02 July 2008

Conscious Choices

Something that I read this week got me thinking about the topic of conscious choices and how they relate to the ways I spend my time.

I have a fixed amount of time each day and it can be filled with meaningful activities, relationships and accomplishments. But the choices I make - or don't make - determine whether that happens.

I want to have a welcoming, comfortable home. But my home doesn't require or demand my time. I choose whether or not to use my time to make my home a soft place to land.

I want to teach, encourage, support and discipline my children so that they can grow into healthy, Godly adults. But my children don't require it or demand it - however demanding they may be at times. I must choose to do those things for my children.

I want to have a warm, loving relationship with my husband. But my marriage doesn't demand it or require it. I must make the choice to do the things that I know will keep my marriage healthy.

I want to grow ever closer to my Lord. But my Lord doesn't require or even demand my time. I must make the choice to spend time in prayer and study each day.

I need to have a plan and make conscious choices each day to spend my time in ways that accomplish the goals that I've set.

Right now, I'm making the conscious choice to go snuggle with my hubby.

39 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Arlene said...

I am so glad you were featured on TCB so we can all enjoy you now! Happy to have found you & your creative spray painting jobs!

Joy said...


Dizzy Broad said...

Hi Kimba - you have such a wonderful and inspirational blog! Is there a future Etsy shop in there somewhere?! I love all your furniture makeovers. You're a true talent and congrats on your feature! - gigi

Lacy said...

You go girl and thanks for reminding me....I am not a very good time manager.

Sarah Mae said...

YES! Right on girlfriend! :)
You are so right about the CHOICES we make, and snuggling with your husband instead of sitting on the computer is a good one!

Great job getting featured!!!!

Darlene said...

Beautifully said. Thanks for this mornings inspiration.

Kat said...

True. True. Very true. Working through a bit of this myself.

The hub is up, so I'm going to make a conscious choice to go and get a cup of coffee.

Trixi said...

I think I read something similar this week. Very well said, Kimba!! I tend to get consumed with different things instead of putting all things into perspective. Have a great day!!

Holly said...

WHEW! There are a lot of us in blogland reading very similar things... Very well written. And yes, I found you through Kim! Hi!

Anonymous said...

Im so happy for you to be on TCB... Your going big now, hehe... Enjoy! Susie H~

Karrie said...

I wanted to comment on your comment on Emily's post today on the Nester's site (that was confusing...). I had the same problem with my daughter being attached to the tie ribbon on the bumper in her crib. We bought a shaker style twin for her and I shortened the bumper with the sewing machine and then tied it to the slats of the head board. I think a daybed, with 3 slatted sides would have worked even better. We had to do something! It was disrupting her sleep and when she didn't sleep, NONE of us slept! :)
Good luck and congrats on the TCB post!

Christina said...

I love reading your blog. You always have such inspirational things on here. I'm so glad I found you!! Not that I was looking for you or stalking you or anything. LOL I just came across it somehow. Anyway, I'm a faithful reader now. :)

Deanna said...

Great post....ties into what my husband and I have been talking about lately.

By the way, I'm starting to look at furniture and come up with ideas to redo it. :)

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Wise words this morning to start my day. I am so glad to have found you. You are inspiring not only with words of wisdom but with your creativity and personality(the yellow shoes)I read something similar by Chuck Swindoll called "Attitude" and was thinking about it as I walked this AM, then came in and read your post. Confirmation from the Lord.Have a great day!

Amanda Jo said...

Friend, It's like you're reading my mind and posting it all on your blog!

Thank you for being a breath of fresh air on here and being yourself on here!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. This is my first time here and I love your idea of creating a *soft place to land* for our family..It is true that it is a *choice* we make every day..

trish said...

You said that so well. I am constantly reminded that each day is new and I need to make conscience efforts to make it a beautiful day, by the choices I make. What a gift to have a new day. :O) To camp out with my children, to snuggle my husband, to create a healthy and yummy meal for my family to enjoy. I am blessed indeed.
That is super about your post being on TCB! Congratulations! My dresser that I am painting is in the rehab stage, gluing loose areas, shopping for knobs while it dries. :o) I will post pictures when it is completed. Thanks for your encouraging words! Oh, by the way, my husband said that he would buy a case of Kilz for me for our anniversary and I was so excited I could hardly talk!! Does that mean I am addicted? ~Tricia Anne

Amy said...

I absolutely love your blog and all your great ideas. I am the mother of 5 little kiddo's and I love to decorate, especially the easy way, when I find the time!! Loved the post today. Time choices are a constant struggle for me. Sometimes, I just need a good reality check. Thanks!! I hope you don't mind me adding you to my link list!!

Nicole said...

Thanks for the morning inspiration. Very well said. Congrats again on being featured.

Anonymous said...

wow! I love this!! Thanks so much for sharing!!! :)

Your blog inspires me everyday!


Anonymous said...

You hit it big time being featured on TCB and all. :) Your words are soothing and your projects inspirational!!! I loved today's post, you hit the nail on the head!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kimba, I found out about you at The Inspired Room and thot I would pop in! Oh, what a wonderful post about the choices we make. Very wise! I'm going to go back a prowl around your blog. I'm very new to Blogland, just started last Thursday, so come by for a visit sometimes.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Heathahlee said...

Sigh...you are so right about them being the choices we make. I think as soon as I finish this comment I'm going to choose to go spend a little more time with Jesus this morning.

btw, I'm telling you, there will be no living with you if you continue to get so popular. :)

Anonymous said...

Perfect Reminder!!

scargosun said...

Being conscious of our choices I believe is the secret to life.

Jenna said...

Poignant reminder, thank you! Found you through BlogHer, and enjoyed your post!

Gretchen said...

A great reminder for summer days when we tend to not make conscious decisions about how we spend our day.
Thank you!

emily freeman said...

I love this post. So well put, honest and right on target.

Thank you for sharing this needed reminder!

Liz Harrell said...

Excellent thoughts. So true. Thanks for your prayers for my friend, I appreciate them.

Rue said...

Hi Kim :)

Congratulations on your feature for todays creative blog! You really deserve it :)


Debbie said...

I'm turning off the computer tonight and doing the same thing. Thanks for the reminder.

molly said...

Just stopped by to wave my flags with you - love your furniture redos and am real jealous you are going to the beach! Thanks for the visit

Lula! said...

I sat down at Miss Pretty Pink and said, "Lord, speak to me..." And then I found you and He did...

He is so good like that, huh?

Anonymous said...

This is so true. For me... it's guilt. I feel guilty for not cooking as much as I should. For not playing as often as I can with my kids. For taking personal time, however rare it might be. But knowing that I'm making the choices I am... and trying to do my best, helps me to know it's the perfect balance. Thanks for the reminder to be in the moment.

Nancy Hood said...

My wise grandmother once told me "A person always seems to have time to do the things they really want to do, so why should anyone whine about not getting to do something? Obviously they just didn't think it was a priority". Like I said, she was a wise woman and I learned from her~

Janell said...

So convicting and SO right on!!! Thanks so much for this. It has really made me rethink about what is important for sure! Now the next step...application! ;)

Anonymous said...

How beautifully said. (found you through Creative Blogs)


Heather said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!!! What a great post... and so very true! I love coming here and getting inspired!
-Heather :)

Nanny and Tessy said...

What a beautiful post!!

I am so there with ya!! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my "Conscious Choices" post. It's funny how it's almost the same post, yet it's different.

I also like the title to your blog. I am one who believes that your home should be a safe place to get away from all the stresses of the outside world. You can always come home to a place where you are not judged or pushed and there is unconditional love all around.

I will definately bookmark your page and come back from time to time... especially to check out all your creative ideas!
