Jane In The Jungle said...

You got Tomboy Tools!!! I've been coveting those for a year now! I got Godiva chocolates, my husband obviously does not realize thaose were for the pre-children days, I like practical now!

Anonymous said...

Just found you last weekend through Creative Blogs...love your site! I think your tools are great!
Pink tools! That's just perfect!
I'll be back!

Pretty Organizer said...

Ohhh covet.. darn. Now I've got sin! I've been eying that pink tool bag for awhile now. And the spray paint gun... girl, you'll be painting the roses red!

My dad is a commercial painter by profession. There's not many more things that bring you as much joy as firing up a spray paint gun an knocking a project out in seconds. And the smell.... yes, sadly, I still love the smell of latex paint. Something clean and satisfying about it. Congrats!

My gift was giving my husband a compound miter saw so he could expand my laundry room. (The gift that keeps on giving!) With any luck this babe will be doing laundry for 8 in style!

Anonymous said...

Love it! How fun!

Jane Anne said...

Oh, I went to a Tomboy Tools party once. They are so nice!

Maureen said...

A spray paint gun is the perfect gift for you!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

I'm way behind here...

First, your "getting real" post. Perfect! And you are exactly right that it's all about the crop of the picture. I posted my Christmas disaster picture on my blog today, before I even saw your's!

Second, your new tools are so perfect!!! One of my favorite gifts from my hubby was a set of Craftsman tools. :) Now I use them daily for my jewelry!

Happy New Year to you! God bless!!

Bee said...

Ooooh! I need one of those spray paint things. I got a drill press!!!

Amber said...

Very cute! And appropriate! Now you can "tool" around in style as you work on projects with your girly pink tools...wearing high heels a la your friend the Nester, of course.

Anonymous said...

What a nice place your blog is! And your personality is cute as can be. Congrats on your goodies. Love the pink hammer.