18 May 2009

Succulents in an Apothecary Jar

Who would have thought that the funny, cactus-like plants that my great-grandmother kept in her kitchen windowsill would be trendy? In my never-ending attempt to be stylish and current, (where did I leave my fanny pack anyway?) here's my take on the succulent trend.

I love their texture and the fact that they thrive under my neglectful care. They're the perfect houseplant for me.

I found my little beauties at Lowes but if your neighbor has them in their flower beds, ask if you can cut off a few pieces. They're really easy to grow from cuttings.

How to grow succulents from cuttings

  1. Cut off a piece of the succulent plant about 2-3 inches long
  2. Let the cutting dry for a few days until a callous forms on the cut end.
  3. Plant in loose soil. Roots will grow from the calloused end.

Speaking of beautiful things in jars, (good transition, no?) look at the bit of wonderful that showed up on my doorstep recently. It's a Quote Jar from Layla at The Lettered Cottage!

It sits on top of a mercury glass candlestick on my kitchen windowsill. The jar is filled with 365 inspirational, change-your-day-kinda-quotes. I love it! Thank you, Layla!

Layla offers Quote Jars and Good Jars directly from her blog.


More succulent inspiration:
A succulent wedding (this is gorgeous!): anthimeria
Decorating with succulents: The Nester
Tablescape with succulents: delight by design
Rooftop succulent garden: Apartment Therapy San Fran
Potted succulents: shelterrific

39 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Abbie said...

I LOVE succulents also - mostly for their hardiness no matter what I do! I might have to look for a fun jar!

Still Learning said...

How funny, I've been thinking about doing that with succulents too. Yours looks very pretty and elegant. Great job.


Vanessa Greenway said...

Those are perfect things to have at home, plants to look at and inspirational quotes to cheer your day up! Great Kimba! Vanessa

Jen@Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Seriously? I cut it and leave the ends out? I would have never thought of that and would have just assumed I had to stick them in water right away or put them in the dirt. The things I learn from you, my friend. :) I have a chick and hen plant growing outside but no one can see it. I think I need to bring it in.

Chris said...

Love the succulents. However, I bought some at Lowe's a week ago, and they are dead. WHO kills succulents??!!! I'm thinking I bought defective plants. :)

~Kristen~ said...

I would never have thought to put them in apothecary jars! I love this idea!

Joanna said...

Love it! I have been wanting some for a while now...I think that they would add so much to a house without anything living but the people! *smiles*

kirwin said...

Gorgeous. I love your take on the succulents. I planted some in a rusty old urn, I got at a flea market. I can't decide if i like them better inside or oustside.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful arrangement! I've fallen in love with these litle plants too. I have the one you've got planted on the back right. It gets really tall. Thanks for sharing the cutting info. That may be what I end up doing to mine. Did you see the "cobweb" succulent at Lowes? I couldn't pass up on that one...so cute!


Anonymous said...

I love this! I don't have an apothecary jar, but I do have some glass cookie jars--do you think I could do the same thing with them?

Kimba said...


I think a glass cookie jar would work great. Pretty much any clear glass container would work for this.

For anyone who is interested, my apothecary jar came from my granny. She received an arrangement in it like 40 years ago. But I see apothecary jars all sorts of places...Target, Marshalls, TJ Max, Walmart, Goodwill (that's my fave!)


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a great way to showcase succulents and they look gorgeous in the apothecary jar. Just lovely. Hugs, Marty

Karla said...

So pretty! And you make it look so easy! :) Hmmm...this may just turn into today's project! Thanks for the inspiration!

~Karla @ It's The Little Things...

Unknown said...

I love succulents and never thought of this idea but I am totally going to steal it, again. You are always stylish and hip. Of course, I am not an expert.... so you might not want to take my opinion.


Tootsie said...

looks great! I have a bowl of cactus that I started from seed three years ago...I am so proud of them...that I guard them with my life! lol

Anonymous said...

Those are so neat, I love plants in glass jars like that. Now I know what kind of plants to look for.

Suzann said...

Oh I love plants in glass containers. My mother had some when I was a wee one - such memories.

Layla's Quote Jar has always been a favorite of mine.

Runner Mom said...

This looks too easy!! I might have to give it a try!!
Thanks, Kimba!!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Succulents is one trend that I just can't get into. Probably because I have a yard full of them & I hate them. But yours looks nice. I'll just admire yours from afar. And if anyone wants cuttings, come to my house.

Jennifer P. said...

for some strange reason, succulents give me the heebie-jeebies when I see them growing outside. BUT, in an apothecary jar they're GORGEOUS! way to go Kimba!

Farmgirl Paints said...

Cute! And I love the quote jar idea:)

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

Thrive in neglected care??? Perfect for me! Thanks for the tip. I'm off to try it!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

I'm loving the succulents inside too. I bought one at Lowes the other day & want to get more. I bought a whole pot of hens & chicks last year at a yardsale, so I need to dig up a couple & bring them inside with me.

Joanie @ The Bright Side said...

Love the succulents in the apothecary jar! Very pretty. I had to give up on house plants awhile ago due to our cats always digging them up. Maybe, just maybe this would work for us. Definitely worth a try! Thank you for the idea.

Infarrantly Creative said...

I have never grown succulents before but I just like the word...succulent. That is a fab word. Maybe I will try growing one just so I can say succulent more often ;-)

Ashlee said...

That is so pretty!!!

Amy and her little family said...

I've heard that a plant in your home will make you live longer :)

Shaam said...

I love your little plant in the apothecary jar :) It gives it so much character.

All the best,

Southern Fried Gal said...

Cute! My latest addiction is fern plants. Outside or in I can't get enough. I just bought the cutest button fern that I am planning to put in an apothecary jar. My mom had a terrarium when I was younger but it was the ugly 70's version. I'm so excited to have an updated version. Isn't it funny how it all cycles back around? Next I'll be doing macrame and sand art in a jar - ha!

Pretty Organizer said...

So, here I sit... Staring at your succulently wonderful apothecary jar and thinking... I have all of this in my back yard. Really, I even have lizards that I can let loose in the jar to add to the biosphere effect. Well, come to think of it, I also have scorpions, cockroaches and crickets... not sure who'd win in that death ring, probably the cockroach.

All you glamour decor gals are doing fab with your succulent terrariums. I think since I see succulents every day I need a... deciduous terrarium. I need east coast tree saplings and maybe some of those fabulous blossoming trees. Sigh... the only thing that blossoms here in the desert is... well, I'm still thinking.

Great job Kimba. I love your new green thumb!

Kim Pigue said...

This looks easy enough for me!

Anonymous said...

Dontja just love apothecary jars?

I'm new to your amazing, inspiring blog. You are so talented and I appreciate *all* that you share.

Have a great day!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

What a great way to make them look beautiful!

Donna said...

What a great idea! I saw a VERY large apothecary jar at Hobby Lobby over the weekend...I drooled and walked off and left it because I didn't know what I could use it for.

Guess where I'm going...

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Beautiful Kimba! Love it! Fanny pack -- HA!!!

Kristy said...

I have what may seem like a stupid question, except this is coming from someone who has absolutely no history of success in keeping anything alive that won't bark when its thirsty.

If you pot this in a jar, how do you water it, when there's no place for the water to drain?

Kimba said...

Kristy ~ Thanks for asking. It's not a dumb question at all. Succulents need very little water so they're ideal for a jar like this.

You're supposed to let them dry out completely before you water so that's what I do.

Then I give them just enough water to moisten the soil but not enough to keep their roots sitting in water.

If I were doing another type of plant, I would put a little rock or stone in the bottom of the jar before the soil. That would allow the excess water to sit below the roots of the plant.


winnie said...

And it looks so pretty in there.

Enchantresses Three said...

I totally just copied you http://enchantresses3.blogspot.com/2009/05/good-deals-and-my-attempt-to-copy-kimba.html
Thanks for all the inpiration you give to so many! You rock!