03 August 2009

Furniture Rehab with Caromal Colors

I've mentioned before, that my dining room is a bit of a catch-all room, since I do much of my creating in there. I finally decided that I needed some dedicated storage for my paints, papers, glues and beads. A few months ago, I scored a dated old dresser at the Goodwill for a glorious $12! It's been sitting in there since looking very sad and bedraggled (but still functional).

I knew that I would rehab him, but I was waiting for inspiration to strike. And inspiration struck in the form of my new advertiser, Caromal Colors via Patty Henning at Fabulous Finishes! Patty is a Regional Director for Caromal Colors and she graciously sent me a Distressed for Success kit from their line so that I could try it out on a furniture rehab project and share the results with you.

Note: As always, when I have a sponsor on my blog, the advertisement is payed for. My opinion is not.

Here's what I used for this project:

  • Caromal Colors textured base coat in parchment
  • Caromal Colors toner
  • Chip brush (natural bristle paint brush)
  • Sandpaper

The minute that I opened the jar of paint, I knew there was something different about these products. The paint is SUPER thick...like the texture of pudding. According to their website, that's why you get such fantastic coverage without primer. Yeah, you read that right. Without primer! Or sanding! I love that!

I don't have photos of the step-by-step process. If you want to see that, you'll have to come back tomorrow, when I'll post a completely embarrassing video of me actually doing this project. There's a reason that I blog and not vlog, people.

Today, I'll just tell you that this stuff is awesome. It went on easily without any sanding or priming which saved tons of time. The coverage is fantastic too.

It gives you the most wonderful texture, (either brushy or bumpy or stippled...you choose) that grabs hold of the toner and gives a beautifully aged, antiqued or distressed finish (again, you choose). I made it way harder than it needed to be by stressing over the fact that the finish had texture in it. It's supposed to be there and it looks beautiful when it's done.

If I were going to paint my kitchen or bath cabinets, I would definitely use these products. They are so flexible because of all the beautiful colors which can be layered and used with the toner to create stunning farmhouse-y, Pottery Barn looking cabinets and furniture.

Here are some projects from Patty's blog:
Kitchen cabinet makeover for less than $100
Updating an oak desk
Updating an old armoire
Easy light fixture facelifts


If you would like to make a purchase from Caromal Colors, you can click here to go directly to their store. Make sure that you use the code PattyH in the Discount Coupon field. That's the only way that Patty gets credit for the sale and you get a discount on the shipping.


  1. What a great product. I love the light fixture make-overs. I have several that could use some bronzing up and as far as projects go - there are so many pieces of wood furniture in my house just begging for paint, I don't even know where to start.

    Your $12 dresser looks terrific.

  2. I would have to say that my favorite rehab was the kitchen cabinets! I just love a white kitchen so it made logical sense to me.

    My project that I want to redo is my hope chest. I have new fabric for the top and I want to paint it!

  3. Well considering in the next six months I am repainting all my kitchen cabinets, 2 bathroom cabinets, a coffee table, an armoire and a nightstand....I'm loooooving the kitchen cabinet redo for sure!! :D GREAT job on the dresser!

  4. I like the armoire!

    Your dresser looks fab. I've been looking at these paints for awhile and wondering how well they work. Looks good!

    I have a little desk I would try them on and if I loved them to death, then a monster of a buffet which you can see on my blog right now. To do this buffet, honestly, is scaring me a little.

  5. I would love to use a kit on my fireplace. Its so boring!!

  6. This is so cool! I would love to do my kitchen cabinets or better yet, my master bathroom sink vanity. My sink vanity cabinets are melamine...how do you think this product would work on melamine?


  7. I love the kitchen cabinets...what a difference the paint technique makes. The best thing about it is the no primer needed! Priming is my least favorite thing to do. I would use the product on a dresser that I have thats crying for a makeover.

  8. PS..I love the dresser that you madeover.

  9. Hands down, Patty's light fixtures were my favorite! :) If it works on laminate, I'd love to redo the laminate bookcase in our dining room in a distressed black. It has nice lines, but I'm not feelin' the medium toned wood. At all. Cool giveaway!! :)

  10. I love the lightfixture facelifts! I have a lot of gold in our house....YUK! This would be perfect to cover a lot of that up.

    I also picked up a jewelry amoire at a g-sale this weekend. It is in dire need of a facelift too!

    Amazing product!

  11. I am IN. LOVE. Your dresser looks FAB and I HAVE to have a kit!!! The Kitcehn is my favorite, such a dramatic difference.

    My project is to rehab my hutch. It was given to me by a dear friend and they have had it in their family for DECADES! So, the wood needs to go and I need a new color. I love the way you did yours, and I also really love hte blue! I can't decide!!! lol :)

  12. Just twittered...


  13. Loving this product!

    Hard to choose just one but my favorite would be the armoire. I love the texture and depth this brings to this piece.

    I need to do my kitchen cabinets ~ they are pine!!!!

  14. Looks beautiful! We are remodeling our kitchen and I want to rehab and create our own island rather than buying new. I think that these paints will give me the finish I am looking for. Her cabinets were gorgeous.

  15. $100 for the kitchen cabinet update? Wow!!! That's amazing! I have a bathroom vanity that is old, ugly oak that sure could use refinishing!

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE! so cute- my favorite project is yours, but the armoire also turned out well. i have a pine armoire that's beggging for some caromal colours! thanks for sharing!

  17. Oh how I would love this for all the projects on my to-do list around the house... I would start with the bathroom cabinets, then if anything was left I would work on the coffee table and the ugly bookshelf that is going to be moved from the old office/new nursery into the living room. The projects are endless around here.

    My favorite project you listed is the kitchen makeover. Would have made our kitchen redo so much easier, I'm sure!

  18. This looks like a fantastic product. I am torn between two projects. One would be the three book shelves in my "libary". Honesly, it was formerly known as my daughter's bedrom and now that I am retired, the place I read with my grandchildren. It has a large window that overlooks our yard and I just love it. The three bookcases are left overs from my teaching years. The problem is that that don't match. I would love to do something to pull that wonderful space together.

    The other is the furniture in my guest room. We have had it for over 35 years. It was put in there when our son married. The dark finish looks tired, to say the least.

    My favorite is the armoire. It looks like an expensive European piece. Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway.


  19. Love them all! I would paint too old chairs or a table.

  20. First, I love how you can make a project so easy, can't beat that! I love the possibilities you've shown of bringing light fixtures up-to-date in the new bronze colors you offer. I have bright brass in my home that could use a face lift.
    But before that, I have a chest in my foyer that I would love to make special. I'd try your paint and a stencil I saw to add a bit of interest, some new hardware, and voila! Easy right?!
    Like the armoire Patty updated, love it!

  21. LOVE the kitchen cabinets! Soooo cute. I think I would either redo my kitchen table (finish is going quickly on it and is hard to keep looking nice)...or....maybe shop the thrift store for something totally "new" to sink my paint brush into!

  22. I love your dresser! It looks fantastic!
    My favorite rehab on the list would be the kitchen cabinets.
    If I won the kit, I would definitely use it on my master bath cabinets. I want to make them lighter, like the kitchen. They are pretty outdated! Thanks for showing the new product!

  23. Those kitchen cabinets are incredible! I wish there were more photos of that kitchen re-do. Does the paint work over laminate surfaces?

    I would definitely paint my daughter's desk and matching hutch. I've been contemplating painting it and I think this would be perfect!

  24. My favorite is the kitchen cabinets, they look awesome!

    It would be hard to pick just one project for this kit. I have a nightstand and dresser that I could use this on. Or my fireplace mantel would look neat with a distressed finish also.

  25. Light fixtures are us over here....I'd be all over that light fixture kit if I won!! I am very impressed!


    Yours looks great!!!

  26. Definitely the kitchen cabinet redo. I need to paint all the bathroom cabinets in our home and this would be perfect!

  27. I love love love your new dresser! I also love the refinished armoire. We have an old dresser sitting in the garage as we speak waiting to be refinished. I would love to make it look just like yours for the guest bedroom.

  28. What a great makeover!! It will be perfect for all your storage needs and it looks fabulous.
    I meant to tell you (yesterday) that I really like the song you posted! The words are powerful and minister to me every time I hear them. :o) Thank you for sharing.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  29. My fave is definitely the armoire. I love the stencil- it added so much detail! Gosh, there are so many projects I could use this paint for- my cabinets, of course, but I doubt I will get to that in the next few weeks. I have a small computer desk that I tried to paint and distress this way that is not holding up and needs repainting...This might be great for that! I also have a dresser much like yours that I'd love to paint the blue color. So many ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  30. Your dresser is awesome! I love it!

    I love this stuff!!! I have a cabinet that I am wanting to paint and we are getting ready to paint our kitchen cabinets as well. I also have a door table needing a new paint job. What doesn't need paint in my house? lol.

    I love the cabinet makeover and armoire redo on her site! Amazing stuff!!

  31. That paint looks fabulous! My favorite would be the kitchen cabinets, they look so professional. The project that I would do is a coffee table and end table that I've been needing to do forever! They once belonged to my parents and have been sitting in the basement for years just waiting for a new life and opportunity like this!

    Love your dresser BTW!

  32. Very cool. Love the cabinets! I have a lot of things I can use it on! :) I am having a giveaway, so stop by if you get a chance!

  33. I love the kitchen makeover. That is what I am about to start. I have the basic stock cabinets and I am going to paint them white and paint my island red. So I might go for the distressed look on the island. With 7 kids everything around here gets distressed anyway!!

  34. i love your dresser kimba! I checked out the links to the other projects and my fave is the kitchen cabinet makeover.
    If I won this product, I would defintely redo my master bedroom Dresser, Chest, & Nightstand.

  35. Wow, that dresser looks amazing! I have a desk/hutch combo that I picked up at Goodwill that is in desperate need of a makeover.


  36. Well done~bravo!

    I recently redecorated my guest bathroom with a seaside theme. The circa 1990's "foak" (faux + oak) cabinets are screaming for a paint makeover.

  37. that dresser looks awesome. I love the kitchen makeover, such a huge difference. I have this great old cabinet that is low to the ground but big and square and we use it as a coffee table. its been needing to be redone, it would look great in white.

  38. Cool. I love the armoire redo, that stencil just adds some pop. I have several dressers in my garage that need a finish like this product to become house worthy.

  39. Oh, I think I am in love! All the projectsare awesome but I do love the armoire. I have been dying to paint mine ever since the Nester painted hers(it is exactly the same as mine.) I can totally see it in my mind....

  40. Oh, I think I am in love! All the projectsare awesome but I do love the armoire. I have been dying to paint mine ever since the Nester painted hers(it is exactly the same as mine.) I can totally see it in my mind....

  41. Looks fabulous! I'd love to try it. My favorite project was the kitchen. Didn't like the oak transformation but the kitchen turned out FABULOUS. I wold love to try this product on an adorable end table I recently rescued from someone's curb.

  42. Oh, boy! Your chest of drawers looks terrific. Of the links you featured, I will say that I really liked the light fixtures. . . but I LOVED the kitchen cabinets. Beautiful.

    I have an old oak table and chairs that is so . . . YAWN. . . boring. But wouldn't it look cool re-done with this product? Or maybe those servicable but. . . YAWN. . . boring barstools. I love the idea of being able to take something from boring to BOMB!

  43. I love those kitchen cabinets! This is a great product. If I won I have two side tables and a tv stand that I'd love to do. (they are all small this is why I say 3)

    Your dresser turned out great!

  44. I have two potential projects but for some reason I have been scared of painting furniture, I know I am not alone. I have a perfectionist streak in me which holds me back. Wow, I just loved the way your piece turned out. The colors that are speaking to me are the red, pale green, and black. What a neat product.

  45. I love the desk. I have a desk and bookcase that have been begging to be rehabed and this would be perfect!

  46. Ohhhhh, I love the armoire and how it turned out. Just gorgeous! i have a cupboard in my bathroom that I would love to try this on. I haven't done it because I HATE to sand and I can't take it outside. I would love to win this and get this project done and out of my mind.

  47. Love the cleaner-shabby look of the cabinets. Your dresser is absolutely perfect!! I would love to try that look on my Goodwill vanity that is patiently waiting in the garage. Looking forward to your video, too!

  48. love the kitchen cabinets! I would update our armoire, a bookshelf, and possibly our kitchen cabinets. I have many project to use this with!

  49. I love the look of the kitchen cabinets! So clean and fresh, with just a hint of distressing. I have so many ideas of furniture that I would love to paint, but have never dared attempt to do anything. I absolutely fell in love with the picture of the bi-fold doors turned into the bar table in your July 21 post. And guess what I have in my garage?! 2 bi-fold doors that are just screaming at me to be painted a wonderful red and distressed. I loved the idea of turning these into a mantle. And since we have no fireplace... Now, can I get the courage to give this a go?!

  50. great job! I would probably use it on some cabinets that we have that need a facelift!

    love your dresser!

  51. This is a fantastic product and my favorite so far is the kitchen cabinets because I want to do mine too!

  52. Love the kitchen cabinet makeover. We have more projects than I can imagine coming up, as we close on our new fixer-upper home on Wednesday. I think I would use this on the bathroom cabinets.

  53. Your dresser is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! I also love the redo on the white armoire, It looks so authentic!
    The project I would use this product for....hmmm, take your pick! Not much in my house remains unpainted;)
    I have been waiting to tackle my bathroom vanity. *It is actually a dresser turned double sink* I had planned on giving it that coastal cottage look & I am sure this would work fab! I could also use it on the buffet/sideboard for the entry way. I've got a set of nesting tables I picked up at a yard sale that could use a coat or two. Then there is the large mirror in my living room, the frame needs an update. Exactly how far will one can go? I'll be sure to let you know if I win;)

    Thank you for the opportunity! <3 Laurie

    thelaceys at live dot com

  54. I absolutely love the kitchen cabinets! And if I win, I'll be redoing my not so lovely 70s kitchen cabinets as well. They are wood--which is a good thing--but dark and beat up--which isn't such a good thing.

    Your dresser is stunning! I would never have believed you didn't sand, prime, distress till your little fingers were about to fall off.

  55. The $12 dresser is gorgeous now. I love the armoire, with the desk a close second. I have a 6 drawer chest that is just waiting for a makeover for my European Country living room. I already have the bin pulls, so it really is just sitting there,embarassed to be clashing with it's peers, beggin' me to get to work...

  56. I like the armoire redo. I desperately need to update our entertainment cabinet--it's bare pine and begging for some color--but it was free!
    sylviarj at yahoo dot com

  57. Your dresser looks FANTASTIC! It looks like one of those pieces you see in an antique store for 45 billion dollars...so beautiful. There is a dresser in our home that I would LOVE to makeover!

  58. Oh my goodness. i have been searching for a kit that will give me the habersham look, i LURVE that look.

    I would LOVE to finish an antique endtable, its got cute details and delicate legs. so cute for a refinish project!!

  59. That armoire is definately my favorite! Oh my goodness is it gorgeous!!!

    I know exactly what I would do with this product! I have a kitchen's worth of oak cabinets in my shed that I haven't done anything with because I was looking for the perfect inspiration... and I've found it!!!!

  60. Love your dresser, and the light fixtures. If I won, I would use it on an armoire that desperately needs a makeover.

  61. I like the kitchen cabinets best. I'd love to redo a dresser in the nursery!

  62. Love it...I need to get me a dresser to put all my stuff in also...never even think about using a dresser for this stuff but now I will...

    If you get a chance will you tell me what color I should paint this trunk I have on my blog today? I think it is to big for a codee table so I thought maybe use it for a table at my entrance....any ideas will be helpful, Thanks in advance.

  63. I like the cabinet makeover the best. There is nothing like painting over some old drab cabinets. If I win the contest I would paint my yucky oak armoire. I have been wanting to do something with it. I can't wait to see who wins!

  64. Ooooo how fun! I love Patty's kitchen cabinet makeover; it makes such a HUGE difference!

    The question isn't what I want to redo but what I would redo first! Seeing the product and the different make-overs, my mind is exploding with ideas. I'd LOVE to do my kitchen cabinets, the mantle over the living room fireplace and an armoir for the master bedroom!Woohooo! I can't wait to get started!

  65. rockhead@sbcglobal.netAugust 3, 2009 at 10:42 AM

    Love this product! I would definitely use it to refinsh my kitchen cabinets.

  66. What inspiration! I love it. I would definitely paint my cabinets. Now chosing the color would be the issue. So many great choices.

    Oh and I love the armoire makeover best but they all are terrific.

  67. Oh, wow, what a great product! I love the kitchen cabinet transformations the best. I would use this product to transform a large frame or a small table in my dining room.

  68. I LOVE the light fixtures!!! We've been looking at our local Habitat for Humanity store...tons of old "gold" fixtures that still have lots of life in them!

  69. I like the kitchen cabinets because I'm currently planning to do some lightening up in my kitchen.
    I have several projects where I would use this product. I would probably do my vanity cabinet in the kids bathroom first. It is orange-y brown stained oak now, and I'm trying to go for a cottage look in there.

  70. Wow, this product seems so nifty!

    I really like the rehab on the cabinets and the light fixtures, but I think my favorite was the light fixtures! In our old house we had the builder grade brass fixtures and I so should have done something like this to them!

    I have a definite plan for this product! We just moved into a new house and our TV is having to sit on a coffee table. It was built in at our old home and now at this house we need a stand. My Dad found an old buffet sitting on the side of the road for the trash and picked it up for me. It is an awesome piece, perfect size, but I have never redone a piece of furniture and I am nervous. I am so ready to tackle this project and this product looks like it would help me do this first project without being to intimidated!!!!

    I love your blog!!!

  71. I really want to paint my kitchen cabinets, I've started cleaning them already. This makes it look pretty easy.

  72. I am so inspired by the armoire project. I have a three piece entertainment center that just screams early 90's decor. I have been tossing around ideas on what to do with the two end pieces. I now know!!! They will become made over bookcases. This product looks like a dream!

  73. I like the light fixtures too! That would be so much easier than replacing them all. I think I would use the products on a sad little dresser that is hiding in the closet - maybe it would give the dresser new life and chance to live among the other furniture again! ;)

  74. How cool! I lov ethe way the kitchen cabinets turned out. The light fixtures are pretty cool too.

    I have a side table sitting in my garage, half sanded waiting for some love. This product would be perfect! Then I could actually put it in my DD's room.

  75. cupboards for me! I will be refinishing a bench and a coffee table. Never did this before...yikes

  76. My fave of the projects - not including your dresser which is my true fave - I love the kitchen! It looks awakened! Love it!

  77. I really like the armoire with the stencils. It went from plain jane to so much character!

    I have two small bookcases that don't match, but are the same size. They really want to be together, I can tell, and this would do the deed with style. I am thinking Paprika.

  78. Oh, I can't wait to try this product! I love to see beautiful rehabs, but I don't even know how to begin on my own. I bought an old rocking chair many years ago at auction. This may be exactly what it needs.Thanks for the giveaway.


  79. Oops! I'm so not a good comprehensive reader! I forgot to add that I'll be doing either my armoir or my kitchen cabinets (both are on my list of to-do's). This whole thing fits right in with my posts recently, so I linked you on my blog!

  80. oooh that's awesome. I like the lighting fixtures, or the kitchen cabinets. I would love to do something like that! BTW, your dresser is FANTASTIC! What a great piece!!!

  81. I like the kitchen makeover, it really brightens up that space.
    I've been thinking of doing the same to mine.

    I'm also looking for a toy box or small bookshelf for toys to put in my girls' room. I would use the kit to paint it a distressed white.

  82. I love the look the paint gives! Most of the furniture in my house is distressed and i do it myself and it takes forever! I would love to try these paints. Right now my husband is working on a king size headboard out of barn wood for me and it will need some sort of paint treatment, i though i would whitewash it but after seeing this paint, i am definately going to try it!

  83. Wow! This paint seems awesome! The desk is my favorite & I want to use it on my coffee table. My mom found the table for $10 & I need to redo it for my living room. Thanks for a chance to win:)

  84. I LOVE the kitchen cabinets! They look amazing! If I got to re-do one piece of furniture in the house it would either be an old dresser sitting in the garage or the table I use to sew on. It was my mother-in-laws and smells like cigarette smoke (blech), so it's in need of some TLC.

  85. My favorite is the kitchen cabinet rehab! But for my project I have armoire that is soon to be re-purposed and needs a new look!

  86. This product looks fantastic! I especially loved the kitchen makeover...what a difference. Great job. I've got few pieces of furniture in need of a makeover :)

  87. Wow! The product looks so cool. I can't decide if I like the armoire or the light fixtures the best.

    I'd love to win this and re-do a dresser and desk that I recently acquired for my daughter's room.

  88. I like the light fixture best. I would probably do the same thing or else I have a headboard my mother in law gave to us that would look great with a new finish.

  89. The cabinet makeovers are amazing!! I especially love the creamy white colors with the parchment in the first cabinet picture! And no priming needed...now that's what I'm talking about! :) I would use a kit on my kitchen cabinets, or my powder bath vanity cabinet. Both of them are in DIRE need of some help!

    Your dresser/craft station makeover is fabulous! I love it!! :)

  90. I love the kitchen cabinets makeover and I absolutely love your furniture rehab! I have an old sewing machine table that I've been dying to re-finish! We are in an apartment right now so we don't have anywhere to sand, prime and paint it. This stuff looks like I could EASILY to do it in our spare room!


  91. Oh! Oh! Oh! I wanna do it! I'm about to start redoing my son's room and plan to write about it on my blog http://ifittakesawholelife.blogspot.com. I'd redo an old dresser. I documented our nursery rehab on the blog as well! She can e-mail me at ifittakesawholelife@gmail.com :-)

  92. My neighbor threw out an armoire because the top molding had come lose!! I know....shame on her!! BUT, I of course snagged it!!!! It currently sits in my garage waiting, no begging(!), for a makeover so that it can come inside and join the other furniture.

  93. Oh my! This could be the answer that I am looking for in my kitchen! I just posted about needing kitchen help to make much needed updates. I also have 2 bathroom cabinets that will be updated, so if I won, I would use it on one of those. Jackie

  94. Wow! What an amazing product! Thanks for sharing it with us. I love the kitchen cabinets and I have an sideboard in my entryway that is in need of some serious help.

  95. Oh! I have the PERFECT piece for this great product! I would definitely redo a wood hope chest that I have in my bedroom to store extra linens, etc., in one of the shades of green!

    My favorite project is the kitchen cabinet makeover (I'm such a sucker for white cabinets.), but the light fixtures run a really close second!

    And Kimba, I LOVE your "new" dresser. It's lovely, and such a transformation!

    (I also tweeted this!)

  96. I love the kitchen or any cupboard re-do. I am so tired of the honey oak look!!! I would anything I could get my hands on!! Hope I win!!

  97. Pick me! Pick me! I love the kitchen rehab and would (and am) absolutely going to use this product on my powder room vanity! It's small so I think it will be a great first project to start with - if I like the result I will definitely consider it for my kitchen cabinets, too.

  98. I think my fav is the kitchen, but I also like the light fixtures.

    I have so many projects I'm waiting to dive into. I'm not sure if it would be
    my old cedar chest
    the drywall above my fireplace (want to make it look like stone or plaster)
    The cabinet in the kids' bathroom
    some of the bookshelves in the girls room.
    Oh, so many options! I'd love to win and get some of them done!

  99. I like the armoire best. I have a painted sideboard I'd like to rehab (my neighbor had it in a bright white but I'd like something a bit more chippy and subdued)...

    SO jealous of your $12 find!

  100. This product looks awesome! I really liked the light fixtures that were painted. They had a really good finish.
    The project that I want to do is an old door made into a dining room table for us. I think that I would like it to be the cream color. I really like the dresser that you did!

  101. these look great! love the light fixtures and the cabinets. i'd love to be brave enough to do a kitchen cabinet!

  102. Mmm! I really love the kitchen cabinet redo! I'm drawn to the clean look.

    If I were to win, I would first use it on an old school desk. THEN, if I loved it (which I'm sure I will) I have a whole bedroom suit to refinish!

  103. Yay for some awesome painting jobs! That armoire is ridiculous, but I need to update my fixtures with not a lot of dough... so, I say big fat toss up between the two of them!

    As for what I would do, though... my oak kitchen table... it was a beautiful craigs list find, but there's too much oak in there and I need to spice it up. As we all know, the party ends up in the kitchen and we love for our home to be a place where all can enjoy!

    Thanks for sharing these great ideas!

    And, Kimba, your dresser... ridiculous as well! Love it!

  104. I love your makeover, it looks awesome! I also love the kitchen makeover! I have an old dresser that is dying for something, I think this would be fabulous!

  105. My Favs are the light fixtures and the kitchen cabinet make over! =)
    We have a light fixture that could use a make over. We also just recently acquired 2 oak bookcases that need some refinishing and updating...the Caromal colors would be perfect for it!

  106. P.S. Love your dresser make over! That's awesome! =)Perhaps our dresser could use a little make over as well. =)

  107. This product looks awesome! My favorite of the projects was the kitchen cabinets.

    I have a cherry bedroom set in the garage that I am ready to refinsh and bring into my bedroom. I think it would look fab in a white, distressed finish!

  108. I love the oak desk redo. I have a roll top desk that needs some updating. Seems so simple and easy. If I do not win I might just have to buy some!

  109. I love ALL of the makeovers, but my fav is the kitchen cabinets. I would LOVE to win the kit...this is exactly what I have been looking for. I bought a fab square coffee table and two end tables from Craigslist for $50 for all three pieces. The black and dark brown distressing is exactly what I have been looking for!!! I hope I win...I am so excited!!

  110. Oh my gosh! I'm dying over the desk transformation! I have the perfect desk for this project...if I win, that is!!!

  111. Where has this been all of my life? My kitchen cabinet adventure was a disaster!!! I should re-do it, but I really want to paint my dining room table. Thanks for sharing such a great product!

  112. I love the light fixture makeovers. I have a couple of the world's ugliest light fixtures in my house that I would love to do over this way.

    Nine Circles
    Ninecirclesofdebt at gmail dot com

  113. I love, love, love the armoire! I have a coffee table that has been sitting in my garage for about a month that I want to paint and distress, and this product would be PERFECT for it!

    kahra0233 at msn dot com

  114. Love the kitchen! I wish we owned our house so i could do this...looks great!

  115. If i won the kit i would re-do a dresser on our room. it was my dads when he was a kid and my husband hates it...but i think he would love it after the re-do. thanks!

  116. Ohhh, how neat! I've got an ugly little cabinet I've been trying to figure out what to do with and this would be great. It's a palm tree theme currently and it's SO time for it to go! Great giveaway!

  117. I am pretty psyched to learn about these kits! I live in an apartment and I just learned that they tear out the cabinets and install new when the apartment turns over. I am thinking that my building manager might just let me paint my cabs! After all they will just chuck them when we move! So, I would like to take my 1982 cabs back to the future!

    I'm thinking parchment with a strong dose of glaze will match my almond appliances.

  118. I really want to do my kitchen cabinets! I have the eversoloved honey maple cabinets! oh joy! =) I dream and drool over beautiful white cabinets! Someday the budget will allow for it...I hope! ;)

  119. Those kitchen cabinets are to DIE for! I love them so much.

    As for me, I have a MILLION things I need to refinish. I'm newly married and all of our furnature is hand-me-downs and they're all discustingly ugly.
    From that plethora of crap, I think I'd like to refinish our kitchen table and chairs. Mmm.
    I can't wait to win! (please let me win?)

  120. Wow! I love the kitchen cabinet make-overs. I just painted mine and wish I had known about this product then. I have a china cabinet in my garage waiting for some rehab- it would be the perfect candidate for this kit.

  121. Your new dresser looks great! I like the kitchen cabinet makeover. We just moved into this house and it needs a lot of updating. I have a side table and my island are begging for a coat of paint.

  122. That is exactly what I have been trying to figure out how to do to my kitchen cabinets!! I want to do my kitchen cabs an antiquey,french white. And the kids bath cabinet a brighter white. but the master bath cabinet will go dark brown/black. I also looooooooovvvve the light fixture redo's I have sooooo many lights and ceiling fans I could fix!! Would it work on doorknobs and hardware (drawer pulls and hinges?) I bookmarked her page:)

    Please pick me!!!

  123. I love those kitchen cabinets! Mine are in such need of "something" and this is just what they need! We built them ourselves to have a truly custom kitchen, but this treatment would make them fabulous! Ohhhh, the possibilities!

  124. I love the kitchen cabinets and dream of doing something like that to mine. I don't know if I could really dive into that right now, though. So, I would say I would do either a dresser or 2 night stands from our master bedroom. Or maybe all three!! :) I would LOVE to try this out!!

  125. How wonderful! I'm going to be doing a bookcase and a nightstand for my son's room in the next few weeks. Winning this kit would definitely be the kick in the pants that I need to motivate me to get it done!

  126. This is too cool! I love the kitchen cabinet redo!! I would use the distressed for success on cabinet I use for home school!!

  127. That is an INCREDIBLE makeover. I LOVE it. I think my favorite of Patty's projects is the kitchen cabinet one, total transformation. If I won a kit, after doing a jiggity jig, I would refinish the cabinets in my 2 bathrooms. Our house is a fixer upper and they are atrocious!

  128. The kitchen cabinet makeover is AMAZING!! I would like to attempt to do my bathroom cabinets. They are...well, they just are. I'm am aspiring to be a beginner DIYer, so this would be a great place to start!

  129. I would paint my mother-in-laws old, but gorgeously sturdy dresser as a birthday present for her. Cottage is the look we're going for - so a creamy, chipped white would fit the bill perfectly. Actually, the finish desired would be just like the piece you did Kimba!

  130. I love the armoire re-do! I have a little armoire that I picked up on the side of the road, just waiting for the right treatment. :)

  131. That armoire is beautiful! Definitely my favorite :) I am going to paint an end table for my guest room. It is white now, but I LOVE the paint Kimba used on her dresser and that would make it look SO much better. We are moving into our first home and I have to do everything on a budget, and this would be just SO perfect!

  132. Wow! I have several projects that this would be perfect for. Bathroom cabinets, a dresser for storage in the gameroom or my mantle. Hard to decide!!


  133. Wow - this product looks AMAZING! After spending the past few days priming and painting multiple coats, I missed out! I think all four projects are great, and I need to do all four - cabinets, armoire, desk & shelves, and light fixtures. Hhhhmmm . . . how to decide . . .

  134. My favorite is the old desk. I have my dads old school desk and would love to refinish it for the sewing room! And great job on the dresser too.

  135. oh...i do love that white kitchen. I am just about finished with my black kitchen cabinets and wish I would have seen this sooner. I love her black island on her website! I think that my light table/chairs/barstools need a little pizazz now too! Maybe red or white distressed?

  136. LOVE the response so far Kimba, and by the way, your dresser rocks! Should have linked a post to my master bath cabinets - those, to date, are the favorite Caromal makeover I've done for myself (fabulousfinishes.wordpress.com/2009/07/05/my-caromal-colours-happenings/)

    To answer some questions here (Kimba said it was okey) -

    DI - your buffet is a gorgeous piece of furniture. don't be afraid to tackle it - the hardest part will be deciding the perfect color/s you'd like to finish it in.

    BEACHBRIGHTS - melamine? No problem. In fact, several of you have asked about melamine, laminates - etc - it bonds perfectly to such surfaces - and no, there is NOT a need to sand first. Just make sure your surface is clean and dry. Check back on my blog tonight, your questions have prompted me to demo a laminate door, step by step, photo by photo.

    Of course thats one of the best features - that it bonds to almost any surface without any pre-prep, but the other thing I REALLY love about it is it hides existing wood grain very well - aka Oak, and no other paint product will do that for you.

  137. Tough choice...I'd either do my kitchen cabinets or several light fixtures!
    Thanks for the giveaway!


    carrie (dot) weaver (at) hotmail (dot) come

  138. BAHAMA SHORES MAMA - fyi, that armoire I did was an old pine piece that had the knots that bled through the paint... covered wonderfully with no issues.

    FOR THE SAKE OF TIME and SJN - thanks for the European compliment! I love the Habersham finishes but no way I could ever afford a real piece. If you fell in love with a piece from a picture, you could really use it as inspiration to create your own - the multi-color and chipping back capabilities are wonderful with these products. And, like SJN mentioned, if you start pulling in creative ideas like an embedded stencil - then it can only get sweeter!

  139. ASTRID - yes, over laminate cabs. I will make a point to photo, better, my master bath cabinets, and the kids jack/jill cabinets, and any other ones I have photos of, and include them on my Caromal page.

    This is interesting - we had a flood in the kids bathroom several weeks ago - the cabinets were water damaged on bottom so now have $$ credit to replace. Adjuster just explained that the price was arrived at by taking standard cabinet grade price and raising it due to the faux finish (they were finished in the C Colours mustard color) - moral of story? It is a NICE finish, not a hokey latex paint look.

  140. DELIGHTFUL DWELLING - fireplace mantels in a 2 color are beautiful! I'll try to post closeups of long crown molding pieces that I have worked up - they catch ALOT of attention...

    IRW DANA - no smell from products so no need to take outside. The paints themselves are not messy - ie) they dont splatter around (though I still cover workarea). The only thing that has a smell is the chipping creme (if you stick your nose in it). The toner is wetter and can spit around if you aren't careful.

    LAURIE LACEY- one quart of basecoat goes approx 50 sf. I did my kids jack/jill bath cabinets in 1 quart (that was 3 banks of cabinets). I did my master bath cabinets in 1 quart (about same amount of cabinet surface). Another lady did her kitchen island (2 cabinet) but backside too, in 1 quart. Toner goes along way. Chip creme goes along way.

    BRITTANY LARSEN- if you love that Habersham look, check out the small wood sample squares on my blog - somewhere on there I did a post (or maybe I can do another) of the closer up photos of those 2 color distressed finishes - from bumpy lumpy super distressed to sleek and smooth with just a little edge showing...

    like Kimba said, its ALL up to you, and how you chose to apply it. She cracked me up the weekend she was doing that dresser - I wish she'd divulge the details - I got an email, and she was already part way into applying it! She had the urge to sand after layer one and all I could say was NOOOO!!! WHY???? Don't neeeed to!!!!!

  141. The kitchen redo is amazing! I would love to redo mine, but unfortunately, I'm in a rental and don't want to put the work into someone elses house.
    I would redo a little dresser I bought at a garage sale for $5. It would love a chipped white beachy look.

  142. LOVE the cabinet makeover and the light fixtures! What a huge impact.

    I would use my distress kit to revamp my bathroom vanity or an old coffe table I've been dying to redo! Great motivation.

    Thanks for the fun giveaway. The dresser you did looks FABULOUS, and so very Pottery Barn-ish!


  143. LASSEN FAMILY - ceiling fans, yes! i have one of those on my list to do as well (its white and brass and goes with nothing but works great!)

    absolutely on pulls and hinges - it bonds to most surfaces including metal. on all my cabinets i've done, the hinges have been hidden, so i painted right over them (i did not remove my doors... too much hassle). The hinges look great painted. This weekend i even had to replace one that broke (was dredding because I'd painted over and now what?)and you know that painted one removed nice and clean? I will make a point to snap photos and blog about that as well - i was very impressed! (now i just need to paint over the new one!)

    ceiling fans I could fix!! Would it work on doorknobs and hardware (drawer pulls and hinges?) I bookmarked her page:)

  144. Your dresser is fab and I love the armoire makeover. I picked up one from freecycle last winter and since it will not be going in the family room, it will either go into the loft for the kids' tv and stuff or in the dining area for storage (although it is a tv armoire and I would have to work on the inside for storage). Either way, it needs a redo and this product looks amazing!

  145. I thought all the makeover projects were great. I guess I thought the kitchen cabinets transformation was the best. I would love to try this product. I have several things that I could undertake but if I had to choose one, I would say I would love to re-do an armoire that is in our bedroom in a color that matches nothing in our house. It is green. I would make it a color that would match our decor!

  146. I love the armoire, as well! I have an old secretary that we inherited from my husband's grandmother. I've wanted to re-do it for a while now, but I've been a little scared because I'm not sure how to get the distressed finish I want. This product seems to take care of that! I'd love to give it a try! :)

  147. Oh I loved the kitchen cabs but the light fixtures were my fave. I would totally use the red on the bookcases in the playroom that are boring me to death while they are light maple.


  148. All I can say is AMAZING!! I absolutely love the way your dresser turned out. And no sanding or priming. How much better could that get. I love her kitchen cabinet makeover. I am dying to try out her product. I have an antique chest/armoir combo that I bought for $20 that I sooooo need to redo. This paint would be perfect.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. Woah, what an awesome product!! Those kitchen cabinets from that link look amazing.

    I've been looking for a sofa table for my living room and if I won, I would totally re-do that. However, if I could swing it, I would try to convince my hubby that our cherry cabinets need a face lift!!

  151. Since my focus has been a kitchen cabinet re-do, I'd have to say my favorite of hers would be the kitchen cabinet project. This is exactly what I've been looking for since I have no idea how to make the cabinets look distressed on my own. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will win, the product looks wonderful! And thank you so much for showing us about your experience with it.

  152. Well, how neat is that?! Your chest looks great Kimba. Very nice makeover & those products sound fun too. I think I like the desk project the best. Very pretty, I have never been by her blog before, will have to check it out further.

  153. I absolutely LOVED the OLD ARMOIRE!

  154. I JUST bought a DESK/DRESSER that I'm going to be using for all my CRAFTS/SEWING and wanted a fun distressed look. Maybe I'll wait to see if I win before I go to town! THANKS!

  155. I have wanted to paint every cabinet in my house for the last few years, but I have never gotten the guts to tackle it. I loved the kitchen cabinet redo!
    Your dresser looked awesome!

  156. I love your chest of drawers- it looks so much better.
    I love her kitchen cabinet redo and also the desk.
    If I won I would like to paint my daughter's dresser and chest of drawers. From yellow to black.

  157. I LOVE the kitchen cabinets. I have been planning on painting mine, but haven't started yet because I am chicken. With this paint, maybe I wouldn't be so scared!

  158. I absolutely love the kitchen cabinets. I've been wanting to paint mine for a while, and I think this might be the product for me.


  159. I liked the kitchen cabinets the best. I would love to do this to mine, but I'm sure I wouldn't do it in the time period alloted. Therefore, if I win I would finally paint my naked chest that was suppose to be my procrastination party entry, but alas, I procrastinated & didn't get it painted. It was fate that I was suppose to wait & finish it now when I win. Did you hear me? Fate!!! So pick me. And if I don't win. I guess it wasn't fate afterall. lol.

  160. My favorite is definitely the cabinets. The new look is just so rich and professional, and all in a $50 little jar. I'm getting married and trying to have a beautiful day on a budget. The project where I would use this would be my display tables. I want to refinish a bunch of frames to display pictures of me and my fiancee.

  161. I Liked the kitchen cabinet makeover mostly because I am currently dreaming about making over my own kitchen. If I am the winner of the kit I plan to use it on my cabinets in my main bathroom. They are going to be the test run prior to tackling the kitchen.

  162. I have to say they are all great, but I really like the light fixture rehabs...buying new fixtures can be super expensive, but if yours have a nice shape, rehabbing them is a great way to get around it all!

    I think I'd probably rehab my hub's dresser. It was mine as a child (my grandparents bought it for my mom and dad when I was first born) and it's seen better days. Like 30 + years ago! ha!

    Or I might do my kitchen cabinets. I hate them.

    Dresser looks great!!

  163. Beautiful job, Kimba!! Thanks for the tips!! That's a great make-over.


  164. Your made over dresser looks great! Wow! I have an old dresser that I'd love to do that with. Right now it also holds craft supplies and sits in my den looking ugly.

  165. Alrighty, you got my attention.

    I love the light fixture that was done. It looked like a easy cheap quick fix... better than buying new.

    I just bought a wardrobe off of craigslist and it's beggin' to be painted. It has pine knots and all. I would love to give this paint a try on the wardrobe.

    Thanks ever so much!
    Kelly -- aka: blissfullydeaf

  166. The kitchen cabinets are beautiful! What a great change, and for so cheap!

    I've been wanting to paint something blue (desk or entertainment center) and this looks like a great product.

    Your dresser looks amazing too!

  167. Love your dresser - I just bought a china cabinet off of Craigslist that I want to redo - so the distress for success kit would be wonderful - my favorite project of the ones listed is the Armoire since it is the closest to what I actually want to do to my new to me piece.

  168. I would do a kitchen redo!
    Great work on the dresser.

  169. The stenciling in the armoire diy is awesome...I have an ugly armoire in my bedroom I've been aching to re-work....these products need no primer? Yup, i'm in!

  170. i can't believe that's the same dresser! i always have a dresser or two sitting around that is in need of some love.

  171. The kitchen- THE KITCHEN!!! adn seeing that, I would do over my little bathroom- yucky wood cabinets.

  172. I like the armoire makeover the best.
    I would use the kit to update a couple of bathroom cabinets.
    And your chest re-do is crazy cute!

  173. So hard to believe it's the same piece of furniture!! love it:)

  174. I would absolutely 1000% do my kitchen cupboards. The kitchen cabinets in the first photos really sold me. I've been planning on redoing our cabinets anyways but with this product, it seems like the process would be so much easier. I love love love the results. Thanks for sharing, Kimba!

  175. oh wow! I have been thinking of painting my kitchen cabinets- this stuff is perfect! I love the cabinets they have done- and that is what I would do!

  176. love these makeovers!! Fantastic!!

  177. I wanted to let you know that posting a link to your giveaway on my blog along with my kitchen pictures. As I said b4, this came at the perfect time being that I was already started on my kitchen makeover and painting my cabinets would really do wonders.

  178. I wanted to let you know that posting a link to your giveaway on my blog along with my kitchen pictures. As I said b4, this came at the perfect time being that I was already started on my kitchen makeover and painting my cabinets would really do wonders.

  179. Why would "I" want a distressed for success? Well, given the fact that I have 8 - yes, you read 8 - kids and virtually no time to makeover the many pieces of furniture now distressed by the hands of those 8 and 12 other foster children who have since left to distress other furniture, well - I NEED it. Some people come into my home and assume that I only shop at Goodwill and have never owned a new piece of furniture (while that is mostly true, I do occassionaly get something new.) I could just use the help and I have fallen in love with Caromel Colors!

  180. No sanding required?! That's what I need. I love the dresser remake (I have a hand-me-down dreser that I'd love to repaint) and I love, love, love the light fixtures (my entire house is full of brassy light fixtures and I would like to make them bronzy).

  181. That looks fantastic! It does look like several layers of paint, with back breaking sanding thrown in!

    I love the Armoire project. It looks so lovely!

  182. I love the light fixture face lift!!

  183. Tweet!!


  184. I LOVE how your dresser turned out! It's gorgeous!!
    If I have to pick a favorite on the make overs I'd go with the cabinets but the light fixtures run really close. Those cabinets look great though!

  185. I am lovin' the kitchen cabinets! We are in teh process of finalizing plans to repaint our kitchen cabinets white and that color is perfect!

  186. The dresser you did is wonderful. I really like Patty's kitchen, but.... the lighting makeovers are great too. oh so many choices.

    This might just be the paint my husband will agree on for our kitchen cabinets once he see these pictures.

  187. Kimba, I love your dresser redo! This product does seem like a miracle for anyone wanting to rehab old furniture.

    I love the kitchen cabinet redo. If I won this product, I will be using it on my bathroom cabinets...they are in NEED of an update!

    Tana@Crafting R&R

  188. Wow. Where has this stuff been all my life? I would LOVE to try this on my computer armoire in my den. And, of course, I loved the armoire project on her blog too! thanks Kimba!

  189. I tweeted! Here's the link:

  190. Ooooh...I think I'm in love!!!!

    There's nothing better than distressed furniture! I loved the transformation of that ugly desk...looked great after using these products on it!

    I have an old buffet of my grandmother's that would look awesome redone in one of these finishes!

  191. I love the kitcen cabinet rehab. I have been wanting to do that in my home for awhile now but am afraid of all the work. It sounds like this product would handle that for me. I think I would use them for my cabinets or possibly my piano. Yikes (nervous excited squeal) ! :)

  192. My favorite is the desk! I can't believe how different it looks. I think I could transform my coffee and end tables with paint. I was actually considering getting rid of them--I just changed my mind.

  193. Love the armoire!!!! It looks like a totally different piece when done.
    My DIY project will be my bedroom furniture. It has been mine since I was a child, but first belonged to my Great-grandmother. Needless to say - it could use some love!!!

  194. I definately like the kitchen makeover most, but that is because I want to redo our cabinets badly and am terrified!

    jsmreed at new.rr.com

  195. I am so excited about how easy this looks. My son has a hand me down dresser that is not a pretty sight, we don't have the money for a new one for him now and I would love to make his dresser something that I love instead of something that I am stuck with. I loved the dresser makeover.

  196. I read about this product awhile back on Country Livings site. I have been wanting to try it, but haven't been able to buy it yet. I have an old dresser and and old hope chest that I want to do over for my daughters bedroom, I would love the kit so I could try it. I could post it on my blog and take many pictures

  197. Wow, your makeover looks great! What a neat product. I love the armoire makeover - too cool!

    If I won, I'd make over a sideboard in my dining room - I almost listed it on Craigslist today, but decided to redo it myself instead. I'd love to do it and send pics - hope I win =)

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  198. Your dresser looks incredible. What a fantastic product. From the project list, I love the kitchen cabinet makeover. If I win, I'd definitely do my bathroom cabinet ... I've been looking for the perfect idea for it. My fingers are crossed!

  199. the dresser looks amazing!!


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