01 November 2009

Sunday Morning

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4: 8-9

photo credit: Roger Lynn


  1. gorgeous photo. wonderful verse from one of my favorite portions of scripture...happy sunday.

  2. I so love this verse and you selected the perfect photo to accompany the message!

  3. Kimba, yours was the first blog I read this morning. I look forward to seeing what verse of Scripture you will choose and this was a good one for me today.

    Thank you and bless you,

  4. I have often wondered what this verse means. How do we know what is true, nobel, right, pure etc. Someone elses' right and true may not be mine. The words of this verse sound poetic, but I don't see anything meaningful in it.

  5. We must be one in the Spirit. I have been reading, meditating and quoting this scripture all week.

    en Agape,

    Victoria in Texas

  6. i learned and leaned on this Scripture so many times through the years like many...goes well with the choice of photo.

  7. Rosaline,

    Thank you so much for your honesty. You are certainly not alone in your feelings.

    As a Christian, I believe that the bible is the source of truth. From there, we learn what is pure, noble, right and true. I believe that is what this verse refers to...biblical truth.

    This particular verse comes from the book of Philippians which is a letter written by the apostle Paul to believers in the city of Philippi. Philippi is where Paul planted the first Christian church on European soil

    The second part of the verse starting with "Whatever you have learned" is Paul's encouragement to those believers to continue to follow what they had been taught by him.


    PS - I just read back through my comment and realized it sounds like I'm way more knowledgeable than I actually am.

    The first paragraph came directly from my heart. The next two paragraphs required some reading on my part.

    Thank you for commenting because your thoughts sent me to my bible for help in finding some context for those verses.

  8. Hi Kimba. Thank you for sharing the beautiful passage and the gorgeous photo. It's breath taking and reminds us how glorious God is.

    Have a blessed week, Tracy :)

    P.S. I'm having a fall giveaway. I hope you stop by to enter.

  9. Love Love Love this verse and the photo is wonderful too.

  10. Beautiful! We just heard that verse in church yesterday morning and I REALLY needed to be reminded of it after seeing girls dressed as sexy kitties prancing around my husband all night at a Halloween party! But I need to remember not to conform to the world, right? Thanks for reminding me again :)


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