09 November 2009

A Soft Place to Land is Moving!

Important News!

I am so glad you're here! But please, please, please come find me in my new digs. A Soft Place to Land is now at...

I should have given you all some notice so you could come and help me pack. Now, I'm settling in and it would be so much better with you there. This moving business can get messy and I need all my blog friends to help me through it.

Click here to fly straight to my new blog home.

See you there!

photo credit: Mpopp


  1. Hmmm....I'm unable to connect. Message is server is unavailable.

  2. Same here. Can't get the new site to load.

  3. I tried several ways to connect and couldn't. Hopefully this can be fixed. Can't wait to see the new place.

  4. I'm going to go to your new home now so I won't miss out. BTW, I was looking for your Scripture Sunday post yesterday. It's become a Sunday morning tradition for me.


  5. Hopped on over and became a follower on your new site! Congrats!


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