25 October 2009

Sunday Morning

Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again; Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4: 4-7

photo credit: Roger Lynn

18 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Anonymous said...

I love to read your Sunday Morning blog each Sunday. Thank you so much for doing this. It starts our week off on the right mindset!!

Suzann said...

Have a blessed Sunday.

Unknown said...

Wonderful passage! Hope you're having a lovely Sunday.

Julie G. said...

That verse runs through my head pretty regularly these days. Thanks for posting.

Debbie Petras said...

Good morning Kimba! What a beautiful Scripture for this morning and the image is so peaceful. Happy Sunday to you.


Joyful said...

Thank you for sharing. So beautiful.

I am Mom said...

That is a packed passage! So much truth and encouragement in one fell swoop! thanks Kimba!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Love this verse... and such a beautiful photo! :)

Anonymous said...

When I saw you had published in my Google Reader I just knew it would be a good Sunday post with scripture.

Little did I know that you chose the very scripture we studied this morning in the church we visited (we are on the hunt for a new home church).

Perhaps God wants me to listen ... REALLY listen. Cause when He says it once it is important, but when He says it twice it is imperative.

decorating diva {aka deanna} said...

my attn.! i am in a bible study every th. and low and behold what are we studying? philipians! thanks for putting God in your blog.

chanteusevca said...

You don't have to tell me twice -- I'm rejoicing! Yes I am!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Gorgeous photograph! Another friend posted the same verses today.

Nice stopping by! Kindly, ldh

Moore Minutes said...

BEAutiful! love this, THANK YOU.

dawn said...

A very important verse in my family...my daughter's favorite.

Thanks for sharing it!

Skyes Scribbles said...

I needed that verse today! thank you. Our God is great!

heidi said...

Kimba - I don't comment often but I always st back in awe of you and your abilities. God has given you some extraordinary talents and I'm grateful that you choose to share them!

Kat Farmer said...

Wonderful passage! Definitely look forward to reading your Sunday morning blogs each week!

Furniture movers said...

That is so wonderful. Have a blessed sunday!!! God bless!!!