28 October 2009

Make Your Own Stick Bundles

I love those expensive stick/grass/willow bundles (what are they called, anyway?) that you see in all the stores. But the ones I was looking at the other day were between $25 & $35. YIKES! Not happening!

Here's how to make your own. So easy and only $4.00!


  • Tin can
  • Brown spray paint
  • Plaster of paris
  • Grass, sticks or branches
  • Jute rope
  • Hot glue

Step 1: Paint your tin can brown (or another color that matches your sticks/grass/branches. That's so that if a bit of the can shows through the final product, you won't really be able to tell.

Step 2: Mix up some plaster of paris and put it in the bottom of each can for weight. You could use anything you wanted to give them some weight. But I wanted to make sure that whatever was in mine didn't spill out when my little hooligans knock them over.

Step 3: Hot glue a piece of floral foam into the can right on top of the hardened plaster.

Step 4: Start sticking in your sticks. My stick-grass stuff came in a big bundle from Joann for $4.00 (50% off!). You can find it at any craft store.

Step 5: Hot glue the sticks, grass or brances around the outside of the can. Don't worry if a bit of the can shows through because you painted the can brown, remember?

Step 6: A little rustic twine to finish off the bottom.

Step 7: Wrap it around a few times.

Step 8: Tie another piece of twine around the grass right above the top of the can. If you're using something stiff like sticks, you won't need to cinch it so tight.

This article was originally posted on October 16, 2008.


My newest sponsor, Completely Coastal, is hosting A Cool Coastal Giveaway on her blog today. Check it out! Her site is full of all things beachy, nautical and coastal.


  1. I love this idea. so simple yet elegant!

  2. Smart, simple & beautiful, love it!

  3. Fantabulous!!!

    GREAT tutorial!

    Layla :-)

  4. Thanks for the stick bundle tip! Made the apple and pear crumble this week. Very tasty!

  5. What a great idea (and simple!). Like it...

  6. OMG~ I stood there with my mouth open at the final photo. I really appreciate this project. It looks incredible for display this time of year.

    Be sure to visit my blog post about Papa's Hand Painted Fresco's In Southern Italy if you have already seen my dad's Masterpieces!

  7. i love that!! That might go on my list of Christmas decorations.

  8. Good Morning Kimba,
    I have one of your brooches that I purchased last year, on a big bow in a picture that I blogged about today! Whew ... I should have used a comma in there somewhere huh?! :o)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  9. I have been looking for something living to go on my mantle along side my fall tin pieces. This would be perfect. Just where did you find the tall grass?

  10. Kimba, I love how you share these DIY projects. Love this one and especially the savings. It really helps me when I can see the photos.

    I so appreciate your visit to Heart Choices the other day. I always look forward to your Sunday posts but I also enjoy your other writings too. A Soft Place to Land is such a peaceful place for me to visit and ...escape for a time. And that's a good thing.


  11. Thanks for the tutorial, I'll have to try this!

  12. Great ideal, thanks so much for sharing.

  13. Oh, it looks just gorgeous. Great tutorial too. Thanks, I will have to try this. Hugs, Marty

  14. Awesome! And thank you so much for the mention!!!

  15. Thats such an awesome tip!! Thanks! I'm going to try and make them next weekend when I decorate for the holidays!

  16. I love the way they look all bundled up...I think I will be doing this very soon! THANK YOU!

  17. What a great idea - super creative. I do love grasses, but they are SO expensive. Thanks for the tutorial.


  18. AWESOME! I love this idea and much more inexpensive then the ones in the store for sure! Thanks for sharing! :o)

  19. Love your stick bundle. It looks great there by your pumpkin looking so very designer. Thanks for sharing how you made it.

  20. I absolutely LOVE this! Thanks so much for sharing!

  21. Once again! you have AHHHMAZED me! thank you for this idea! you're so smart!

  22. how fun! I am bookmarking this so it is officially on my to-do list!

  23. It was pretty then, it's pretty now! : )

  24. This is such a great idea. Sticks ARE so ridiculously expensive. This is such a simple and smart way to make a beautiful bundle.

  25. very nice - love how you did the bottom - my stick bundle keeps falling over - I but the can would solve it!

  26. I am crazy about this idea, I am so doing this now.. Thank you for sharing...

    m & j @ zcouple.com

  27. I love this!!!! Perfect simple and elegant! Thanks for sharing!

  28. Love it! I think the technical term for them is bunchy,sticky things..;-)

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I just saw one of these at the store that was $39.99 on sale for 50% off and I said - that's too much danged money!!! I did want it, but I didn't give in. Now I'll be making my own thanks to you.

  31. love it! a tutorial i'll have to try in the near future! :)

  32. Brilliant! Thanks for the show and tell.

  33. I LOVE THIS SITE!! Thank you for all your inspiration! I am so new at this blogging thing, but thank you for all your great ideas! I love this one, by the way!

  34. Thanks so much for the idea! This IS something I will be making in the near future! My fireplace NEEDS it and I love it.

  35. This is fantastic, thanks so much for sharing! I'll be linking to this. I need to make some new decor pieces now that it's time to take the pumpkins down.


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