Some days my mind and heart are filled with anxiety. Today is one of those days. I can barely bring myself to turn on the news. I'm a bit of a political junkie so this is odd for me. The state of our economy has me deeply troubled. I'll bet some of you feel the same way.
Of course I'm worried about the large-scale consequences of what our inept politicians do or do not do concerning a 700 BILLION DOLLAR bail-out. But my mind can't comprehend the vast scope of that kind of money. When political pundants and newscasters start throwing around words like "depression", my worries become instantly more personal.
What would happen to my family and to the people I know and love if our economy becomes even more of a disaster than it already is?
Would my husband lose his job? Could he find a new one? Would we lose our home? Would we be able to fit into my mother's basement? Kidding about that last one. We're totally going to live with my in-laws. ;-) What kind of America are my children going to grow up in?
When I start to get myself all spun-up, I need to remind myself to stop and to take my worries to the one who has calmed my fears so many times in the past.
Whenever I share a piece of my faith with you, my dear readers, I feel compelled to acknowledge the I'm aware that not everyone shares my faith or beliefs. But I receive such comfort from them that I want to share it with you.
What do I do with my fears?
“I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).
So what does that mean to be delivered from my fears? If I take them to the Lord, does that mean the thing that whatever is causing my fear will be resolved in my favor? Clearly, no. The bible says, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Since I do pay attention to political happenings, I usually have an opinion on those matters. I constantly have to remind myself that my opinions are limited by my human perspective. Even if things are not resolved in a way that alleviates trouble, that does not mean that God is suddenly not in control.
God is not thinking, "Oh for Pete's sake, look at the mess they've made. What am I going to do now?" Well, He's probably thinking the first part, but certainly not the second.
Even if the absolute worst should happen and our economy collapses, the country is in financial ruins and we're all standing in bread lines, God is still in control. I can still have peace and comfort in this time of trouble.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).
66 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:
I could not agree more Kimba! I too, am scared in this time, but I know that the most powerful things in this world happen when we are on our knees at the throne of out mighty God. He brings comfort to me in this time also!
Good post Kimba! I know I had the same feelings of panic this morning when I read the front page of the news. But I still can take comfort in my God. He is in control today as much as he was yesterday, and will be tomorrow! ~Sherri
Excellent post! Yes, these are scary times. Faith, hope, and love will see us through.
More posts like this one, please!
I am so totally with you on the scripture you ended your post with ~ He always has been, is now, and will always be in control :) what comfort to us worrisome humans :) :)
We were just discussing this very thing in my women's group today. I love what you said about God not being up there wondering how He was going to fix this. When I start to panic, I just remember that He is in control, no matter what the politicians think and the media wants us to believe.
My husband works in the financial industry so the fears about the economy are very close to my heart.
I just have to remind myself that fear is not preparation. I will do all that I can do and the Lord will take care of the rest.
This is such a great post and a great reminder that God is our source-not a paycheck or a strong portfolio or anything else. I just posted on my blog with some thoughts about that-and I take to heart the words in Matthew, "who of you can add one hour to your life by worrying?"
We've certainly felt the effects of the "downturn" or whatever it's called, (my husband was laid off in February) but God does not change, even when our situation does.
Thanks for the great reminder.
Dear Kimba,
I feel free to post a comment about this matter. I live in a country (Serbia) which is in trouble for years. I can perfectly understand your fears I have been there, through the hardest years of not having anything, food lines and non-imaginable situations.
But then like you said it doesn't matter how hard or bad it turns out HE is always in charge. Believe me, I never thought that I will be able to survive certain situation and here I am. Human beings are amazing and so adaptable to everything.
I know this maybe doesn't sounds like a comfort but from my personal experience I can just tell you ordinary people always pay the big price for the politic decisions.
I hope that things turn out fine for all of you and that the rainy days are still far away.
Thank you! I love your blog and we may not have exactly the same beliefs but there is a lot we share in common and I find your blog very uplifting and inspiring!
amen, and thanks for sharing!
Exactly right, Kimba. Our God is sovereign, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea ... There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the Holy place where the Most High dwells ... The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. ... 'Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.' " (Psalm 46)
had to come out of lurkdom and respond to this Kimba. You see, my husband lost his job last friday (after 25 yeears there!) he works in the building industry and there is precious little of that going on! But I have to tell you, we have complete faith that God will see us through. God has already met our needs and provided answers in amazing ways. We will be fine. Of course the flip side to that is that in troubled times we should pray for wisdom and really rethink our money situation. I urge anyone reading this to not wait until the worst happens, can you live without cable tv? that new car? can you downsize and ditch some of the big bills in favor of having an emergency nest egg to keep you afloat if things get bad? Now is the time to make preparations, just in case. We can always go on a wild shopping spree if things starighten out:>), but the peace of mind you get from a little preparation can't be beat.
Thank you for sharing your perspectives. You highlight the point that God truly is in control no matter the circumstances. We have been extraordinarily blessed for a long time. Your experience of living in Serbia is a perfect reminder that our circumstances need not dicate our peace and comfort.
Thank you.
Hi Kimba...You expressed in words some of the very same thoughts we have been having lately. In God we trust means everything today...
;-) Bo
Great post - I completely agree. No matter what happens - hurricanes or a fallen economy, God is still in control and able to take care of all I give Him until his return (2 Timothy 1:12). He is the only ONE worth putting faith in.
Thanks for posting this!
It is a scary time and our city is holding its breath to see what happens to us as a result of the recent Wachovia deal. But we are confident of this: our God is bigger than we are. He knows better than we do. And we have acknowledge that He is in control and rest in Him. It's no easy task. In fact it goes against my worrier nature. But it's what He asks of us! Thanks for the reminder, Kimba, of where our hope lies!
I think everyone has been feeling the same as you. I know I have. But just reading this post and the scriptures you used, has helped give me a sense of calmness about things that are happening. My husband and I have been married forty-one years and had highs and lows financially, but God has always brought us through the lows. Thanks for bringing this up and giving us your thoughts.
I too follow the politics of our nation closely and didn't watch one minute of news yesterday. I think my brain just needed a day to clarify what in my life is most important right
I've been lurking for a while, but this is my first comment. You posted my absolute favorite Bible verse (the Phillipians verse). This is also one of my favorites, and it never fails to calm my heart:
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I feel your pain, Kimba. I too love to keep up with what's going on in our world. You'll usually find talk radio or Fox news on at my house during the day.
I am also nervous about the way things are going but I think that most TV stations make things out to be a little bit worse than they really are. Stocks were back up yesterday & things will all work out. Whenever people invest in the market there is not guarantee that they will make money - it's a gamble. The banking situation is bad - but anyone who can add and subtract should have known that they couldn't have paid for those houses. I just don't know that tax payers should have to pay the tab for all of these bad decisions.
Ok - I'm off my soap box (for now). The truth is that God is in control & things may be a little tougher than we are used to them being for a while. He will protect & watch over His children - of that I'm confident.
I hope you can have a good Wednesday & that He will ease your fears. :)
God is in control. And we are here because He wants us. :-) Isn't that amazing!
If He wants us, it is b/c He loves us and cares for us.
Right now I am spending more time praying for this nation, in many ways, than I ever have before.
Very good post.
Amen. Excellent post.
I have chosen to "Live Like A Lily"
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: Matthew 6:28
Great post Kimba! You are a beacon of light!
Well said and AMEN!!
That is a wonderful reminder as we all sit and wait and wonder, trying to keep the fear away.
Hi Kimba ~ My mother sent me a link to this post this morning because she knows I also struggle with feelings of anxiety in this current economy. Thanks for the reminders and I made note of the scriptures so that I can commit them to memory.
Thanks for helping us get it all in perspective.
Perfectly put. Thanks for the remind of who I need to turn to to calm my fears. :)
Some trust in chariots (politicians, government, economy) but I trust in the name of the LORD! I am so glad my faith and trust is in Him and not in the things that are changing constantly. Thanks for this post!
i know exactly how you feel. the only thing to do is pray and try not to worry. We have no control in this matter. my husband already lost his job, and we are still here.
You're not alone in your feelings of anxiety. It's something we all are struggling with right now, I think. My hubby keeps up very closely with politics and conservative Christianity & these 2 go hand in hand. If any of you get the cable stations with Hal Lindsey & John Ankerberg, these 2 Christian programs really are covering a lot of what is happening right now from a Biblical perspective. This is not a surprise at all. We are going through exactly what God had planned for our country all along and I truly believe we are heading into the last days before the Lord returns. Some of the things happening now point to the eventual one world financial system that is foretold in Revelation. The Democratic party is even trying to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, which in effect will silence Christian TV and radio...meaning if anyone is offended by what is said on these programs, they will be yanked for being "unfair". This is where our country is headed.
So, that being said, we as Christians can rest in the truth that God truly is in control. Will things get worse? Maybe...but, He will take care of us. That is such a comfort to me & I know it is for all of you too.
Thanks for a great post, Kimba!
I recently started reading and have many of your same interests. I am a political junky too. I talked to a dear friend (a little older). And she said "So what if we have a depression." Her father lived through it and she said they were poor, but so was everyone else. It made them closer-to each other AND God. It gave us humility and perspective. Now, I'm not saying I want a depression, but that we should reconsider our values.
When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought joy to my soul.
Psalm 94:19
Amen! I too am a bit worried. I try to just keep going and all the while saving.... I look at everything in a different light now... Do I really need that?.... Im sure we are all feeling this. One thing though, we are all in this together, smile!
Thank you for sharing your faith. It is such a scary time. But I have peace in knowing that the Lord is in control.
Thanks for your encouragement and good to be reminded of where our comfort truly comes from!
Blessings & Happy October 1,
When I find myself in that place, which is often these days, taking a deep breath and repeating the phrase, "I'm being taken care of." reminds me that no matter what, I'll be okay. Thanks Kimba for reminding me of that today.
Kimba, I've been thinking about these same things, too. I know that I know that I know Jesus, of all people, understands our fears because He talked on fear about as much as any topic in the Bible. Over and over, I hear His words, "Fear not."
I can also hear my mother asking me at various points, "Where is your faith?" So, bearing their words in mind, I try and remember who my deliverer is and be thankful. The Psalms are always a comfort to me. We just need to thank and praise Him even in the face of adversity like David did. God will hear us and deliver us.
It appears that this is going to be a time when we, as Christians, are going to have to pull together, helping not only our immediate families, but other people as well. In the end, that's what the Lord would have us do always... to live as the true body of Christ, as family and to reach out to others in need.
When things look the bleakest, that's the time to sing the loudest praises unto Him. That's what I try to do, and you know, it really helps. It takes my eyes off the problem and puts them on the Lord where they should be. God is bigger than economics, than deficits, than interest rates, than all of it. He's God, and He's our father who won't foresake us. Ever. :-) Things are temporal in this life, but He is everlasting. There's a lot of comfort in that thought.
I wonder when we no longer "see in a mirror dimly" what we will see about these times. Honestly, I feel that the media is to blame in large part because of their endless negative news coverage. It's such gloom and doom all the time. Makes you wonder if things haven't become a self fulfilling prophecy with people giving in to the thought of doom and gloom. I have finally had to stop watching. I read things and can pick and choose better that way. I know my limits.
Whatever the case with the media, we can be our own media and give good reports, proclaiming the Good News that Jesus is Lord. That's my news at any rate. The most glorious news in the world is that we have a Savior who loved us so much that He died that we might live! And this news is for the whole world. So, I'm going to choose to believe the report of the Lord. His report is always a joy! That's my news, and I'm sticking to it. ;-)
I soo needed to hear this today. Thank you so much for sharing that and helping me to ease my anxiety as well.
THanks for this!
Hi Kimba,
I think we can't help being worried. It's part of our being human.
Thanks for this post...God is in control, and we need to be reminded of that in post such as yours.
You seem to be so mature beyond your years!
I enjoy your blog,and admire you for the stand you take!
Thank you Kimba - you are a refreshing read in this time of political strife and anxiety... thank-you for not tiptoeing around other's beliefs so as not to offend anyone, but for boldy proclaiming the truth as you know it. Your blog is a blessing!
Amen, sweetie. just love you and this post.
The only thing that I can say about your post today is AMEN!
Blessing, Virginia
amen, good sister. It will all shake out in the wash and thankfully, God is much bigger than this messy world. It is hard to fight that fearful feeling, but the cross is the best place to take it. Thank you for that solid reminder.
Our pastor spoke on this last weekend. He had us look in Isaiah where King Uzziah dies. In the next chapter Isaiah talks about seeing God on the throne. No matter what happens, God is on the throne. He can work through good leaders, poor leaders, crazy economies, great economies, etc. He is on the throne!
While I was reading this I got a phone call that caused me to really need this post. I also looked up as I got the phone call and saw something I had written that said Why we should not fear.
Micah 7:19 He will again have compassion on us; He will subdue and tread underfoot our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.
Yes and Amen!
Wonderful reminder Kimba! We are held securely in a very insecure world - we just seem to forget that some days!
Thank you for sharing those verses. We all need encourgement now. Sometimes I forget that God is watching over us all.
Thanks for being so open about your faith. Amen to your post. God is in control and He has our future plans laid out for us. I trust Him. It is scary to wonder what will happen for our children most of all. Maybe this will be a good thing for America though, a real wake-up call.
Lovely post. Just what I and so many others need to read right now. Thank you.
I understand how you feel. Have been having similar thoughts lately, wondering how this is all going to work out. It definitely makes us have to turn to God, since things like this quickly remind me that we just can't trust in things of this world!
It is a scary in God is such a blessing...just knowing he loves us and will not give us more than we can handle. Thanks for this beautiful post!
beautiful words. Thank God - literally!!! - that we have him to put our trust in. Thank YOU for sharing your faith so publicly. :)
I posted something similar today. Wish I had the talent for saying things as well as you do, but God does know my heart. Thanks for sharing your heart. Jackie
Wonderful post! It is such a comfort to know that God is in control. Even when everything seems to be going wrong, God will see us through!
Thanks for the thoughtful reminder....I don't want to worry, so I tend to bury my head in the sand - not anymore of a good idea than worrying! I simply want to trust my God. Thanks for sharing your faith!
Totally agree and well put!
beautiful.... again, your faith is simply beautiful.
Kimba, thank you so much for this post. Yes, it is such a comfort to remember that God is in control. I do get pretty worked up about it at times and your beautiful post reminds me that I can give it all to God and experience the peace that Jesus promised. The peace that is not of this world. Thank you so much!
I love that verse. Phil 4:6-7 is the verse that taught me how to truly pray; how to give everything to God.
Great post, and one that many can relate to.
I'm in a Ladies Bible Study right now about Phil 4:8 and it's so perfect right now because I had/have the same thoughts as you!
Our family has been on a journey all year........looking and looking for a job for my hubby.........However, the best thing about it all (trying to forget about All the frustrating dead end days) has been our walk with the Lord. The Lord has given us so many scriptures to claim and pray. This in turn has been a tremendous example for our children to witness the unfolding of God's perfect timing and His perfect way through all of the uncertain days.
But we know for sure that....
..."Without faith it is impossible to please [God]. Hebrews 11:6
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