27 April 2008

When God has something to say

Do you ever have the feeling that God is trying ever so hard to get through to you? And you're just not listening? Today was one of those days.

A little background...We are in the process of selling the house that we're living in and building a new one. I can go into the details of why at a later time but, suffice it to say, we're more than a little stressed around our house these days.

I worry. A lot. It's what I do. I obsess. I stress. And, oh, I clean my house. Again and again. Every time we get the call that a potential buyer is coming to look at our current house, I turn into a stressed-out cleaning machine. My poor family.

Anyway, my point is that I've been praying about this and trying to leave the entire situation in God's hands on a daily basis. The problem is that each day after I lay my anxiety at His feet, I pick it back up and wrestle with it some more. I try and think of new and wonderful ways to make our current home more attractive to potential buyers.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think there is a lot of value in making my home clean and attractive but it's gotten to the point that I'm moving wreaths around the house because I think that might help. Because you know that putting the forsythia wreath on the front door rather than above the fireplace will really bring those offers rolling in.

So this morning, I was flipping through an old bible study (Women of Faith - Living Above Worry and Stress) when I was drawn to Psalm 18:2.

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."

I read through it and began to hear God talking to my heart. Telling me to trust Him. He is in control. What I do in this situation doesn't matter. Things will be resolved in His time.

Then I realized that both of my sons were naked and we need to leave. I became a bit distracted.
We went to church and the sermon was based on Psalm 62. I again heard God speaking directly to my heart when the Pastor read verses 1 & 2.

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

OK! OK! I hear you! I hear you!

Why is it so hard to just let go and trust that God is in control. He has proven Himself faithful time and time again. Even if things don't work out exactly the way that I think they should, His plan is perfect and I can rejoice in that fact.

Sooooo....My goal for the week is to commit those two verses to memory and pray for complete confidence in God's plan and His timing. And be ever so thankful that God keeps calling to me even when I'm doing my best not to listen.

2 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

The Downtown Boutique said...

I am SO there with you! I worry about things too. A LOT! Things that are out of my control most of the time.

I know that patience is one of my issues that God deals with me constantly on. I guess that means I haven't aced that test yet.

Those verses are so good. I also love Psalm 37. There is SO much there that I cling to! God is so faithful and so good. I am trying to learn to say "Blessed be your Name" even when things are rough.

God bless you and your family!


Kimba said...

Ooooooo!!!! My first comment!!! And a nice one too!!!

I always joke that I must be a little slow because there are certain lessons that God has to teach me over and over.
