17 July 2008

Power Tools and Seashells

I just can't help myself! I made another seashell garland and I love this one soooooo much more than the last one which I loved!

This one is a near perfect replica of the one I saw in the fancy-schmancy decorator shop on vacation.

I bought the starfish and the scallop shells at the boardwalk seashell shop and used some ribbon I already had. If I make another one (yes, I have more shells), I think I'll use a different kind of ribbon.

The fun part was using my hubby's Dremmel to drill holes in the starfish and the shells to slide the ribbon through. I used the tile cutter bit and it made perfect holes. That's a handy little tool!

I slid ribbon through the holes and tied little knots on each side to keep the pieces in place.

Don't you think these would make beautiful decorations for a beachy wedding?

Now just so you don't all think that I'm in complete denial about the fact that I'm moving. Here is what is sitting directly beside the dresser where I hung the garland.

I'm a fancy gal, huh?

One more thing...Do you see the dresser that I hung the garland on? That is proof positive that I do not spray paint absolutely everything. :-) That dresser was my father-in-law's when he was a little boy. I love everything about it...every knick, every scratch, every dent.

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36 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Darlene said...

Oh, that garland is adorable!! I love the starfish on it. And yes, it would be a perfect decoration for a beachy wedding.

I see all those boxes getting packed. It will be so much fun to see your decorated rooms in your new home.

Sarah Mae said...

I love your creativity! I really need you to come to my house and help me decorate...please?

Unknown said...

The chest is beautiful....and I love the seashell garland. Very creative!

trish said...

So cute! I never thought about my husband's Dremmel! I need to visit his shed and see what treasures I might find! :o)

Empty Nest Full Life said...

The garland is great, and yes they would be great decor for a beach wedding. Fun ideas!

Anonymous said...

The garland is great...and Thanks for "keepin' it real"

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Oh, how cute that is! I just love all the beachy things out there. Looks great & good for you for DIYing that.


Shannon said...

Cute garland!! I might just spray paint that table with out sanding. I really don't want to sand. And it was free so if it doesn't go good, no big deal! I"ll let you know if I ever do it! :)

Anonymous said...

Morning Kimba! Oh, I just love your sea shell garland. I wondered how you strung these - you drilled little holes! I'll have to get that drill bit - I still would just love to do this! Yes, it would look awesome at a casual summer wedding! You amaze me!!

Oh, thanks for popping in to see my tassels. I just love Susan's work and I guess you do too!

Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Anonymous said...

I think that darling garland would look good in my house!....You need an Etsy girlfriend!.. on top of everything else you have going on in you life, smile... looking good! Susie h~...pssss dont you just love power tools! I do..

Aubrey said...

I'm not sure what I like more, the garlands, or the dresser with awesome patina. I agree, you need an Etsy.

Kristen said...

I agree with Susie - why are you not selling those? They are darling! And get to packing - sheesh, hanging out playing with power tools all day!!

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

That garland is too cute!! I love the beachy classy vibe it gives off. That could be fun to put up in the summer and really darling at a wedding like you suggested. Your site is so cute! I am looking forward to seeing you play in your new home which is gorgeous by the way!

Anonymous said...

I love Dremmels...so handy!

Good luck on the move!

Gretchen said...

Adorable! It looks great on that chest, too.

Are you down to counting the days until the move?

I love that in the midst of moving chaos, you found time for some creativity!

Heathahlee said...

All those sweet ocean things make me want to go to the beach! Of course, eating spaghetti would make me want to go to the beach at the moment...I am seriously sand deprived!

Sarah said...

It makes me miss the beach! What a fun way to bring it home with me!

I love the birdcage from your last post--what a find!

scargosun said...

Oooooo! I think I might try a navy blue ribbon too. Maybe a thicker one that would bunch a bit in some places. Looks lovely.

Anonymous said...

It looks great!! Now, only you would get so sidetracked in packing that you would break out the dremmel and decorate!

It will be so fun to watch you play with your new house. Now go on and pack up so you can move.

-- Brandi

Cathy said...

I love the garland! So cute!

And the dresser...I have a dresser just like it that was also my father-in-laws. I love it too and will always treasure it!

Debbie said...

Kimba you need to make that garland and open up your own ETSY shop! Sell that stuff girl! That is exquisite! And I love love love your covered porch in your new house. I can't wait to see how you spiff it up!

Megan said...

I love the garland! Good Luck with the move!

Nicole said...

Cute garland, I love the little star fish, It would be so fun to decorate a bathroom all beachy like that. I really love the dresser, what a neat heirloom to have.

Anonymous said...

hehe! I love it! I know I will still be decorating the day that we are moving out of this house! But right now Im getting it "staged" on a budget! I would love for you to come check out my Scrapbook Art! hehe Its definatly going in my new house because I love it so much! hehe

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

i love the every dent, every scratch comment! there is nothing undented and unscratched in my house. i may just dent everything on the way in so it feels lived in already. wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

I remember getting my dh a dremel drill years ago when he "thought" he might take up woodworking. Never saw anything out of that! Wonder where that dremel is though. I keep saying I need to buy some shells and I love that garland!

angela | the painted house said...

Look at you wielding power tools like nobody's business! I love it!

Trixi said...

Oh, Kimba, I am with you, I think I like this one even better. They are sooo cute. I love that dresser but then again, I love anything sentimental. You go girl on the boxing. I've been there and done that and hope to not do it again for a long while.

The Beauty Bargainista said...

Hey Kimba! Im so glad you made it over to my blog! and look!! I fixed it so it will take you there! hehe :)

Lula! said...

You are a fancy gal. And I still want a seashell garland of my own.

Classics and Country said...

I just love what you did. What a great idea. How creative!

Anonymous said...

i love the garland, just what I need for the cottage

the dresser is gorgeous, so nice in it's original form, love that you've left it with all its history

Liz Harrell said...

The garland is wonderful, and looks great in front of that natural wood! Good luck with those boxes. :)

Val said...

What a great idea! I can't wait to share with a friend in Houston who uses shells and beachy things to decorate at Christmas.....I can just see them as garland on her tree!!!

This is my first time to leave a post, i'm horrible at it but trying to get better. I read your blog everyday :) I'm letting you know because I put a link to your blog under my "places I must visit everyday" tag and I want to make sure that is OK with you. This means that you inspire me :)

www.valthoughts.blogspot.com I don't think it is really very interesting yet, but it is fun!

Jo said...

Oh, I love it! It's so fun to make something exactly like a super-expensive designer item for almost no cost. Feels subversive!

Cindy said...

I love that garland! I may have to make one too! I have a ton of shells!