18 August 2009

SoSo Bella Designs ~ A Giveaway

Kristy is the creative mind behind SosoBella Designs. Her shop is packed full of hand-stamped jewelry. Each piece is personalized. I love personalized. I love to wear it and I love to give it.

Circle Tag Necklace

There are so many beautiful pieces to choose from at SoSoBella Designs.

Forever Sisters Necklace

If I had little girls, they would each get a Forever Sisters Necklace.

Sports Tag Necklace

And for you Sports Moms, how cool is this Sports Tag Necklace? It can be personalized with your kiddo's name and number and a charm that represents their game.

Small Square Tags

The winner of this giveaway receives $40 to spend on anything in the SoSoBella Designs shop. All you have to do is leave a comment here and tell us what you would get if you won. Don't worry, you can change your mind later.

You can get another entry by tweeting this contest. Just come back and leave a second comment letting me know.

Good luck to you!


DIY Day is on Thurday! The post will go up at 10:00pm Wednesday night. See you there!

394 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Nepperess said...

If Canadians can win, put me down. I'd love to get a tag with both of my kids names on it, Abbi & Gabe. Gorgeous items!

Amy said...

i love the circle tags... Thanks Kimba!

Rebecca.Alburn said...

I'm liking the small square tags. Beautiful!

Sarah S. said...

Oooooh I have wanted one of the for-ever! I love the "blessed family" that is out of stock. So precious. Love your blog.

Sarah S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hillary said...

i love these. too many to choose from. i love the sports one.. but all 4 of my kids play..

thanks for all you great ideas and the time you take to share with us!

arkie said...

I'd love the small square tags with my new grandsons names on them!

Just Lisa said...

I would love to get the two small square tags with each of my baby's names on them!

Holly said...

I like the small square tags :)

Gussy Sews said...

I would love to have something represent me and my hubby, Zack. He is so supportive, encouraging, and hands-on with my sewing + GUSSY business. He's a GREAT husband, I love him!


Just Lisa said...

I tweeted about this!

Beach House 27 said...

i'm lovin the small square tag!

love the blog, too -


Melissa said...

UMMMMM i would have to get the circle tag with my boys names on it.

Bri said...

I love the 2 initial heart tag necklace.

Natalie "The Pampered Mom" said...

I would love to get the plain circle necklace with both my boys names on it! These are so cute!

Suz said...

So cute! I like the small square tags, with the little heart! So Fun!

Kristin said...

I would get a circle necklace w/my husbands name and his number and a baseball on it..pretty much like the one in the picture! def want one with my kids name on it when the time comes :)

Sarah said...

I know that I would love one of those tag necklaces with my kid's names on it. So sweet!

everyday inspirations said...

Would love the two small square tag necklace with the heart (names - Mike and Gabrielle) - would really love the blessed family one, but it is out of stock - I can see why - it's wonderful!

Love them all!

heidi jo said...

the heart tag and circle heart necklaces are my favorites... what to have stamped? oh my... maybe "from this moment on" (our wedding theme... or my son's name... so many possibilities!

Vindiciti said...

I would so get a necklace with my kids' names on it. Those are so sweet!

Rachelle said...

I would LOVE the forever sisters necklace for my girls. LOVE LOVE LOVE!


Lynn said...

If this is open to Canadians, I would love a tag with all 6 of my kids names on it!!

Just me~Bobbie Jo said...

Love the circle tags!

wedogmomma said...

The square tags are SO hip :D

Aimee said...

I love the 2 Small Square Tags necklace.

Gena said...

Love this stuff! I would get the circle tab necklace.

Barbara said...

I would get the Forever Sisters I have two I'm in the middle and it's the best place to be in I get to learn from my older and teach my younger.

Robin said...

I would love to get a necklace for my daughter. She is our second oldest of 21 kids and has done so much with her life. She gave birth to our 5th grandchild last week and had to be put back in the hospital last night. All that to say, a necklace with her 3 boys names on it would be just perfect for my daughter.

Missy in Texas said...

I guess if I had to pick only one thing, it would be a sports necklace. I hope I win!!!!!!!

Erica Wyatt said...

I love the Love Circle Necklace

Sachiko said...

I love the one with the kids names. So pretty! Thank you for the great give away SoSo Bella Designs and Kimba!

Kerri said...

I love the sports number tag and charm. I have a baseball nut. He would think that is so cool! Fun jewelry. Thanks for sharing it.

Viviane said...

awesome giveaway! i would love the one with kids names except i would put my daughter's name and hubby :)

Jessie said...

I love the wedding day necklace-nice to remember my hubby all day :)

Amanda said...

I would probably get these square tags: http://www.sosobella.com/item_42/2-Small-Square-Tags.htm

I'd love to have my girls names put on them or even give them to my Mum to put her grandkids names on.

Misty said...

my best friend is the epitome of a sports mom, her son (and the future husband of my daughters dreams) plays football. I would totally get her that necklace. she would LOVE it...

Anonymous said...

I love the open heart necklace! Of course they ar all really cute!

~m said...

Oh~these are so lovely. I am torn between the circle with the heart, with both kid's names together, and the squares with the heart, giving them each their own tag. hmmm.

Allison said...

i love the necklaces. I want to win

Unknown said...

I love the sports tag..although I wouldn't turn anything from her collection down. Adorable!

Ms_Pea said...

I love the circle tag with the heart charm and two names...I would have my niece's names, Brynn and Reiley, stamped and give it to my sis-in-law for Christmas!

kchal11267 said...

The sisters forever one - get one for my sister and one for me :)

emily freeman said...

Would so get my girls that sisters necklace. Too. Cute.

emily freeman said...

tweeted :)

Amy said...

Not sure which one I would choose! I really like several of them! Such talent! Thanks for the giveaway!

Be Blessed,

Amy Honestly

Amy said...

Just tweeted about the giveaway!

twitter ID is: amyhonestly

angie128 said...

I'm obsessed with stamped silver jewelry. I love the square tags.

Bryssy said...

I'll never win, but just in case...I love the sister's pendant!

Sara said...

I'm having a hard time between the circle tag necklace and the sisters forever necklace. I love them all, though. Thanks, Kimba and SoSo Bella for a great giveaway.

Phyll said...

I love the sisters one. or the square tags Thanks

The Beynon Family said...

I have three little girls and would love to give them the sisters pendants!

Anonymous said...

I love the Blessed Family (I know it says out of stock-but I still love it!) and the initially yours necklace. Holly

Sierra said...

I love the square the tags. Personlaized jewelry is one of my favorites!


Kathy said...

oh wow, the sisters forever necklace is gorgeous - I think I'd go for that one!
Kathy =)

Shilo said...

blessed family? That's us! But they are all beautiful, really!

J. Almeida said...

The little squares ones are super cute!

Somewhere In The Sun said...

I would LOVE the baseball necklace to wear to travel ball games!

LindaSonia said...

I would get a handstamped key chain with an inspirational word on it. LindaSonia (baddabinda@yahoo.com)

Dawn said...

I would get a circle tag with my kids name on it. All of them are very pretty!

Brittany @ The Rollins World said...

I love the mother's ID tag. Of course, since we haven't been able to decide on a name for our 2nd daughter due in December, it could be 3+ months before I could order it :)

Judy@grammyreads.com said...

I think I would apply it toward a bracelet...leaning toward the circle one. Great shop!

Judy@grammyreads.com said...

Tweet, tweet! via @greenhangershop

the haley five said...

Oh goodness! They are all lovely! I guess my favorite is the three tag thai necklace. Precious!

the haley five said...

Oh goodness! They are all lovely! I guess my favorite is the three tag thai necklace. Precious!

Unknown said...

I so love all of the tags but especially the cirle with the small heart attatched. Love your sight. (especially Sundays)

Andrea said...

I would love to get the sisters forever necklace for my two daughters, who are stepsisters, but sisters nonetheless.

E said...

Oooh... if I had kids, I would get one with my kids' names on it! I may get one with my wedding date on it :) I LOVE her site!!

Julia said...

I would get one with my daughters names on them!

Kathleen Grace said...

I love these! I have 2 daughters who would be delighted with the sisters necklaces:>) Stop over to my blog for a give away too!

Kathleen Grace said...

I'm tweeting this give away right now:>)

Jennifer Juniper said...

I love the "bonded together by love" tags with the kids' names on the second tag. That is just darling and so sweet!

Angie said...

What a GREAT giveaway!! Thanks for hosting it, I would love to win the circle tag necklace, it's so cute!!

Anonymous said...

I would put my gift certificate toward a very blingy necklace with 5 discs - one for each of my girls and their husbands and kids. Or maybe that should be a charm bracelet, huh? :)

Chris Kauffman said...

Oh I would love this , I have wanted one for some time , mine would be a little foot print with the name Bella stamped on it .
Just Beachy

Ve said...

Yes ma'am! I lurve SoSoBella.

Pam said...

I love the initial heart tags and the wedding day pendant. But, there were really many I like.

Ve said...

Tweeted it! @BentwoodRocker

Amy said...

I love the forever sisters necklace...that would be perfect for my girls!

duchess said...

I love the Forever Sisters necklace.
Thanks, girls.

Linda said...

I would love to get a set of the sisters necklaces for my daughters. They are both adults now, but still will always be best friends.

Lara said...

Hi Kimba, I'm drawn toward the circle tag. Love your blog, by the way! I just got married two months ago, and I am having fun decorating our little house.

declanium said...

Love the sports tags! I'd get one with my two boys' names on there...how cute!

Anonymous said...

Not sure *which* necklace I would get, but I would get the names of my twins who died stamped on them.

Amy said...

I would get the Love Circle necklace. No kids yet, so I'd get something to honor my hubby. : )

Lora said...

All the designs are lovely! Just found your blog and enjoy your posts.

miley said...

I absolutely love the sports tag..very fun! Miley

Anonymous said...

the love circle necklace.....or the circle tags with the kids names on them...... the square tags with the kids names......oh, they are all beautiful!

Katie said...

I love the circle tag with the heart. It looks like it is just begging to say Sarah Grace on it. :)

Madison said...

Hey Kimba! Thanks for the chance to win!! If I won I would want "Gianna's Neclace"!!! Thanks again!!!

Love, Madison

Display homes said...

So many to choose from. I love all of them! I would love to have one for myself. Wonderful!!!

Jen said...

NECKLACE!!!! I like the small squares, but I would waffle a ton before I settled on something to get!

Christy said...

I'd love the circle tag necklace!

bashtree said...

so pretty! I like the circle tag necklaces - I would put my husband's name on one :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Jessica (aka Faeanne) said...

I love the open heart necklace- I'd get my 3 boys names on it.

Jenny@ L.O.T.s of Love said...

I would get the sister necklaces for my twins. They are in seperate class for the first time and might enjoy the connection to each other.

Carrie said...

I would LOVE one with my boys names on them!

Unknown said...

I would get a sports (football) with my son's name or maybe his name & birthstone. I just love these...really love them. Thanks for sharing...these are going to make great gifts!


Unknown said...

Kimba- You need to have a "twitter" share icon added to your share list. This way I could very easily tweet your posting ;)


elsa.elsa said...

I've been looking for one of this kind of necklace for my mom - I want to get it with her four grandchildren's names on it!

akawest said...

The Love Circle necklace is my favorite!

Elizabeth said...

I think the circle tags are great!

Unknown said...

Tweet, Tweet!


phoward336 said...

I love the small square tags - so sweet!

Anonymous said...

I love these, I would want one that had both my boys names on them. I know I would wear it all the time!

Shannon said...

I just love simple jewellery, these are great! I'd get a 2 square tag necklace with the 2 kids' names. And probably order a couple other things as gifts. So nice! Thanks for the chance!

Tricia said...

oh gosh...decisions decisions! I would love to be selfish and have a circle with my kids names on it. OR....I would love to be very UNSELFISH and get one for my 16 yr old niece that just one a Miss Teen Ohio Title. How cute would it be with her name or title and a little crown???

kottagekara said...

I love the circle with the little flower charm.

Jenny Froh said...

I would get a 3 tag necklace so I could put each of my boys names on them! Love these!!!!

Mommy on a Mission said...

Oh I just love the sisters tag with the little pink flower--I would have to get two!

Kate Kubler said...

Can we say SQUARE TAG NECKLACE!!!! Love it with all my heart:)

Anonymous said...

I love everything she has!!! But I'd probably end up getting square tags with my kids' names on them. I like the sports ones too!

Ashley @ AshleysBusy said...

Kimba, you're so awesome for having all these giveaways! I'd love to have the initial hearts pendants. Lovely. :)

Unknown said...

Ooooo! The square one with all three of my kids' names would be gorgeous! I love the little heart charm on it, too.

Mrs. McGrew said...

I think the sports tags are great. I haven't seen anything like that before!

Shannan Martin said...

Oh dear, I love these necklaces! I would get one that said Calvin, Ruby and Silas. :)

Anonymous said...

It would have to be for my granddaughter! She loves jewelry.

Meg said...

i'd get a circle tag with my 3 boys' names on it & then i'd have to decide if i were keeping it for myself or giving it as an awesome christmas present to "granny"

Teresa said...

I love the Love Circle Necklace. I don't think I would even change my mind when it came time to order!


HB, The Impulsive Minimalist said...

These designs are SO cute! I would love the circle tag with my baby boy's name & a little heart! I would wear it everyday!!!


Juli said...

I love the Full Circle Necklace. Very unique. I have never seen one quite like that before. They are all so pretty.

Kelly @ Wisdom Begun said...

For me, I would love the Initial Heart Tags. Those are pretty neat!

Kelly @ Wisdom Begun said...

I also tweeted this: http://twitter.com/WisdomBegun/status/3404768879

meandthreefortea said...

I think these would make such great gifts!! For myself...I would love the tags with my three little one's names...and a heart. ps...loving your blog

Kelly said...

I would love a necklace with my 3 boys' names on it!!

Your blog rocks Kimba! I've gotten a lot of great ideas from it.

breanne said...

I'm in love with the tag bracelet & the square necklace!

M.O.T.B said...

My Aunt adopted an 8 year old little girl and she already had a 9 year old little girl. I would love to get them both the sisters forever necklace.

Joe, Christina, & Rocky said...

I love the mothers ID bracelet! It would be so perfect for my mom...

Amanda said...

The Love Circle necklace is one of my favorites.

Sims Family said...

Cool stuff! I like the initials heart tag. So cute!

Mady and Jacks Mama said...

I would get the necklace with the square tags. I usually stay away from personalized jewelry with your children's names on them because we may or may not be done having kids. This necklace looks like more names could be added at a later time.

Jennie said...

I would get 2 sisters necklaces and give one to my BFF!

Tana said...

I love the Forever sisters! My girls would love them!
Great giveaway... gorgeous jewelry!

mary beth said...

I think the small square tags with my grandgirls' names on them would be my pick! They are all so great..thanks for sharing!

Kristina said...

I love the heart initial tags!

Jess said...

I love the full-circle handstamped necklace. Very modern!
Jess (jess.gustin@yahoo.com)

Casey Lin Fitness said...

Love the circle tags, I would get one with my sons name on it.

Mrs. RBC said...

What a cute name necklace!! I have a newborn and this would be a perfect addition to Mommy's jewelry box.

Linh C. said...

Love the initial heart tags. Very cute and precious!

Amy Rogers said...

I would definately get something with my kids names. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize.


Carmen said...

I would love the forever sisters for my little girls.

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Ohhhhhhh, I wanna win this-BAD! I would adore anything with my children's names!

Teresa said...

I love peronalized jewelry too! i would get the square tag charms, with one charm for each of my 3 kids. So pretty!


Jodi said...

I tweeted this morning


Heidi said...

oh, I would SO love to win!! ;) I would get something with my 2 boys' names on the for SURE, maybe even something w/DH name as well...hmmm...all the loves in my life!

Jodi said...

I love the initial heart tags - thanks!

The Crowder Family said...

I love all of the pieces! I think I would get the circle tag and put my hubby and daughter's name on it!

On another note, I love you and your blog! Thank you! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the previous Canadians comment.
I'd just change the names to those of my kids of course!


Erica said...

I would definitely get a necklace with my two daughter's names on it -so cute!

gina civey said...

i'd have to get the sports tag necklace - i'd need two tags with two #s a piece! plus a basketball, volleyball and baseball!

She Goes Public said...

These are incredible. Thanks for hosting!!

kristy mae said...

Definitely the small square tags...i think :)
mommyo @ gmail.com

Sara Neufeld said...

Oh, I so want to win this! I would probably pick the square tag w/ my kids names on it. :)

She Goes Public said...

...and I tweeted! :-)

fourkidsmom said...

I would love the one with all my kids names.

Beth said...

I would love to have the circle tag necklace with my girls' names: Megan, Macy, Madison.

Unknown said...

Necklace with my childrens names on it!

Unknown said...

Just tweeted it! Darla Baerg.


Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Circle tags with my kids' names. Perfect!

Anonymous said...

I like so much! But I think I'd order either the Love Circle Necklace or Gianna's Necklace. Beautiful jewlery.

Elizabeth said...

I would love to have the necklace with five round tags with my 5 sons names.

Gloria Fox said...

I would love to get a circle tag for my daughter with her name. Love these!!

Diane said...

I love them all! I would have to say the circle tag with both of my childrens names would be proudly worn.

Annie said...

I think I would have to have the small square tags. Especially since we are just a few weeks away from having our baby girl! It would be great to have a necklace with her and her big brother's names!

Gloria Fox said...

I sent out a Tweet too! @gloriafox

michelle gamel said...

These are so adorable! I would love the have the small square necklace with the name of my three boys on it. Thanks Kimba!

Charity said...

These are so sweet! I think the small squares are my favourite. :o)

Maloree said...

I would get the circle tag with my kids name on it.

TheHappyNeills said...

i just don't know! it'd take me awhile to decide!

Laura said...

Wedding Day Necklace is my favorite!!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

when i win, i want the circle tag with my munchkins names on it. thanks janadec9 at yahoo dot com

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

I would love the 2 square tags with the name of my 2 boys...which have 17 yrs age difference!!!

Leanne said...

They're all so pretty. I think I would want the initial heart tags. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lisa said...

I really like the sports tags. I would get a soccer one for my daughter and a football one for my son.


Jennifer Richins said...

Very cute stuff. I like the love circle necklace, but with the initially yours chain.

slip4 said...

Love the circle tag necklace! Hard to choose among all the goodies!

nopinkhere said...

So simple and cute! I think I would get a necklace with 2 small circles.

Carrie said...

I have admired hand-stamped jewelry for a long time. I would love to own a piece.

Tesseraemum said...

Love the circle tags and the square tags too!

Mandy said...

So cute! I love them all, but the small square tags are absolutely adorable!

Kayleen said...

If I won I would get three square charms with the names of my kids on them. So cute!

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

Love the small square tag!!

Pam @ This Humble House said...

Those are so sweet! I would love to have a circle design with a little charm!

Joanna said...

I would totally get Kayla and Kelsie the Sisters necklace. I know that exceeds the $40 so I'd throw in the extra...I have never seen anything like it and this is something they can cherish.

KellyO said...

I love them all but I really love the sporty tag(s)

Sharon Simons said...

I love her stuff. I would get the circle tag necklace with my three boys names and a baseball instead of the heart.

Jolene said...

I love the square tags. I think I would get one with my word for the year on it.

Rachel Lundy said...

I really like the "initial hearts tag - 2" and I especially like "Gianna's Necklace."

Trisha said...

I want them ALL! I think maybe the round with the names is my favorite. I just love how simple they are. Beautiful!

Gina said...

I love the small square tags with the lowercase font! I love all the hand-stamped jewelry!

Eileen said...

I'm loving all of them and, in fact, have been looking for something similar to these for my sisters!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous. i love you site and this give away. I would definitely get a necklace with the names of my 2 sons and my husband! Thanks for the chance to win.

Angie Kerr said...

I love the sisters forever necklace. I also would love the mom's charm bracelet. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing the site, I have it bookmarked for Christmas gifts!

Anonymous said...

OH, how do you choose? They are all beautiful pieces of jewelry. But if I had to pick right now, I think I like the square tags and would have my son and daughters name put on them. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway.

BellaDella's Mom - Janice T.

Danilou said...

I love the circle tab!!!!! I would have my three kids names on it. I love the website!!!!!Thanks

Dana said...

I'm loving the 2 Tag Thai Necklace. Perfect for my two precious girls' names.

Laura said...

I like the "Wedding Day Necklace." My sister just got engaged, and I'm already thinking about a wedding present for her!

em&m said...

I love sosobella! I want a circle tag necklace with heart with my cute little kiddos names on it.

April was in CA now MA said...

The initial heart tags are cute!!

Kelly said...

I love the wedding date necklace. We just celebrated our 10th and I think that would be so special.