28 July 2009

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

photo: Shereen M

So that I can ramble for a bit.

Whenever I write a post like this one, I feel compelled to acknowledge that I know not all of you share my beliefs. This is not a "faith blog", although I at least try to be faithful in my blogging. There are lots of godly women out there who do the faith-writing thing way better than I do. Some of you are here to see my latest furniture rehab project and I think that's great! If you ever want to know what I think you're missing, feel free to email me and I'll chat you up. :)

But every once in a while, I feel like God is gently thumpin' my skull about sharing something from my heart. I learned long ago that it's just easier to respond to the skull-thumpin' before it becomes a full-blown smack upside the head. So here we are.

Through a couple of bloggy coincidences, I connected with Missy from It's Almost Naptime. She is one of those godly women who does the faith blog thing REALLY well. Missy commented on an old post and that ultimately lead to me blubbering like a baby at least 3x in 2 days. I'm going to share the email that I sent to Missy because I think that some of you can relate.

I've added a couple of notes to make it more understandable for you all, but this rambling mess is otherwise what Missy received. It's amazing she didn't delete and hide.

Hi Missy,

I had to drop you an email and tell you a little something. I have no idea how you landed in my little corner of the internet, but I'm quite sure it was a God Thing....although now that I see you're from Texas, we'll call it a God Thang. While I do read every comment that I get, yours caught my eye because it was on an old post that has long since been buried in my archives.

To me, that suggested you had either been browsing pretty far back in my archives or you were Googling something like "if I can't afford it, should I steal it?". Seriously. I get hits on that particular post all the time from people searching something like that. Each time, I desperately wish I could email them and say "NO! You fool!"

Anyway, whether you found that post by browsing or searching, I was intrigued, so I clicked over to check ya out. If you and I are long-time bloggy friends and you comment on my blog all the time and I've been by to visit you too, please don't tell me. My feeble brain couldn't take it. Oh, never mind. You can tell me. It will make a good story. Note: Missy assured me that we weren't long time bloggy friends and that she had just found my site. WHEW!

The first thing I read was your post about nearly losing your daughter in the hot car. It took me at least 10 minutes to pull it together after reading that. Then between last night and today, I've probably spent 2 hours reading your site. When I started reading your post called "What I really want you to know", I knew God wanted me to be there.

Now, I'll tell you that I'm one of those crazy, Jesus-lovin', bible-believin' Christians. I know who I am in Christ. I turned my life over to Him about 10 years ago. But lately, my faith has been like cold jello.

Like you said, I feel like I'm covered in snot, dirt, poop and drool. I've been yelling at my kids, grumping at my hubby, skipping my quiet time, spending too much time on the computer and being an all-around crummy christian, mom, wife, friend...you name it. And the longer this goes on, the further I drift from God. And the further I drift from God, the more snot-covered I become. And so on and so on. Quite a lovely cycle, no?

I keep telling myself that I just need to pull it together and bring myself back to God, so that things can get better. The crazy part is that I know better. I'm the first one to tell a seeker (Note: someone who wants to learn about God) that "God will meet you right where you are. You don't need to make yourself more presentable to be in His presence. Let Him do the cleaning." But somehow, when it came to myself, I didn't apply those teachings.

Your post was exactly what I needed to hear. I am so grateful that God brought me to your site, so that I could be reminded of His unconditional love. Thank you.

It's taken me nearly an hour to write this email because I have to keep stopping to cry...no sob...it's not pretty here right now. Much snot (literally). But that's ok.


Before you do one more thing today, go read Missy's post about Why God Thinks You Rock the Casbah.

I just know that there is someone here today that needs to read this as badly as I did. I am praying for you. Yes, YOU! Whomever you are. You are on my heart today.

82 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

TidyMom said...

Awwwwe hun!!! What a wonderful heartfelt post an thank you for sharing it with all of us!

Now I'm off to check out Missy's blog!


duchess said...

Thanks, Kimba. I think we all need to hear this. I know I've gotten away from the things I need to do to be the person that God wants me to be.
This blogging world is wonderful isn't it?

Unknown said...

Kimba, you sweet woman, thanks for sharing your heart this morning, and for directing us to Missy's. God has blessed all of us with your "presence" in our lives.

jodi @ back40life said...

thanks for sharing! I feel like I'm right there way more often than I want to be...I've got to figure out a way to start getting up before my kiddos (I'm s not a morning person) so that I can have a devoted quiet time daily...I NEED it!

great post! :)

Jenny Garland said...

Kimba, thanks so much for sharing this post. I've so been there. Um, I mean I'm so there, too.

I'm heading over to It's Almost Naptime right now.

Lots and lots of hugs.


Amy said...

I needed this post this morning. I am giving you a virtual hug this morning.

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

What a great story! Thanks so much for sharing:-) I had the same thing happen the first time I visited Big Mama's (Melanie) blog. It's amazing how God directs us and how reading blogs can change us! We all get caught up in life that's for sure. Good luck on your journey!

The Blushing Hostess said...

I generally follow the mantra that I do not discuss religion, politics, or sex - ever. But this was a lovely note for any and all humanity.

trish said...

Dear Kimba,
You can not imagine the depths of how much I need this post, today. I knelt beside my bed last night seeking the Lord with all I am, plus confessing all I have been. Thank you Kimba.
I will be heading over to the post you mentioned, to read.
Love in Christ,
Tricia Anne

Courtney said...

I am the same, i try to leave religion out but since losing my daughter I want people to know I have a higher faith and he leads me, i just try to do it subtly!

I love that your shared this and that is a great post that your referred too. I know that some days are great days and others not so good, so that helps on the hard days.

thanks for sharing!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Kimba, that was lovely!! A good little reminder as to what really matters too. I pulled my Bub out of bed last night to hold him because I needed to center myself again. I sat there realizing how small my issues are and thanking God for my lovely life -- annoying stuff and all. Thanks for this. :)

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Kimba - I wish I was right there giving you a hug since on line just isn't the same. Thanks for your authenticity. The way you allowed the Lord to lead you to post this and for sharing with so many that when we don't know what else to do, we need to run to Him.

This computer/blogging thing is the bomb but it sure can get in the way of the things that matter most. And when that happens for me, it's time to step back and reevaluate - which I've done this summer and thus the revisited post today. :)

randee said...

kimba -

may God bless you for your obedience in sending us to Missy.


Magic Brush said...

Dude... why 'ya makin' me cry before I'm even done with my coffee???? It was exactly what I needed this morning. Bless you for posting it...

Carrie said...

As I struggle to pull myself out of a rut, thank you for guiding me to more inspiration.

(I think it was for me)

Decor To Adore said...

I always find that is always such a difficult thing to lay open our hearts for others to see. I am standing up with my greasy hair, dirty nails, and sleep crusted eyes to give you a standing ovation.
Praise Jesus that we can come to Him just as we are.
My prayer this morning is that any and all who may need Him will read your post.
Blessings to you dear one.

Sallie said...

Thanks Kimba!

Exactly the reminder I needed this

Love having coffee and a devotional with all my blogging friends!

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

Way to bare your soul sister! What's the point in having such a huge blog following if you can't be real about what God's doing in your heart and in your life? There's always room for God-posts on decorating blogs! Love it. Keep it up.

Patricia said...

Thank You Kimba and a BIG hug to you for keeping it real!
I for one needed to know that I am not along in how I have been feeling lately
Thank You!

Kristina said...

I love this! You are one of those "godly women" by writing this post. I can so relate - thanks.

Anonymous said...

I read your post with tears in my eyes and can so relate to how easy it is to let everything get in the way of what we all know is the most important thing. Thank you for sharing your heart. I know you touched a lot of people today and caused all of us to pause and rethink some things. God bless you.

Kathy C. said...

Kimba, I believe we've ALL felt that way many times throughout our Christian walk, and words of encouragement are just what we need. How awesome that you and Missy were able to connect at just the right time...now I'm headin' over there to see what she wrote!!! :) I wanna be encourged too! :)
Kathy C.

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

I just came back from reading Missy's blog and, although I am a complete mess now, I want to thank you for sharing it. Everyday, I pray for help to be a good Mom, wife, friend and Christian (not nec in that order). Missy's post, and you, have reminded me that even if I fall short...He's there for me.

Southern Fried Gal said...

"I've been yelling at my kids, grumping at my hubby, skipping my quiet time, spending too much time on the computer and being an all-around crummy christian, mom, wife, friend..." Those exact words could come out of my mouth at this second. Thanks for sharing your heart and just in time!

Cheryl said...

bless your heart for being so transparent and sharing what was on your heart this morning.
I have felt this way myself recently and haven't posted much on my own blog this summer.
I find myself checking out blogs in the morning before I do my quiet time and that shouldn't be.
Hugs to you! Off to check Missy's blog.

Runner Mom said...

Hey, Kimba!Thanks for sharing this post! Sometimes God speaks to us in such neat ways! I am on my way to these posts by Missy! You are so sweet. If you get a minute today, hop over to my post. It's talking about being busy...but not too busy for God!

**Aren't you glad someone invented Kleenex??

dawn said...


I'm new to blogging and trying to sort out what my blog will be...anyway, this is also one of my first few visits to ASPTL as well and am glad I stopped by today!

I hope by reading your comments that you are encouraged that your "faith post" was exactly what many needed today. Way to be obedient, and to put it all out there.

Debra from Bungalow said...

I got goose bumps reading that..Thank you for sharing and pointing us to Missy's blog...I am passing it along to my family and friends and I'll probably read it and your post several times.

Kelli said...

Thanks Kimba. I needed that reminder today. Just thinking of how I love my babies no matter what and to think of how the relates to how God loves each and every one of us. Amazing. He is amazing...and overwhelming. Thank YOU.

miranda said...

Thanks for sharing, I am going to pas it on as well. What an awesome reminder!

Melanie@TheOldWhiteCottage said...

What a fantastic post on that blog. It is so easy to make the connection by how she puts it.

I love the title of her blog. I can certainly identify with that!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Thank you, Kimba. The world sends us a different message. I feel that my kids are growing up in a world where Everyone is trying to convince them there is NO God. (Some days I think I am the only one who is still a Christian). How wonderful that Christ can provide strength to us through strangers on the internet (we could NEVER have explained this internet thing to our ancestors!)

Madison said...

Awww thats soooo sweet of you! I hope you both become GREAT friends! I will pray for you too!!!! Oh and I love everything about your blog I feel that you are such a blessing! Have a great day!!

Love, Madison

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Should I be crying right now?


Emily said...

Kimba, I just wanted to say I LOVE that I not only share a love of home decor and design with you, but of faith and love for Him. Please don't ever hesitate to "interrupt regularly schedulled programming" for such awe-inspiring posts. Blessings and hugs to you... Emily

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Let me clarify...I am crying right now. This touched my heart and soul in ways I did not expect. I appreciate your post, Kimba.


Heidi said...

I love your authenticity - I try to guard my blog reading time and limit the number blogs that I keep up with, otherwise I'd be blogging ALL day! I read blogs that really and truly inspire, teach, or challenge me in my life some way, be that in life, faith, or fun. I'd have to say yours does all three!

No matter how you 'define' your blog, I appreciate that it is a true reflection of you, showing the real you - how God created you; The crafty, clever, witty, friendly, humble gal you are. Of course I enjoy seeing all the projects you work on and love how it ignites my creativity as well. But I also love the musings you share too. It's so sweet how you reflect it back to the most creative ONE of all. I too, get those, 'thumps' on the back of the head.
Thanks for keeping it real.

Lisa said...

I think we ALL needed a dose of this today. I know I did. Thank you for your obedience to the Lord. You've made my day...maybe my week.

Richella Parham said...

Good for you! Thank you for sharing this. I, too, needed to read this. I'm pretty "snotty" myself at this moment.

One of my favorite things about you is that, while this is not a faith blog per se, you ARE faithful in your blogging. I so appreciate this about you. And I think God appreciates it, too.

Trisha said...

You have no idea. Thank you for sharing. It is very timely. Crazy how God can weave all these little threads so that he is touching and helping all His children who need it right then!

Anonymous said...

Kimba...thank you so much for this post. I am in the same place right now. I have drifted away from God too. I go to church every Sunday, attend a Bible Study, volunteer for church events all the time, but I just haven't been giving Him my all. I haven't been reading my Bible like I should, haven't been devoting time each day for quiet time, etc. I've been really beating myself up about it lately, but just haven't forced myself to change. I think that reading THIS post today made me realize that I need to just do it. Today. Now. Thank you so much. You are a blessing to us all.

Anonymous said...

I needed this. I truly and completely needed this. I visited Missy and was blown away!

Thank You Kimba!

the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

What a great reminder that we're not alone in our journey with the Lord!!! I can't tell you how many times I feel the same way. Thanks for a great way to start the day!

Charlene said...

These are issues that I've been dealing with myself for a while. I started off to be one of those "faith blogs", mixed with a bit of fun and practicality, but I have somehow gotten off track. I am determined to get myself (and my blog) back to the intent and purpose I (and my blog) should have. Thanks for contributing just one more reminder.

kris said...

Thank you for introducing me to 'naptime'. What a beautiful reminder of His insane love for us. That's just awesome.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kimba! Those posts were so touching, and just what I needed. Sometimes I just need a little kick in the pants to remember to focus on what is really important. :)

{lauren} said...

You are speaking my language and singing my song, Kimba!! This was exactly what I needed today...while I love your other stuff too, I'm glad you shared what God placed on your heart today:)

The Beauty Bargainista said...

AMAZING!!! Thank you for sending that link and for sharing your heart...I feel the same way a lot! Its so amazing to know I connect with you on that level too! :)
Your an amazing sister in Christ, dont you ever forget it!!

A Southern Rose said...

Your post really touched my heart today. I've been going through so much the last few months and at times I feel unworthy to even ask God for help with these struggles. Thank you for this post and for opening up my eyes. Missy's post was just what I've been needing. It feels good to know that I don't have to be 'perfect' to be loved by God.

Its So Very Cheri said...

Now you've got me crying. I came to look at which days link parties are going on and which day would be best to start my new one on and read this and now I am crying. I have also learned not to get hit over the head-well sometimes I still get hit over the head but I want to be more in tune to the flicks. I posted about God tugging at your heart and praying for others today on my Decorating blog-God must be at work. I'd love for you to take a poke around my blog.

Its So Very Cheri

Anonymous said...

you spelled regularly wrong

Anonymous said...

Wow, you got me. I know this, i have known this, BUT i don't remember this. i get lost and drift and wrapped up in other "junk" that just makes the drifting worse and the guilt is the worst. the guilt. guilt for not "being" that Christian i think He wants. Thank you for this post and the link to Missy's blog. Now i have two more favorites, yours and hers :) I am so grabbing a badge and doing DIY Thursdays. This is my summer to get things done so I can't wait to play along.

Jill said...

I cannot even begin to tell you how much this has Blessed my day (week, month, year...)God is So faithful...and I am so glad! even during "dirty" times He is ever-present, ready to wash all that grime away!
Thank you! from the bottom of my heart- for sharing yours! (and what God laid on yours!)
Many Blessings!

Kimba said...

Thanks for the heads-up on my typo, anon.


Just me~Bobbie Jo said...

Girl(I am speaking as if we are real life friends) I so can related to your post. I have been reading Missy's blog for a while along with yours.
(((((((((giving you a BIG HUG)))))))

Tamera said...

I will keep this short....before my own blubbering begins...Thank you.
I feel exactly like "cold jello", so where do I go from here?

Melanie said...

I am a Godly woman who believes everything happens for a reason. God does have to nudge us back to HIS world and out of ours so often. Love your blog!

Sarah Mae said...

Alrighty friend, I'm off to read the gal's blog! Thank you for being so authentic - it's why we love ya! (Well, that and spray paint, of course)

So, I guess this means you'll be joining the new 5:16 study on prayer...huh, huh, huh? ;)

Kate Riley said...

Oh, Kimba, you just brought little tears to my eyes, reading your post. I love how you blog about your faith, so fearlessly. I am much more private in my Christian walk, but I respect and admire you so much. Thanks for keeping me (and us) centered on the most important things in our short life. You rock the Casbah.


Carrie said...

Took the words right out of my mouth.

Thank you so much for sharing and stating my heart so eloquently.

Musings of a Homeschooling Mom said...

I needed to hear this today. Thank you! I love Missy's blog. It's such a breath of fresh air. I had read the post your referred to, but I read it again today with tears pouring down my face.


Jessica said...

What a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing that!

Roeshel said...

Thanks so much for sharing, Kimba. It's obvious that both of your posts and blogs have spoken to the hearts of many, including me. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Kimba, I love it when you do posts like this! Thanks so much for sharing all of that with us, including your personal e-mail. Missy's post was wonderful and a great reminder!

Have a blessed week!

k.mart said...

I needed that today and it is much like the post I wrote through the eyes of my little girl.

Thank you for sharing it and for being vulnerable.

His "interruptions" are always timely. I've found it's up to us what we do with them. So, here's to listening to what He meant for us to hear!

pcb said...

I think you were reading my mind...

Cindy said...

Thank you. What I got out of that was that I'm missing out on my quiet time with God. It leaves me cold and alone and afraid if I don't have it.

Debbie Petras said...

Kimba, I really love your blog. When I come here to visit it's like an escape. But I too am one of those women who loves the Lord. When I started blogging on Heart Choices, I thought I would write about health. After all, I worked as a cardiovascular nurse for 25 years. Made sense, right?


Over time the Lord showed me that I could be salt and light if I share from my heart. I love to have people from all walks of life read my blog. I know there are many Christians but also those who aren't. And I love to meet all kinds of people. But I have to be who I am and when you write from your heart, it leaks out. We can't help it.

I loved this post of yours. An area that God has been putting on my heart lately is being real and transparent. I wrote a post on Monday about this and will continue for a few Mondays.

Kimba, be yourself. I love visiting you.

Brittany at Mommy Words said...

Posts from the heart are always welcome and whether or not everyone believes the exact same thing as you, you wrote with an open heart and mind and it was a lovely post.

Anonymous said...

This post was my skull thumping moment from God. Thank you! I've been having some behavior problems with my daughter and couldn't figure out why. Reading your post and Missy's post has shown me the problem. Thank you for revealing to me what I could not see. You have blessed me more than you can ever know...

Chris said...

Thank you for for this post today. I think you were right when you said someone might need to read it. I also learned that accidents can happen to anyone. I back up over my daughter with our suv in April 2008. Thanks so much for sharing today

Denise @ Life on Stepping Stone Lane said...

Thank you for sharing from your heart today! This post put alot of things in perspective for me. It's easy to get away from where God wants us to be and hard to get back.

{oc cottage} said...

I was reading this post this morning, I don't think there were even 10 comments yet...I chickened out and didn't leave a comment...well, I'm back and I still have nothing stupendous to say...I think she said it all and so well...what can I add?
I just wanted to thank you for sharing her post, we are all snotty & drooly, but not all of us listen to the still small voice...or nudge...or even the thump!
I am going to go stare at the sunset and think on what's above...and hummmmm "Rock The Casbah", that classic hymn. ;}

m ^..^

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

I will definitely check out her blog. Consider me a "snot-covered" sister in Christ! Your description of yourself sounds like one I could have written about myself. I know what I should do (seek God first above all things), but I keep running in circles.
My mom always told me that God has a special place in His heart for moms because he knows all that we go through. I sure hope so!
Thanks for responding to God's nudging and sharing your heart.
The Lord bless you and keep you,

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I love this post! I think I needed to read this! It is amazing what God works though and how :)

Joanna said...

Girl, I know where your coming from! I post things like this from time to time on my blog as well.

I get grimy and scummy more then I'd care to admit. I feel convicted and God pulls me in closer.

I am gonna check out Missy's blog!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is thank you Kimba...

Suzann said...

God sure is amazing. I relate. I don't want to, but I do. You're right, he'll meet me where I am. No need to pretty it up or dream up the excuses as to where I've been - He knows.
Yup, I'm shaking. Thank you for sharing.

Mandi Shandi said...

Thanks so much for being so open and honest with us, and for sharing Missy as well. You are right. Her post hit really close to home for me too. Thanks again.

Mama to my 6 said...

Thanks Kimba. Don't ever be afraid to write a post like that! Don't ever "worry" about pleasing your blog readers, please the One that matters by sharing what is on your heart.

Georgia Girl said...

I needed that today! Thanks for sharing this blog.

Heathahlee said...

I love Missy's posts, but in the craziness that is my life right now, I missed that post about her daughter!

I'm so grateful you posted that email. I could have written it. Thank you for being so transparent!