04 November 2009

Make Your Home More Welcoming - Challenge #8

Foof up your entry way door.

Today's "welcoming" idea came right from one of my readers, Lynda from Ramblings of a Sports Mad Southern Girl.

I spend a lot of time making wreaths and pretty things for my front door. I love doing it and it makes the front of the house look great. I can't believe it never occurred to me to give the same treatment to the door that our family uses.

Today, we're going to hang something pretty on the door that our family usually uses. For me, that's the door from the garage into our kitchen. Maybe you use your front door and you already have something pretty hanging there. In that case, yay you! Now go hug someone. :)

I have no shortage of wreaths, so that's what I'll do. I also have my eye on a vinyl Welcome sign like this one from Back 40 Life.

You can browse all of our challenges and join in any time. Just click here to see the whole series.


Make sure you check out the beautiful collection of Christmas stationery items and stamps that Purple Lemon Designs made just for A Soft Place to Land readers! There's a giveaway!

And DIY Day is still going strong! You can still enter your project and be in the running for our prize!

photo credit: Puzzler4879


  1. Kimba,

    I'm really enjoying your series on making your home more welcoming. I have been trying to implement as many of your ideas as possible. My husband commented several times on how great the candle smelled when he got home from work. Last night I put some music on. I don't know if it all makes a huge impact on the rest of the house or not - but, I notice that these things do a lot for my attitude at that time of day. That has to account for quite a bit - right?:0)
    Thanks for sharing.


  2. Thank you for doing this series. I am enjoying it very much. I love making wreaths too but I have not done it in awhile. I think I will try making a new beautiful one for the Christmas/Winter season. Love all your ideas.


  3. i always thought about that. would that be over doing it? i guess not! now i need to make another wreath for the garage door! thanks for these wonderful tips kimba!

  4. It would be great to see your step-by-step process of putting together a wreath!!

  5. Kimba,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear talented, beautiful, creative friend!

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

    Love, Sandy
    Reluctant Entertainer

    PS: Great inspiring series!

  6. What a great idea! Sometimes we make our home super welcoming outside for guests but forget to make it super welcoming inside for our families who live in it! I've been enjoying your series-thanks for all the great tips.

  7. Here's the thing about wreaths -- they scare me. I have done them with Christmas Tree scraps and a big bow and they look great, but other than that I alway feel like they look hokey and awful. I really need to work on my wreath-making skills. I need a workshop or sumfin....

  8. Just found your blog and love it! This is a great post! I think I will take a look at the rest of your series as well! XOXO

  9. What a lovely idea - the door WE actually use! I am always beautifying the front door, but I must say, I have never thought of doing the same to the door we walk through everyday. Thanks!


  10. I love these ideas! (and your blog!) Thanks for sharing!

  11. I just bought one of the prettiest wreaths i've seen in a while the other day. and beleive it or not, ig ot it at Good Will! it is Gorgeous! i love things to hang on the door! i can't wait to hang this one up in my new house.

  12. That is a great idea. I should do that too. Love the wreath in your pictures.

  13. Thanks Kimba! I did go out that same day and get that welcome mat!

    I never thought about putting a wreath on the door. I just bought the ornaments to make a wreath today. This one may just have to go on the door leading in from the garage.

    I'm really enjoying this series. You are just full of wonderful ideas!

  14. Great idea to put a wreath on the door your family uses...which is the back door in our family since we have a detached garage. I can't believe that idea has never occurred to me before.


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