08 September 2009

In Love with A Beach Cottage and a Giveaway!

Have you met my friend Sarah from A Beach Cottage?

In an act of bravery and passion, she and her husband moved their family from England and set off on an adventure to Coastal Australia. At A Beach Cottage, Sarah shares her projects, decorating ideas and ways to achieve a comfortable and casual home without spending a fortune.

In her own words, "I started blogging to document the journey of our fixer-upper cottage. But it has become so much more than a blog for me, it has provided me with a place to fulfill my passion for casual, laid-back decor, vintage coastal style and more has become for me a cathartic outlet at the end of the day"

I'm so glad that Sarah shares her coastal style on her blog. She is, indeed, the queen of vintage, whitewashed style. Every time I visit her online home, I feel like I'm breathing in a little bit of her life by the sea. And trust me, the air is beautiful there.

I am completely in love with her whitewashed, timeless style. Here are just a few of my favorite posts from A Beach Cottage.

Do It Yourself Beach Cottage Shutters
Horror Time at the Beach Cottage: Before & After
The Beach Cottage Does Black
10 Ways to Get Beach in Your Sitting Room
Table Decorating on a Budget
Hessian (burlap) Decorating Ideas

To celebrate some changes going on at her blog and her feature in Artful Blogging magazine, Sarah is offering a wonderful giveaway. One lucky reader at A Soft Place to Land will receive a set of four beachy putty stripe placemats and four matching napkins.

They'll arrive to you directly from the shores of Australia. If you're lucky, they'll still smell of fresh sea air.

All you need to do is leave me a comment here. Easy peasy! If you want extra entries, you can write about this on Twitter or Facebook and come back and leave another comment.

While you're at it, make sure to visit Sarah at A Beach Cottage. She's sure to become a regular stop for you.

158 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Marianne said...

Lovely to see one of my favourite blogs featured on another favourite blog. I wasn't lucky on the first giveaway of these napkins, maybe I will be lucky now.

Lululiz said...

I have been following her blog for some time now, and sigh with pleasure ( and a little bit of envy )every time I read a new post. I could quite happily move straight into her home without changing a single thing.

Unknown said...

I love Sarah! She's always an inspiration & just so sweet! Her pillows, place mats & table runners are gorgeous, someone is going to be very lucky & I hope it's me!

Sara said...

I'm with you. Her blog is a breath of fresh sea air and I always leave with my shoulders a little lower and a smile on my face.

southerninspiration said...

I'll have to check it out...she has some style going on!!!


Christine said...

I am already a lover of her site, and would love something fresh from the beach in my home!

Lisa @ Simply Things Family said...

Looks like she has a great blog. I will check it out. Thanks!

Brittany @ The Rollins World said...

Ooh, I love those placemats! And how I wish my home all went together and felt cohesive like hers!

slip4 said...

I love A Beach Cottage! Please enter me for the giveaway!

mary beth said...

I love Sarah's blog and looking around there always leaves me inspired. I love changing up my decorations with the changing seasons and was stumped for a long time on what to do for summer, since we live in Kansas there is not a lot of beach inspiriation, but looking at Sarah's cottage gave me so many creative ideas! It's like a breath of fresh air!

Julia said...

Sarah's blog is adorable- I ionly wish I were brave enough to do all white decor. I love that place setting though!

Lauren said...

Would love to have some placemats and would really love them to come with the smell of the sea on them.
Great site!

duchess said...

She is wonderful - love all of her work. Maybe I'd be more inspired if I lived by the beach.

EllensCreativePassage said...

I just "found" her blog yesterday and I love it! How generous!

Cheryl said...

Love Sarah's blog. She has great style and always has beautiful tablescapes to share.

Wendy said...

Oh! I just adore Sarah's blog! And I was so excited to see here in Artful Blogging...one of my favorite mags! Her blog's a treasure!

Reid said...

I am a follower of hers and just love the style!!!!

Richella Parham said...

What a nice cooperation between the two of you to arrange this giveaway! Beach Cottage looks like it would be a soft place to land, no?

Thanks for the chance to win!

TidyMom said...

WOW what a beautiful blog!! Everything is just gorgeous!♥


Lori P said...

I'm a follower of hers and love the style. What great pictures.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I love visiting her blog! Please enter me in the giveaway! Cindy

Amanda said...

I love Sarah's blog too! Her project how-to's and decorating tips are great!

Runner Mom said...

How lovely! I am so missing the beach! IT's been months since we were there. I will hop over and visit her blog...thanks Kimba!

I would love those pretty placemats!! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


Nutty said...

Love her blog and love those placemats/napkins!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely home she has. I am skipping over there to see more.

And the placemats and napkins are perfect!

Sierra said...

Love her style. It's so fresh and clean.


Unknown said...

Count me in, Kimba! I've been following Sarah for a while now and anything she has to giveaway would be neat! She could send her garbage and I know it would be stylin! ;-)


Christy said...

I am off to visit her blog right now... I could use a day at the beach, or at least pretending I am there!

Please enter me for the give away:)

Stephanie said...

So I am back from visiting Sarah's blog, and you were right, it is scrumptious. I loved watching her videos and hearing her cute english accent. Also love here back patio/porch.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

What a perfect giveaway!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

How sweet! I would definitely tuck those away in my "hope chest" for when I get married. =)

Brittany said...

Those would look amazing on my dining room table!

Rachel said...

I love her style! These would look so great on my table. Here's to beach life.

The Clines said...

I'm off to visit the beach, well, her blog anyway! Thanks!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Thanks for the fun links to check out. :) What a cute giveaway! If she threw in a postcard from Australia, I'd be in heaven. ;)

My 2nd Decorating Dilemmas Party (and giveaway!) is going up tonight after 10 (ET). I hope maybe you can swing by. I doubt you have any "dilemmas," but I KNOW you have solutions! ;) ;)

randee said...

her blog is such a source of inspiration.

i would love to have those napkins.

Tote, Debby, Sammy and Caleb Jimenez said...

What a beautiful home!! Love the casual, comfortable beachy look! Wonder how much she'd rent it out for?! ;) Sounds like a vacation in paradise! =)
And those placemats/napkins are beautiful too! They'd look awesome on my new (craigslist, of course!) round white kitchen table! =)

Tote, Debby, Sammy and Caleb Jimenez said...

I just tweeted about the giveaway. Yay for another entry! =)

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

Love the beach, love the cottage! Win win! Love the strips!

Decor To Adore said...

I adore her easygoing seaside style. Fingers crossed!

Emily said...

These are beautiful!!! Oh how beautiful they would look in my dining room!!! :o)

Cant wait for Thursday! My first DIY is finished and I'm just itching to link it up!!

Rachelle said...

Oooh love them! They'd be perfect over here at my house! :)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I follow her blog and always great inspiration. Love all the wonderful pics here. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

Marla said...

a beach cottage, ahh one of my favs. I would love to win the giveaway. Marla

Carol in Indian Springs Village said...

I love that blog, it always makes me feel so peaceful when I look in on it. Maybe I can win those placemats and have a little bit of the beach in my land locked home.

Sarah said...

I love Sarah's blog, def. one of my favorites!!

Sara Neufeld said...

This makes me want to paint everything WHITE!!!

Sarah said...

I just posted about your giveaway on my Facebook page. :) :) Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway!!

April was in CA now MA said...

What a beautiful home her family has! I can just smell the sea breeze.

Cris said...

I am going to checkout her page right now..Iam new tothe whole blogging world but I love looking at what others are doing..it is inspriring!

Shilo said...

So pretty! Thanks for sending me to her site! And for hosting another fun giveaway!

Leslie Young said...

Love this blog! I'm a big fan of beachy style - even though I'm on the farm!

Tiffany said...

Wonderful giveaway. She has amazing style.

Madison said...

Oh I found that blog a while ago and love it! I would love love to win this giveaway!

Love, Madison

Jan said...

I love A Beach Cottage! And those placemats!

Shannon said...

such beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing

Sally F. said...

I read A Beach Cottage, too!

The Book Addict said...

Beautiful! I plan to check out her blog ASAP!! Thanks for sharing. :-)

Allison said...

Love her style

Thena said...

I had to go check her out. Love her quilt with the sailboat. Please enter me for the giveaway.

Jen said...

Ooooo...such great eye candy. Thanks for the giveaway and heads up to a fab blog!

Anonymous said...

She has a great blog = love the beach look

Anonymous said...

I love the napkins and would love to win them but not for me. They wouldn't match my kitchen but I can think of some people who they would make great gifts for! I hope I win!

Angie Kerr said...

Love her blog, read it daily. I would love to be able to decorate even a square corner of my home with her style!

Thanks for the opportunity to win such a beautiful prize.

Bri said...

Those are adorable!

Dana @ Frugal in VA said...

I've been looking for some new placemats. These are beautiful.

Janna said...

I love reading A Beach Cottage! I'm trying to convince my husband to let me paint everything white :)
Those place mats are great!

Marilyn said...

The beach cottage is beautiful...what a life!

Itworksforbobbi said...

How fresh and beautiful!! Thanks for pointing me in her direction!

Jen said...

I love reading "A Beach Cottage" and her style inspires me. The prize would go perfectly with our decor because even though we live in Central Texas, I try to create the feeling of a comfy beach house in each room.

ohiou_girl said...

Love Sarah's blog and LOVE the placemats! Please enter me in the giveaway!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Ohhhh those are lovely placemats! Just like everything else Sarah has. I LOVE her style.


Renee said...

Great napkins, I have looked at her blog before and she is fantastic!

Kristina said...

I love her beach cottage goes black post !!

Kate @ That's What Living Is To Me said...

I love her blog (and yours)! Those napkins and placemats just say beach to me.

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

Very cool blog! Thanks!

Pick me! I need some napkins and placemats from Australia!!

Kim S said...

Girls you guys are such a source of inspiration, just finished a kitchen remodel and was thinking I am going to need new placemats. Too funny, thank you both for being willing to share a bit of your lives with all of us.

Kim S

rychelle said...

lovely home! i especially love all the burlap projects she's incorporated into her design.

Carol said...

I love Sarah's decorating style and her blog! What a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing her blog!

Pretty Organizer said...

So simple and crisp. Love it! I grew up in San Diego and insist on carrying the beach around with me every time I move. We even collect sand from beaches we visit.

Hey, totally unrelated to decorating but I was given the greatest beach tip... bring baby powder to the beach. When you're getting ready to head back in the car, douse the sandy kiddys with baby powder and the sand literally falls off when you brush them off. I think it works better than water. Though, West Coast sand is a bit more sticky than the East Coast stuff.

The Weathered Cottage said...

ohhh i love her blog! i would love to win!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Well seeing how we live near the beach, I think it a very appropriate giveaway! Very very nice!

Laura Lynn said...

I'm in for the give-a-way! I love your blog and Sarah's too.
I'm in the process of turning my outdated 70's home into a modern cottage - these would be a perfect fit. Fingers crossed!

Carol said...

I posted the giveaway on my facebook page!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I love A Beach Cottage! I love to go there and just look at all the lovely photos she posts. Count me in on this fabulous giveaway!

Farmgirl Paints said...

Ohhh sign me up. Her site is so relaxing and serene:)

Bonnie said...

What a great blog! Thank you for sharing with us. I'm looking forward to reading through her posts - probably gaining tons of ideas for my "someday home" (when we retire....::sigh::).

Diana Taylor said...

I can't wait to check out this beauitful blog!

Michelle said...

Those are adorable and I would love me so fresh sea air!!! Bring it on! Thanks for the giveaway :)

the undomesticated wife said...

I love her blog...I'd love to be able to pick up and move, but it's just not a good idea in this economy. ;)

Jen said...

Sounds great! Thanks for the chance to win!

janadec9 said...

Love the blog. Need the placemats!
janadec9 at yahoo dot com

The Style Sisters said...

I love the Beach cottage blog. It is always so soothing to see all the beautiful photographs of her home on there. Just beautiful and I would love those placemats!!

Brittany Larsen said...

me me! pick me! This blog is so inspirational and the prizes always make me a little tense at the fact that i could win! love it all, keep it up!

Colleen Miller said...

Your blog is one of my all time favorites. You have inspired me so much. I'm thinking of starting a blog to share all my inspirations!!!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous blog. Thanks for sharing a new way to procrastinate!

And I love the placemats and napkins. Pick me!

Graceandjoelroberts said...

How Fun!!

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

Love the placemats and napkins! Hope I win!

alanna rose said...

I need those placemats and napkins for my freshly painted kitchen! They are fantastic :)

Carol Kennon said...

I'm enjoying Sarah's blog! Thanks for sending me to it. Count me in for a chance on the giveaway.


beautiful! they'd look great on my new dining room table!

3egirls said...

A Beach Cottage has been one of my favorite blogs for a while now. Her style is so refreshing and calming. Anywhere i can infuse a little beach style in my home i am happy to do so and would love to see the placemats and napkins on my table!! :) Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Roeshel said...

I love Sarah, her inspirational blog and her style. Not to mention her sense of humor. :)


Gina said...

Oh, this is cool! Another blog to add to my blogroll too!

Siret said...

So beautiful set!
And lovely blog, I will be follower now

Beckie said...

I love the Beachy look!

Poppy Cottage said...

One of my favorites!


Poppy Cottage said...

Just tweeted about this awesome giveaway!


Grumpy Pants said...

I love her style. It truly relaxes me just to see what she has accomplished. What a wonderful place to call home.

Jess said...

Sarah is my kind of lady! I love all things beachey & if I could would spend my days with my toes in the sand. Thanks for making me aware of her site.
Jess @ jess.gustin@yahoo.com

Diane said...

Very lovely. Thanks for sharing!

Lana said...

I love them! They are so cute and would go great with my new dining room set! Count me in!

Bombtastic Belle said...

I love going other site and looking at everything! It makes me change my mind one how I want to decorate our home here in FL.

Amber said...

Love Sarah's style and the placemats and napkins. They would go perfect in our dining room!

Anny said...

I love her blog and just spent 1/2 an hour clicking around there. I need to buy burlap soon!

Pearl Maple said...

Sarah has many fans who enjoy the relaxed beachy side with flair style and those putty stripe placemats are a perfect fit.

jninecostumes said...

I love A Beach Cottage! It's one of the first blogs I check each day. Thanks for sharing her with so many others.

abeachcottage said...

thanks Kimba


Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I already feel like I'm breathing easier. Can't wait to check out this blog!

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Sarah is one of my favorite bloggers!!


Kat c. said...

Boy i sure wish i get lucky :)

katch05 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Love a beach cottage and read it faithfully. It sort of takes me on a little "vacation" each day!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

I looked at her blog a few days ago and you can almost hear the surf. She has done a wonderful job capturing a feeling in her home. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Gretchen said...

Her style is a breath of fresh air!
Thank you for leading me to her blog. Love you both!!!

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to move to Australia and enjoy the beach 24/7!
~ Tami

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

I love her blog. What an adventure!

Catherine said...

wow,a new blog for me to follow..so love it..A Beach Cottage-her house looks amazing...
Please pop me in the draw for the giveaway,these napkins would be just perfect..
Hugs Catherine

Completely Coastal said...

I admire her photography and passion (and beach style)! And I love stripes! So please count me in, Kimba. Thanks!

Maya@Completely Coastal said...

Sorry, that was the wrong profile..., this will link to my blog.

Gina said...

I love this blog-and Sarah's style! And I'd love me some placemats-that would super fun.

Mrs. Dunbar said...

My 3 year old son, was "coloring" today at the kitchen table. When I looked over to see what he was "coloring" with, I discovered the navy Sharpie in his hand... needless to say, its now permanently on my table. YIKES.

I really need this one for a new tablescape.


Claudia said...

Oh joy -- looks like my chances just flew out the window :)

Such a fun thought to win such a delightful set of goodies.

Im like you -- and really enjoy her blog.

Thanks for sharing.

TTFN~~Claudia ♥ ♥

Kelly said...

Yes, she does have a beautiful blog and live in a very beautiful place. Sure hope I'm lucky enough to win. And I do think they'll smell of the sweet, salty air.

Suzann said...

I adore Sarah and her beach cottage. She has inspired me in many projects.

CE :) said...

What a great surprise to find one of my favourite blogs writting about my big source of beachy ideas! I live by the sea in Spain (excuse me for my english, i'm not native) and really try to put into practice her ideas. She is so talented!! I wish i get those napkins, it would be easier to me to keep on going beachy!

Symone's Mommy said...

Thanks for turning me on to Sara's blog. Very nice.

erin said...

What an exciting way to live life! I think all of us, in some capacity or another, envy the ability to pick up and move to a new place and truly engage our lives in the new locale.

Sam Ransom said...

Her blog is great! Such fun and wonderful ideas.

Unknown said...

I love A Beach Cottage blog too, and 'visit' often. Sarah's writing style and sense of humour is great. She shares some great style and thrifty tips too.

Kimberly said...

She has a beautiful blog! And I love those napkins!

katie hanson said...

Love those colors :)

Sara L said...

I would love to enter - thanks!

charles and sara at hotmail dot com

Carol said...

I enjoy both of your blogs TREMENDOUSLY!! Thank you both for all of the beautiful eye candy on your blogs.

mkeegs said...

I love Sarah's cottage which has inspired me to finally slipcover my furniture in white! I love her coastal style and look forward to her blog every day. LOVE the napkins too! I'll cross my fingers.

Shelby said...

oh, so nice to see her blog featured here! hers is one of my favorites! i'll cross my fingers because i've been looking for placemats that would be perfect for my dining room...and these are it! :)

admin said...

I go weak at the knees everytime I visit Sarah's blog!! simply stunning :)

Beach House 27 said...


Love the placemats - Love yur blog - Love A Beach Cottage too -


katklaw777 said...

I discovered a Beach Cottage a couple of weeks ago and can not get enough of it. I too am a thrifty designer, but Sarahs ideas are so tasteful and imaginative that I do envy her way with "things." I am glad she has decided to share with us............Thanks for a great give-away, I would luv to smell the sea!!!

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

Love those place mats. She's so talented. Love her shop!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I love everything about sweet Sarah and her blog! So nice to find her here. :-)

Caroline said...

Love the place mats and napkins, hope I win!!

design4less at yahoo dot com

Mollie said...

I love her style! Would love to win!

Toni said...

What a beautiful beach cottage! I love all of the pretty pictures shown. I love all that she has done with the cottage!

Caroline said...

I've been following her blog for a bit now and I absolutely love her ideas.

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

Sarah is so inspiring! I love her writing style too! Count me in!

Amanda said...

Love her style!

God bless-

Melissa G said...

Oh I just found her blog a couple days ago! I love her fresh breezy beautiful beach house! And i would love to win these super place mats and napkins!

Little Lizard King said...

I love your blog. I've recently started following you on my new blog, littlelizardking.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for sharing such creative ideas! You are wonderful.