15 November 2008

Simply Saturday

I only have three things for you today during Simply Saturday. Not because I haven't seen loads of fabulous projects around blogland this week but because these posts spoke to my heart this week. I wanted to share them with you.

First, this post from Rachel Anne at Home Sanctuary. I much perfer to have an orderly, peace-filled home. But sometimes the chaos of life gets the better of me and my Soft Place to Land slips away from me. Rachel Anne's post calmed my spirit and helped me feel less overwhelmed.

Second, this post from Emily at Remodeling This Life. She brought tears to my eyes and reminded me to slow down and enjoy this time with my family.

And last, but most definitely not least, is from my own sister. She just started her very own blog called Little Purple Flowers. Yay! And this post that talked a bit about priorities cracked me up. She couldn't be more right.

Have you looked at the Moms Unite Shopping Guide lately? There have been lots of wonderful additions over the last week. As Nester would say, "Buy from people. Not robots!"

Would you like to add the button for the Moms Unite Shopping Guide to your blog? Grab the code here!


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5 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the link, Kimba! Happy Saturday!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Kimba this is delightful. I was laughing to myself thinking about how the news comes on and 'will say' that retailers expect shopping to be disappointing for Christmas....and I was thinking "NO, not online with all of us gals buying from one another!" They have no idea all the financial commotion going on with "Moms Unite" and what a success-I'm predicting-it will be. I'm buying as many presents from this group of gals as possible. Thanks for all your hard work behind the scene...now where is my credit card?

Rachel Anne said...

Oh, Kimba. I read your profile and smiled. You could be my twin. Yes, Yes, YES...a soft place to land...what a beautiful way to put it. Your blog is just that and reflects your heart, I can tell.

Thank you for the link! I am honored. I am soooo passionate about the Small Things, because they add up to so much more. It's easy to get discouraged in the task of raising children/being a wife and domestic goddess etc. Doing a little at a time gives me a chance to breathe and enjoy life as I go.

I look forward to seeing you around!

Tausha said...

I must go and get my read on! I have been away from blogland for over a week, and oh how I miss my friends!!!!
I have had to pace myself to look at the shopping guide.
Now, if only I could find a mom that made Nintendo DS-I would be set!!

Mama Dog said...

Thanks for introducing us to more great bloggers! I love all three of these blogs! I find that I love the things you love so much that I usually come to your blog first and follow your blogroll and your links! I confess to lurking! I'm new at this :-)