29 January 2009

Building My Foundation

Photo credit: Powi

Here we are at week 2 (or is it week 3?) of our series on Building a Soft Place to Land. Yay! I managed to keep it going for more than 1 week! Baby steps, people. Baby steps.

All of your comments from last week on this post and this post have my head a-whirling with ideas. You guys even blew away The Hubster with your honest and insightful comments. His comment to me? "Those ladies need to be a little easier on themselves." I couldn't agree more.

I want to start by talking about my foundation for creating a home that is a sanctuary for my family. If my foundation is shaky then nothing else I do matters.

I don't think I've made it a secret that I am a Christian. Not in a "yeah, we go to church sometimes" kind of way. But in a "Jesus changed me and changed my life" kind of way. I know that not everyone shares my beliefs and I won't beat you over the head with them but I think it's important for you to understand where my perspective comes from on this topic.

If I am not spending time with my Lord, nothing else is right. My attitude is poor and the work spins out of control. Now this isn't to say that if I spend time with God each day that my attitude is perfect and life just buzzes along merrily. But the odds are much more in my favor when I do.

A few months ago, I was feeling convicted for not starting each day with some time of quiet prayer. At around that same time, my friend Sarah Mae from Like a Warm Cup of Coffee told me about a group called the 5:16 club. It's a group of blogging women who have come together to support one another in our efforts to have time with the Lord before our day begins.

I won't lie. I am NOT a morning person. Getting up before the sun (or my kids, or The Hubster) isn't easy. It's hard. I have to pray about every night before I go to sleep if I have any hope of getting up at that hour. I frequently get out of the routine and have to recommit.

But it's worth it. It makes a difference. I'm different when I spend that time with the Lord first thing in the morning. It's worth it.

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52 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Shell in your Pocket said...

Wonderful and wise post today! I have found as much as I want to do morning devotions I just can't do to the time my kids get up and all. However, I do them at night and then try to reflect on them the next day!

It easy to get caught up in the things of this world...you know, all the great decor and ideas in the blog world...but, this world is not my home and temporary!Our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ should be first and sometimes I struggle with that and my "foundation" is shaky!
-sandy toe

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder Kimba. I need to commit to some time with God each day. Our family did not grow up in church, and now that I have recently made it a (huge) part of our lives, and I am involved so much, it is hard for my family to sink their teeth into. They don't get it, never will. Being a part of the church and believing in the Lord has opened up so many doors for our life. We do spend lots of time at the church, now I need to commit to having that quiet time at home as well.

Thank you, very moving for me.

southerninspiration said...

I agree, Kimba. Even the world will say that one must be "centered" or have faith in something, but I agree that it is crucial to be centered in Christ and having a daily time to keep that center central is crucial. You have the foundation right on sister!!!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

This is why I luv ya so much, girl! This is THEE foundation, and the only way we can build from there...it makes me want to belt out "don't build your house on the sandy land, don't build it to near the shore..." But I won't, even though I could. :)

philben5 said...

Thank you for challenging me this morning and for your wilingness to be so real with us!
Sisters in Christ

BlueCastle said...

I'm a horrible morning person too. I do find if I ask the Lord to wake me up in the morning, He usually does.

Sally Pepper said...

I am also a 5:15er....I just asked my husband the other morning, "When's it going to get easier to get up?" It is painful some mornings and I'm tired every day....but it would be so much harder for the rest of the day to not get up early and spend time with My Best Friend.

Whitney Caroline Designs said...

Thanks so much Kimba! Your post had a purpose for me (and many others I'm sure) today. After all, He is what it's all about! Distractions are everywhere, and finding my focus first thing in the morning helps me keep my focus for the rest of the day. I actually found Sarah Mae on your Twitter page the other day! Guess He needed me to get the point! Thank you for allowing Him to use you to pass the message along!

Tiffany said...

Great post, Kimba. The Lord deserves our first fruits, doesn't he. I need to work on that.


Connie said...

Oh such wise words and how true they are. The blogging world has been a great reminder to me to spend time with all those who mean so much to me, especially our Lord.
How uplifting to come for a daily dose of blogginess and find such incredible support in our faith.Love your blog.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Oh I'm not a morning person at all! I have a hard time thinking or functioning before 8:00.

I love this series you're doing!

I've made a much bigger effort to make my home a "soft place to land" for my family since the beginning of the year, and you're a big push in that.

Christi @ Writing the Waves said...

Yes, taking that time, even when you don't feel like you have any extra time, can really help!

Runner Mom said...

Amen, girlfriend! I try to start my day with my QT--to make Him my top priority. The days that I don't--I can tell!!! I am all out of sorts--which makes my home the same way! We women set the tone of our homes. This summer, I led a Bible Study on the P31 woman. One of the most important things to come from this study was that our husbands are the head of the home, and we are the heart of the home. We are both important and have to work together. We compliment each other. That may step on toes, but that's God's Word.

Hop over to my blog when you get a chance! I actually have a yummy recipe that you all who have had ice and snow recently might enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post... Im with you. I love to have a morning when I can be still with the Lord and give him whats on my heart for the day. Do I go there every morning...honest.. no. My husband has no problem having his morning prayer...before he gets ready for work. He is ever so faithful..always! Why do I have such issues with time? Thank goodness the Lord knows my heart and is working on me every second. I find when Im doing a bible study I stay focused much better. I also must confess..my time with my blog is wayyy too much. If I spent half of that time in the word.... I would be so much better off. Honesty hurts... hurts bad.. I need some fixin!

mommy4life said...

I had a really bad day yesterday and my attitude got the best of me. I realized I had not had much quiet time lately and I was up early this morning and spent some time with HIM. It made a huge difference. It makes us so much more finely tuned to hear HIM and be able to respond.

Jenny said...

I'm not sure if I've ever commented before although I am a devoted reader! :)

You are right on with this post. The Lord needs to be the #1 priority in order to build a house with a strong foundation.

A couple of weeks ago I committed to getting up early and truly having a quiet time...not rushed...but very intentional. It's funny because something so hard to do (getting up early) is now the time I look so forward to every day! God is so good!

Thanks for hosting this series. I can't wait to read more!

Betsy said...

My husband and I were talking about that just a few nights ago. I really needed to get back to having a personal relationship with God. Thanks for this post. I am going to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! And thanks for the reminder. As I was reading your comments I thought about my own relationship and realize that I need to devote more time to it than I do. thanks again.

K Lynne Designs said...

I've recently found your blog and I really enjoy reading it! I feel slightly embarrassed posting this comment, but I'm not sure where else would be appropriate to ask this question.

I'm 25 and have really not grown up in a religious household. As I've gotten older I have had this small voice in the back of my mind that has been telling me that I need to find something more -- a better way to live my life and to learn about God.

It all seems very difficult to start though. I never know just how to pick up with a lifestyle that I have never had. Just last night I had my first bible study with my grandmother who is really the only religious person that I know. It was very nice to talk to her about her experiences in life and her faith.

I am still full of questions and fears, full of disbelief maybe even. Not because I don't want to believe, but because I find it hard to have faith in anything, let alone someone as amazing as God. But I want to have faith, and to have the relationship with him that was meant for me to have.

I guess I am just wondering where to start along this journey. Do I just pick up the bible and begin to read?

Sorry this comment is so long! I hope it was ok to post this here. And I really appreciate your blog and posts, they are wonderful! :)

Erica Shurter said...

I couldn't agree with you more! My day just isn't the same unless I am spending time in His word and praying! Amen sister! :)

Unknown said...

Such a great perspective.

I love to think of the energy and emotion of my day like the stuff in a teacup. Spending time with the Lord fills the cup to the brim, to the point where the fullness overflows to the saucer.

Those that take a part of me every day, and the emotions and energies I have to give away, take from that teacup.

Hopefully, every day, I have enough excess that they are just lapping at the stuff in the saucer. But just in case, it is a good idea to fill that cup every day.

It give me a much needed visual.

Love your series, Kimba.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the encouragement to get up early. I've been working on it, but haven't gotten there yet. Your post has given me the push I needed to just do it, tired or not!

Tricia said...

Kimba-LOVE your blog and your heart and desire to follow Christ! Thank you for sharing this reminder to be in daily communication with our Lord.

I totally lost my patience with my son this morning and couldn't wait to send him out the door for school this morning. I sat down at the table for breakfast this morning and my daughter (not even two yet) looked at me with her hands clasped and said "momma, prayers". I asked for forgiveness for losing my patience and thankful for the sweet, sweet reminder from my little daughter. I appreciate the reminder from you also and am walking away from the computer now to go spend some time in prayer.

I'm quite certain your post touched many hearts this morning...

Anonymous said...

Very encouraging as I struggle with alone time with God. I have the typical reasons with being a mom and staying busy. I do notice that when I spend time alone with God my days are better!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

I'm a relatively new church goer, attempting to build up my spirituality. The worst part is the AM thing. I really really struggle with it. If there was a PM service, I wouldn't have nearly the issue I currently do. My eyes are still puffy that time of day! LOL

I dunno. Other factors are in the works with me too. The change of life doesn't happen overnight no matter how much you WANT it. Is it a learning process? Why don't the scriptures talk to me like they talk to some others? What's with that wall I wish were down? Why don't I feel like some others? Am I not doing this right? I want it but I can't seem to grasp it.

Obviously, I'm in a place of struggle right now. I'm trying to find that inner warmth that just stays. Mine leaves. Often. It's there but not latching on. It's a struggle for me to stay on that topic.

I feel comfort when I go to church, but it's more comfort from those physically around me. That shouldn't be the real reason I go.

Any advice, ladies? I'd sure appreciate an email of insight if anyone desires. :)


Thanks for your message Kimba. It makes me think.

Serendipity said...

I don't enjoy mornings either, but I just read the same idea in "Hannah's Art of Home" {a fun read might I add}...I think you gals are on to something! :) I do agree...I think it is something we all know, but often need to be reminded of...

My best days are the ones that follow a night where I've left things in order -- no dirty dishes, no pile of things to be folded, etc.

Wonderfully said Miss Kimba...

Misty said...

i truly needed this post today. The kick in the right direction... Thank you.

Scrappinfor3 said...

We've recently made a change to become closer to God once more. I feel the need to learn more & dig deeper in my faith as well. We are so blessed by what Jesus was sent here to do for us. We're definately in His grip. Thanks for this post. Have a blessed day!

Lea Anne McCrory Wood said...

so many people don't understand that life start's with Jesus... Just as our day should start with Jesus. I appreciate the blog and invite you to mine sometime too.
Thanks for your post

Unknown said...

Kimba, I couldn't agree more. I've been trying to get up earlier than my kids to have my Bible reading and prayer time, my day just goes so much better when I do. I am currently reading Beth Moore's: Jesus, 90 Days with the One and Only. I would like to recommend that to "K Lynne designs" who wondered where to start, this is a great book to get to know our Savior and his life on earth.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Kimba, I just love your heart! And can't wait to meet you in person. I do a quiet time in the a.m. MOST of the time & you are so right, it makes a difference. I think it makes me think about the Lord so much more during my day when I start out with Him & makes me more aware of what He is doing around me.

Brenda said...

I strongly believe that in order to be the best mother/wife/friend, you must put yourself first. I love the fact that you are setting a time in the morning to fullfil your spiritual needs and give thanks. And I also thank you for being so honest yourself during this mini series. The fact that you too have days your not totally on the ball. Thank you for the inspiration!

Megan said...

I totally agree we all need time to be still. Here is some great words of wisdom to live by:

"The world is so noisy. There are voices everywhere trying to influence us. We all need time to think. We need to drown out the clamor and noise and simply be quiet. We need time to ponder and meditate, and to contemplate the deeper things of life....
Find some time to drown out the noise of the world....Take time to think about the kind of man or woman you want to become."
-President Gordon B. Hinckley from the book, Way to Be!

"Be still, and know that I am God"
-Psalm 46:10

Thanks for the reminder Kimba!

Becky said...

Thanks for the post and though I am of diffrent faith, I understand the need to reflect on God and seem to just get going into my day and forget Prayers, thanks for the nudge in the right direction.

Sandy said...

Oh Kimba, I can't agree more. Morning time is one of the most important times. If I don't catch it quickly - then it's gone! It doesn't happen for me any other time of the day. I went over to 5:16 and that is awesome. I'm up at 5:24! Funny time, uh? Hugs!

Jennifer R. Hamilton said...

I love your blog! I left you an "award" on my blog...go check it out!!

duchess said...

That foundation makes all the difference - it's amazing.
Thanks for telling us about the morning club - I'll check it out.

MM said...

Amen, sista! I have been doing the same thing for the last two weeks. A good friend calls me during the wee hours and we pray together for a minute just to wake up - and then, the morning is for my Beloved and me! I am much more of a night owl, but I find that the time in the a.m. is so sweet - I pray for the grace to continue!

Missie said...

Thank you for the reminder. I have been active in the church all my life, but still struggle at times to make my own personal time for God at home. I know I handle things a lot better when I have made time to be still with God.

Angie said...

So true! Thanks for sharing what is really needed!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

God bless you sweetie. I start each and every day covering my family and our household with prayer as well, but not at 5:16 AM. I believe it makes all the difference in the world ~ placing our lives in His hands, not ours.



Jenny@ L.O.T.s of Love said...

I gave you a blogger award! You can go to my page to check it out! Thanks for inspiring!

Angie said...

I agree and you are an inspiration!

Still Learning said...

My resolution was to spend more time with God this year even if it was just talking to him throughout the day. Last year I began to pray the entire way to work (about 20 minutes) and soon I began my time with God so much it wasn't enough. I began doing the Bible in a Year program at Christianity.com which is something everyone can do (even at work on your computer!! during a break of course) and it has been such a blessing to me when I start off with God it's a much better day and I just feel better equipped spritually you know? You are so right about that time with Him in the morning. Even 10 minutes in Psalms while sipping coffee while getting the kids ready has true blessings.

Thanks for the series!!

Anonymous said...

Great post! I'm a relatively new lurker to your blog but really enjoying it. You do good work, keep it up!

Oh, and yes, I'm another early morning devotional person right there with you. Love that early morning time with me, my Lord, and my two pups before the rest of the house gets going.

Pretty Organizer said...

MMmmwwwahhhh! Love ya! I agree... quiet meditation, prayer and studying His word make all the difference. Well said Kimba!

Unknown said...

I am so with you, Kimba! And so glad for the 5:16 Club! I am not a morning person either and have really struggled this week, but I know with the Lord's help I'll get back on track. Only then can my household duties start to get in control (and my attitude!).

Sandy said...

We share the same firm foundation and I could not agree with you more. My day does go better when I spend time with Him rather than floundering around on my own. Beautiful post.

I am Mom said...

Thank you for giving us the real deal, challenging us on what make our home a home - where your strength, hope and love come from.

Maybe before you end your foundation thoughts, you could give some suggestions on what these ladies should start reading in the morning...as a little help :)

Alison said...

Love this post, Kimba! And it's so good to see so many others wanting that quietness with God in the morning. Thank you for being bold in posting this!

Marci said...

I am so glad that you posted about this! You are allowing God to reach so many women. It is encouraging to know there are others with a passion for God.

Michelle@Life with Three said...

Kimba -- can't even begin to tell you how much this post blessed me. I've gotten so off track with my priorities lately, and this really helped set me straight. I got up this morning for my first quiet time in a long while and -- you were right -- everything went just a little bit smoother for th rest of the day. That time with the Lord is so important and helps ensure I have my head screwed on straight! Thanks so much!