07 August 2009

DIY Day Recap and A Winner!

If you haven't finished clicking through all of the DIY Day fabulousness, then head back over to DIY Day and check out some more posts. I can't begin to tell you all how much encouragement and inspiration you give me each week by linking up your DIY projects. You are all so full of creativity and drive. I love it! My "to-do" file gets bigger every week.

I promise you that I visit every single post that links up. Here are just a few of my favorites.

Cheryl from TidyMom put together this quick and easy burlap covered bulletin board. Love it!

Sarah from A Beach Cottage, made the most beautiful candle chandelier for her bathroom. If you haven't seen her bathroom makeover, you MUST check it out.

Speaking of bathroom makeovers, this half bath/laundry redo from Something To Do is squeal-worthy.

A gossip bench makeover will catch my eye every time. This one from Walking Out His Good Plans is no exception.

You will never believe how Melissa from The Reinhard Roundup got TWO of these headboards for $5.00 total! Check it out. Brilliant!

Garage studio tour ~ Amber Dusick
By the pool transformations ~ Restyled Home
Old book photo frame ~ The Red Chair Blog
Dining room table makeover ~ PAJAMAMAMA
A stunning outdoor chandelier ~ Black and White and Home all over


Our DIY Day sponsor this week was Kelly from Purple Lemon Designs. Kelly got to choose her favorite project as the winner of a set of her Custom Designed Flat Note Cards.

The winner is Stephanie from A Fine House for her button artwork. So simple and so pretty! Congratulations Stephanie! And thank you Kelly!


  1. I love it all. I need to quit my job and be a stay at home DIY-er.

  2. hi kimba!

    somehow i missed the candle chandelier post but it is my fave. so pretty and DIY-able.

    thanks for assembling such a pretty and inspiring post!


  3. someday, some glorious day I will be worthy of being featured for the DYI!

  4. I have such a long list of ideas now and so many more "bookmarks!" fun stuff- thanks!

  5. Thanks so much for featuring my bulletin board Kimba!! I hope to finish going thru all of the links this weekend! there are SO many creative ladies out there!!

    Have a fantastic weekend!


  6. once again, all winning ideas.

    now, when i need an idea, i can just go back through your archives to find a project.

    hope the diy party continues. my daughter even posted a project this week. this is fun!

    loved, loved, loved the the button garden!

  7. Wow! Thank you so much for featuring my contribution to the DIY Day party! Once again this weeks party was filled with amazing inspiring projects!

  8. Kimba!

    Thanks for the link-love. I've been loving the DIY Days!


  9. Kimba,
    Got in late last night from the Endless Yard Sale, and I was so thrilled & surprised to discover that I have been chosen by Kelly as her favorite DIY project this week.
    I truly love going through all of the DIY posts each and every week, and I am a bit awed that my little "button garden" would be chosen among so many amazing projects. Everyone truly inspires me, and the talent & creativeness are amazing. (My favorite was the black & white curtains on the redone patio).

    Thanks so much Kimba for your great site and your DIY Thursdays.
    Btw, loved your caromel colors video!

  10. Hi Kimba-
    So good to come back and visit! I feel like I have missed so much this summer all wrapped up in my MT course. Love your DIY series-what a great idea! Makes so much sense to put all the great projects all on one great blog. Hope you are having a great summer. Hope I have more time to visit and to get back to blogging very soon!


  11. Oh, such loveliness- thanks for sharing it all-
    Love your blog-
    Happy day

  12. I love all the photos! I need to check them all out! I didn't have time to enter or do anything but I am definitely inspired!!

  13. the bulletin board is very sweet! so many clever ideas....

  14. It was wonderful to meet you today, Kimba!!! I had a such a great time at the Nester's swap!! Blessings!!

  15. Great ideas....
    I love stopping at your blog....

  16. I've been going through computer withdrawl for the last week and finally overcame the shakes when I got a hit of ASPTL DIY!!! Whooo hooo, clicking baby!

  17. That burlap bulletin board is awesome! May need to add that to my project list....

  18. So glad you recap! I am SO behind on commenting. So jealous that you got to meet such fab ladies at Nester's new crib. Please say you are continuing the DIY parties - love them so much!

  19. There are some really fantastic suggestions here! What a great blog. Thanks!

  20. Hi Kimba,

    Thank you for including my DIY day contribution in your DIY Day Recap this week. I'm always amazed and impressed by the volume and variety of talent that you showcase in your blog parties (and on your blog in general). Now I can rest assured that I will never EVER run out of DIY projects. :)


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