08 September 2009

Winners!!! Winners!!!

In my typical fashion, I have been remiss in announcing the winners to two giveaways that have happened at ASPTL in the last few weeks.

The winner of the $40 store credit from SoSoBella Designs is Jennifer from Richins Corner.

If you plan to make a purchase from SoSoBella Designs, make sure to tell her if you're a follower of A Soft Place to Land. You'll receive a surprise with your order!

The winner of the $50 store credit from Pink Pig is Bonnie from Thugater.

Congratulations to both of our winners! Please send me an email and I will get you connected with your prizes.

I am so grateful to my sponsors at ASPTL. They are a big part of what allows me to continue running this site. If you're looking for gifts or something for yourself, I would love for you to do some of your shopping with them. Thanks!

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