05 November 2008

Grand Opening!

I'm doing a little shameless promotion for myself today! Shameless promotion for my brand new Etsy shop, Kimba Made!

Can you live without one of these?

Probably. But they are pretty, no?

They are magnetic inspiration boards (or memo boards or message boards).

They're made with my very own fingers using the finest spray paint available and fun fabric from designers like Amy Butler and Heather Bailey.

I've made them for friends before and they've always said, "You should sell these!" So, now I am.

Do you want one? There is a link to my shop somewhere over there --------------->

Check it out! And then when you're done, make sure you've entered your name for our fabulous giveaway from Meg at Bode22. Her clocks are fantastic!

post signature

P.S. Keep checking the Moms Unite Shopping Guide! There are new listings being added every day!

76 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Jennifer said...

Wow, I love them! Great job and I bet you'll do great selling them!!

Betsy said...

Very cute. Useful too. Good luck!

Our Complete Family said...

They are GREAT! What fun fabrics and such a neat addition to any home! Practical + cute = AWESOME HUN!
~ Les

Lacey in the Sky said...

I love Kimba Made! I'm pretty sure I remember some of these memo-boards in their original form from a previous post(about how your husband doesn't know why you collect these things)? Maybe I'm wrong? I just remember a box of frames and trays! They look AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

Hi kimba

I love them, great job as usual, love the funky colours, I bet they'll fly out of your new shop


Darcy @ m3b said...

Talent and beauty?

Kimba, my dear, some girls get all the luck. The rest of us shop their etsy stores. ;)

Suzann said...

Those are really cute!

Ally's Corner said...

Love them! I'm sure you will sel lots.

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Great idea Kimba! Good luck with the Etsy shop. :)

Amber said...

What a great idea! Last year, I made a fabric-covered corkboard that I put in a frame that I painted and distressed. I have it in my kitchen and I pin pictures of my friends' babies on it.

I never thought of doing a magnetic one. That's a great idea! Yours are so pretty. Love the toile ones!

duchess said...

So cute, Kimba.
Way to get you a little shopping money, girl.

Kristen said...

These are beautiful. I can't wait to go look through your shop!

emily freeman said...

I love these, girl! Great job! I can't wait to buy one for my SIL!

Jenny said...

Very nice! I love that the craft is useful as well.

Lulu said...

loving the pink/toile one!

Free Art Printables said...

These are very cool!

Kris said...

good for you, Kim! Lovely!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Okay..those are so cute! I love them!
-sandy toes

Anonymous said...

Those are totally cute! I'm buyin' one! :-)

Sallie said...

Beautiful, I've made some of those myself. I love the cool frames you have.

Vanessa Greenway said...

They're so beautiful! Very pretty! :) Vanessa

jo said...

I adore SPRAY PAINT!!!!! very creative and love your taste in good fabric.

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

Congrats and best wishes on your new shop.

The Beauty Bargainista said...

These are so awesome Kimba! I totally want to get my sister one for Christmas!

southerninspiration said...

GREAT ideas, and LOVE the look and fabrics. I love your description, too! ....made with the finest spray paints available...you are so funny!

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

Good luck with the new store! I don't know how you find the time.

Anonymous said...

Welcome aboard (hehe get it?). Those are just beautiful Kimba and so you! I love them and the colors and fabrics...oh my! I know you will do awesome~

Anonymous said...

They're really cute! Good luck with your shop - I'm sure everything will fly out of there!


Laurie and Chris said...

What a cute idea. I really like these. i am going to take a look at my christmas list to see who to get one for.

Lauren and Justin said...

kimba, these are beautiful! i am so excited that you are selling them! i am going to have to save my pennies and give myself a wedding gift from Kimba Made!

Wendy said...

They're darling! I have the green and pink toile in my daughter's room, and the black damask in my bathroom (just sayin' I love your taste in fabric!) Good luck!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Love it....yea for helping women with gift giving and help your family at the same time.

9405018--Pat said...

wow,I love them Good luck....love the black toile.
Pat H

Christi said...

Oh, I love them - very pretty!

iheartbowheads.blogspot.com said...

Very cute!!!!!

Georgia Girl said...

Love em! You are so awesome Kimba. Just great things you share with us. Going to visit your store.

Janet said...

I love the black and white prints with the bright colored frames.

Good luck with Etsy. I'm going to go mark you as a favorite and check out your store now.

Anonymous said...

They look great...and YES you should be selling these...Good luck.

Windy said...

They are beautiful. Love the fabrics with the frame colors!

Pretty Organizer said...

Wow Kimba lady! Soooo much talent coursing through those fingertips! Isn't spray painting fun? My lawn looks like I hired a graffiti artist, my wedding ring needs to be professionally cleaned (duh, I never remember to take it off) and after working in a cloud of spray paint we won't even talk about the colors I see when I blow my nose... THAT comment is not for a public wall! Oh please don't hate me for being so frank. The joy of creativity. The boards look great. Congrats on your new store!

Heather said...

super cute! It's about time you sold your amazing creations!!

Shannon said...

They are all so cute Kimba!

K and/or K said...

Ooo, I would not be surprised if one of these ends up on my Chirstmas list!

Heathahlee said...

Oh, sniff sniff, I knew this moment would come, sniff sniff...I'm so proud of you... : )

Okay, enough mush, I'm off to your Etsy shop!

Valarie Lea said...

Very Very Cute!!!! I love those!!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...


I'll have to go heart your shop now. :)

Lacy said...

So cute! I just did my bathroom shower curtain in that top brown and green paisley with green houndstooth for the top. Super cute. Ill be back to shop.

Sam said...

Well it's about time you put your creativeness out there for others to purchase. Congrats on your new shop! Oh and great shop name too. :)

Laura said...

Congrats on your new Etsy shop! Good luck!

Heather said...

How fun!!! I love them! I see one I want for my daughter's room. I just opened my own Etsy store and used my blog for some shameless advertising as well!!! Hey- why not! Best of luck with your new shop!! With your talent you should have no problem!!

Jackie said...

You have such awesome ideas! Keep up the good work! I have an award for you...check out my blog to get yours.

blah, blah by lindsey said...

those are super cute!!

Kelly said...

Well, Well, Well, Miss Kimba Made!

How proud I am of you! :)
Love 'em your creations. I just know it will be a smashing success!

I can see them love in each one of them.

Congrats on opening up your store!

Victoria said...

Kimba they are beautiful!!!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Ooo...congrats Kimba!! What a unique idea!

Anonymous said...

What are great idea these are! I'm sure they'll fly off the 'shelves' - Just in time for christmas.
Your blog is an inspiration for me as I decorate our new home. Thank you!

joyh82 said...

Great job, very pretty!

Unknown said...

Those are gorgeous! Good job. I think you'll sell out!

Amanda said...

Kimba they ROCK! I love them. I know you will do wonderful selling them.


Laura said...

So cute!!!

Hi. I'm Laura :D I just discovered your blog!

Chris said...

Just like everything else you touch, I LOVE them! Great idea to start selling them! Good luck!

Becca said...

you are so talented! i love the black toile.


Amber said...

Way to go, Kimba! How exciting that you've opened your very own Etsy. :) I love the magnetic boards. They are very fun and would make wonderful gifts!

Paula@SweetPea said...

Very cute! I don't think you'll have any problem finding buyers for those.

Holly said...

Congratulations!! They really are adorable.

Ashley said...

Oh Kimba! Super cute!:)

Janet said...

Wow! I like the 6 one ! Visit Paris's blog puppycove.blogspot.com

rohanknitter said...

I just happened across your blog for the first time and I love etsy so I had to go over and check out your stuff - and I saw the perfect thing for my sister for Christmas!! woohoo!

jori-o said...

Those are adorable! Congrats on the new shop!

frogfaith said...

Super Cute!

trish said...

Oh my goodness! I am in love! Truly! I need to have one of your memo boards. Once my Etsy shop gets off the ground, I would love to purchase one! I barter too! :o) Just in case you want to do a "swap".
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

sweetfunkyvintage said...

Those memo boards are fab!! Good luck with them!

Allison said...

Good Luck with your business! I love them...my kitchen is in toile and I have been needing a memo board. I'll check it out!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

I tried to DM you on Twitter in response to your DM to me, but Twitter is being silly and won't let me. I will definitely add your link to my blog post! Beautiful stuff! Will you be hosting a giveaway by chance?

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Congrats on your new Etsy shop, Kimba! That's so exciting. Your stuff looks great, too. I'm partial to the one with the black and white toile since that's the fabric I have in my kitchen and family room. :-)

smartcookie said...

Wow! These are great! You are so creative. Good luck!