02 September 2009

DIY Day and a Giveaway!!!


Welcome to DIY Day on ASPTL! Every Thursday, we get together to share our newest DIY projects.

I'm really flexible about what constitutes a DIY project. Basically, any project that you've been working on. I want to see it! And so do my readers. We love projects!!!

Gail Pittman Dinnerware in Siena

Today we have a prize from Carmella at Southern Fried Dreams! Carmella is a sales rep for Southern Living at Home. If you're not familiar with Southern Living at Home, it is an at-home party company that sells BEAUTIFUL things for your home. I've had a party (or two) in my own home and have quite a few things from their catalog. I love them all.

Gail Pittman Dinnerware in Provence

Carmella has offered a set of 2 Gail Pittman dinner plates to one lucky winner (retail value $54.95 ).You choose the pattern...Either Siena or Provence. These would be gorgeous hanging on your wall! All you have to do is link up a DIY project to today's DIY Day post! Carmella will pick her favorite DIY Day post as the winner!

In addition to this fun prize, Southern Living at Home is having a HUGE sale on their Gail Pittman line of pottery. If you love this stuff, now is the time to get your hands on it. Some of the pieces are over 70% off!

Ruffle Bowl in Provence

You can see everything that is on sale by taking a look at the Gail Pittman Pottery Sale flyer. If you're interested in ordering, click here to visit Carmella and she'll give you the rundown on how to place an order.

Serving Set in Siena

As always with Southern Living at Home, there are some other great items that you can get at a great discount with a purchase of $29.95 or more.

Good luck and let's get this DIY Day started! If you have something to share, then just add your link below. Here are a few guidelines to help things run smoothly.

  1. Add a permalink to your specific post, not the main page of your blog.
  2. Include a short description of your DIY project in parenthesis after the name of your blog. For example, A Soft Place to Land (painted pumpkins).
  3. Link to this party from your post so everyone can get in on the fun.
  4. Double-check to make sure your link works and goes to the right page so it doesn’t get deleted! If you come back and see your link is gone, re-read these rules and try again. No worries!

Now let's see those projects!!!


  1. Those are gorgeous, Kimba. Hope you are doing well! I can't believe I scored the #1 spot today. Woot for me. :-)

  2. Great giveaway! I love Southern Living at Home! :) Thanks for hosting again this week, Kimba. :)

  3. Thanks for hosting this mega-party, Kimba! Seems that bloggers are just DIY'ers at heart, aren't we?

    The SLaH plates are just beautiful. What a kind giveaway. But I don't envy her having to pick a favorite--so many wonderful projects to choose from!

    Take care!

  4. Love me some Southern Living! I haven't had a party in a while, but I sure do have so many of their things! Glad I finally got busy and made something cool to post. I am so ready to get back to creating again!

    Have a great Thursday,

  5. Oh great! I'm signed in as my son Presley! Hmmm...that's me MISTI.

    : )

  6. What a generous and beautiful giveaway! So many pretty things in that catalog! Wow!


    Thanks for hosting DIY Day, Kimba! I love seeing everyone's projects!


  7. Wow there are so many things I want from there!

  8. This is my first time linking here - thanks so much for hosting the linky!

  9. I love G.P. pottery.
    Thanks for hosting.

  10. Thanks for hosting this party Kimba. I look forward to it every week.

  11. Hey, Kimba, oh yeah sign me up for the giveaway!

    I'm taking liberties with DIY day, showing my old screened porch in GA & how it was decorated with yardsale finds & a DIY painted black & white floor.

  12. Thanks for hosting, Kimba. What a great giveaway! Enjoy your day!

  13. Thanks for hosting Kimba- this is my first time joining your party. I love the stuff from Southern Living and used to go to the parties all the time.
    Happy DIY day!

  14. How did it get to be Thursday alread?! What a great giveaway- I LOVE southern living! Thanks for hosting, Kimba!

  15. Beautiful giveaway! Stop by and sign up for mine to win a Purdy paintbrush, I know you'll put it to good use!

  16. I just recently found Southern Living at Home. Man, they have some awesome stuff!

    Just wanted to tell you, I'm really enjoying Thursdays. Even though I don't participate every Thursday, I still LOVE checking out all of the projects. I've gotten some great ideas and even tried some that I found here. Thanks again!

  17. What a great giveaway! Count me in. I've recently found some wonderful Southern Living at Home stuff at yard sales. Now I'm always on the lookout for more.

  18. I love those plates. Must have! Thanks for DIY Thursdays! You have inspired me. We are working on a "Ballard" inspired buffet thanks to you.


  19. Thanks Kimba for hosting this every week. It's a favorite! Love the plates!

  20. Thanks for hosting this great party and I love the giveaway. They're so beautiful.

  21. Hello Kimba - love GP pottery. I have a couple of pieces that I've enjoyed for many years, but would love to add to them! Thank you for entering me.


  22. Hi Kimba,
    Your DIY days are always a treat!
    Please forgive me for messing up on my first linky and having to add a second. It's totally fine with me if you delete the first. Geeez, you'd think that I'd know Mr Linky by now!
    Thanks for being a wonderful and understanding host!

  23. Wow Kimba, that is an impressive list of DIY participants. I hope I get a chance to visit them and see what DIY projects are out there. Thanks for the info. The Dishes are lovely. A lucky winner will love them for sure.

    Have a wonderful DIY day.


  24. Boy, am I late to the party this week! I just posted my son's 6th Birthday Party as my D-I-Y, all of which I pulled together in a week of ER trips with my husband (who is doing better thank goodness).

    Yay for Carmella--great giveaway!

    And thanks (as usual) to Kimba for hosting. I love DIY Day!

  25. So excited about those dishes...drooling!! I love dishes!! Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!!

    Hugs friend,


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