26 August 2009

Pottery Barn Inspired Mirror

This is a guest post from one of my paint-loving, glue gun wielding soul-sisters, Lindsay from Living with Lindsay.

If you don't already adore her and her thrifty home decorating ways, you will after reading about this fantastic project!

There's nothing I like more than falling in love with something pricey and then figuring out how to replicate it for pennies. When I saw this mirror in a recent Pottery Barn catalog, I knew I could easily beat it's $300 price.

Yeah, that's right. I said three hundred dollars. Surely they are kidding, right?

Fortunately, I'm not kidding when I say I'm going to teach you how to make a Pottery Barn inspired version for about a tenth of that price.

How to Make a Pottery Barn Inspired Mirror on a Salvage Yard Budget

1. Start by finding the mirror that's going to go in the center of your project. You can find one stuck in the back of your closet, at a thrift store, or at a garage sale. I actually found mine at a discount home decor store for $3.99. The one I am using is a 12x12 beveled mirror that was sold to use underneath candles, but it is perfect for this purpose.

2. Grab some wood to make the frame. You'll need more wood than you think, so get plenty. Mine came from the ReStore and is actually reclaimed floor boards from someone's front porch, but used fencing, old flooring, or even new wood from the home improvement store that you distress yourself would work. Be sure to also check your free CraigsList section or salvage yards for reclaimed wood! I think I paid about 50 cents a foot for mine.

3. You'll also need a bit of a cheap sheet of plywood for backing. We had some scrap wood that I cut roughly the size that I thought the finished mirror would end up. I cut it with a jigsaw. If you've never used a jigsaw, you should try it. It's very easy and will expand your DIY possibilities tenfold! Y'all, saws are REALLY easy to use when you play it safe.

4. Next, I cut my reclaimed wood with a miter saw to make the frame's corners. You definitely don't have to make miter (angled) cuts; you could just square your corners. I just liked the look of it this way and we have a compound miter saw, so why not? I decided to do three layers of wood around the mirror, so I made 12 corner cuts total. The pieces do not have to be even, and actually, look better when they are uneven.

5. Then, I cut some more wood to fill in the gaps on the sides. I'll be honest, I didn't measure here. I just moved things around like a puzzle and cut a little off here and a little off there until it all fit. It doesn't have to be perfect and some small gaps are okay.

6. Once I got everything where I wanted it, I labeled the back of each piece. For example, the outer square was labeled 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, etc all the way around. The middle was labeled 2-1, 2-2, and the inner square was 3-1, 3-2, etc.

7. I separated the wood into piles and wiped each piece down with a wet cloth. Then, with very little paint on my brush, I brushed each piece with one light coat. I chose to paint the outer and inner squares white (the same color as all the trim in our house) and the middle color "Crisp Khaki" (the same color as virtually all the walls in our house). That way, I'd be able to display the frame most anywhere. You don't have to do a great job painting it because you are going for the distressed look anyway.

The great thing about this project is that you could do only whites for a beach cottage look; you could stain the wood to match your flooring or your furniture; or you could use the wall paint you already have on hand so that it would match most any room in your house. The sky is the limit with this piece, folks.

8. After the paint dried, I was ready to glue the pieces to the plywood backing. I bought some Liquid Nails at the home improvement store and began by gluing the mirror to the center of the plywood. Then, I glued the inner layer of painted wood around the mirror. The Liquid Nails takes a while to set (the tube says 10 minutes, but it was MUCH longer in the Texas heat), so you are able to move the pieces around to get them all lined up exactly how you want them.

9. I then did the same thing with the middle layer. Make sure you apply a lot of the Liquid Nails product - the more you have, the better the bond.

10. Next, I grabbed my jigsaw again and cut the plywood close into the middle layer, allowing only about 1/2 of the width of outer layer. I wanted to be able to glue the outer layer to the plywood but not have the plywood show from the sides of the finished product. Then, I glued down the outer layer and let the whole shebang dry overnight.

11. The next morning, I added the nail trim. I just used small 5/8" nails. They don't do anything structurally, but I like the way it looks like they are all nailed into place. My wood was so thick that the nails were bending and hard to hammer into place, so I drilled holes with my smallest drill bit and then hammered the nails into the holes. It worked like a charm.

12. Lastly, flip the mirror over and screw two screws into the back. Tie a mirror wire around the screws for your very own ghetto-fabulous mirror hanger. For good measure, I added a line of hot glue around the area that the frame and plywood met. I'm sure you don't have to do that, but my glue gun is my best friend and I figured it couldn't hurt.

That's it! Your very own Pottery Barn inspired mirror for a tenth of the cost of the real thing. And quite frankly, I like mine even better than the $$$ one!

My only problem now is finding a place to hang it. I'm thinking it will go in this little alcove in my entryway once I have a table or dresser to put underneath it.

Although, it looks pretty good hanging in the hallway, too!

Decisions, decisions.

I want to give a HUGE thank you to Kimba for inviting me to share a little something with her wonderful readers. I am so honored to be able to be here today, and I hope you all enjoyed this fun little project!

Thank YOU, Lindsay! I LOVE this project! Since I know you all are dying for more Lindsay, here are a few of my favorite posts from Living with Lindsay.
A stunning chair makeover!
Rags to riches thrift store desk
Easiest design transfer method you'll ever find
10 fantastic fillers for your apothecary jars
Custom bathtub storage container


  1. Thanks for showing us, Kimba!
    That mirroir is awesome.

  2. Oh my gosh...
    INSPIRATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    thank you !

  3. Beautiful mirror and what a great tutorial. It helps to take away my fear of jigsaws. :)

  4. Wish I had a garage!! This mirror was awesome!!

  5. I love that! The instruction is great! Thanks for sharing! ~Ashley~ shanty2chic

  6. I am loving this! You make it looks so easy... It also confirms that I need to go look around in a ReStore, asap! Thanks for sharing.

  7. LOVE the mirror!! I'm going to try this but I'll have to modify the making of it. I stay away from power tools. I'm sure I can figure out something without.

  8. Wow. This is a fantastic project that I sooooo need to do! I'm imagining a huge rectangular mirror for above my couch - maybe using three mirror squares? Oh, the possibilities. Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. Kimba you make me want to throw up at how inspiring you are! I will definitely pop over to her blog right now! Thanks!

    Love, Madison

  10. you are so incredibly talented. this turned out amazing.

  11. Love the mirror!! What inspiration! Blogland is filled with so many wonderfully talented people.

  12. What a great mirror and the tutorial is just perfect. Loved it. Hugs, Marty

  13. Fabulous idea...I wish Kimba lived on one side of me, and Lindsay lived on the other.....but they'd probably put me to shame.....love the idea!


  14. Omigosh, I LOVE it! I would need to rope dh into cutting the wood for me, but it would be soooo worth it!

  15. Love it! Love it! Linday's mirror is so much nicer than the $$$ one. How sweet of her to share how she made it.
    BTW, the mirror really looks good against the blue wall. It really pops. I am sure it will look great where ever you hang it though.

  16. I love Lindsey! She is always a great place to go for budget makeovers and pieces. This mirror ROCKS! Hmmm... it includes wood (which I have plenty of), saws (which I LOVE) and DIY (which is the best part of all). I'm gonna give this a try!

  17. The mirror came out great! I love finding something and then making your own for much less $$$ PLUS it means more bc you made it! Great Job! :0)

  18. Love it! So creative. Thanks for featuring my blog in one of your previous posts. I am currently seeking out a new renovation project, so I will def keep your blog bookmarked!

  19. Wow...wee!! How great is that! Thanks.

  20. How many words can be used to describe that mirror? Too many and they are all good words.

    This is definitely going into my bookmarks labeled "individual projects" which are just links of inspiring rooms or projects for later and this one gets a gold star! Although, hard to put the gold star on a link list...

    Anyhow, I think I love it.

  21. Thanks for the simple tutorial on how to have the big buck things on my kind of price.

    On my way to look at some other post you have shared of Lindsey's.

    Also sorry I forgot to add your pig alert..oops not pig literly but the giveaway on my blog till today. Anyway thanks for all the extra ideas!

    Ready for lots of Fall ideas now!

  22. Lindsay's great, isn't she? What a wonderful project. Thanks for hooking us all up!

  23. Wow- great idea and it came out amazing. I can't believe how easy you make playing with saws look...

  24. I admired that mirror when my catalog came. Yours is much better! :)

  25. ZOMG Lindsey! That is AMAZING!! I was just talking about picture frames like that with my neighbor and we decided we could somehow make them ourselves. And now I know how!

  26. Lindsay is a fab DIYer! What a great project, you should be so proud of this one. Love it!

    That reminds me, I found a jigsaw at a yardsale this summer for $5, now I have to use it!

  27. Yay, Lindsay!!! :) I love it...I think I like it better than the PB one. ;)

  28. Brilliant Lindsay - lovin' this mirror project. And nothing's better than pics of chicks with power tools. You rock girl !!!!

  29. I'll be making this soon. It's amazing! Thanks for the fab tips!

  30. Love this! Great job Lindsay, thanks for sharing!

  31. That is awesome!! Thank you so much!

  32. Love it. What a great job!!


  33. Very nice Lindsey! You look like a natural with those power tools!

    I like how you find a way to recreate on a budget - so often I will see something I like but the price tag will make me choke - you show us that sometimes, it isnt that difficult - it's just getting the will to DO IT!

  34. Very cute. I was actually in bed last night creating something similar but it didn't have the mirror. great project.

    I have a new party starting- Wed Sept 2. So each week I will have the Knock Off Knock Out party on Mondays and the Holiday/Seasonal party on Wed. I hope you come for a visit.
    New buttons to grab as well.
    Its So Very Cheri


  35. Wow, that's fabulous! I love the colors you used, so pretty. I'll be linking.

  36. awesome job Lindsay! i love the description 'ghetto fabulous!' that's great!

  37. I saved this to my inspiration folder b/c after I repaint my entire main floor next weekend (!!!) I'm going to go get one of those $13 floor lenth mirrors to put in your closet, turn it sideways, and then do this and hang it behind the couch or over the buffet or something. yum @ matching decor!


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