31 August 2009

Decorating a Boy's Bedroom ~~ Part 1

I have two boys. They don't have lots of opinions about decorating their bedrooms yet. Although, if I dug a little, I would probably uncover desires for Scooby Doo, Star Wars and Bob the Builder. For that reason, I don't dig.

When it comes to kid's bedrooms, I prefer something simple and classic that can be changed easily as their tastes and personalities change. My own sons' bedrooms have been lacking in the design department other than a coat of perfect boy-blue on the walls. (Note: The blue is perfect. Not the boys.)

I love Vast Sky from Sherwin Williams. It's a beautiful clear, soft blue that can be used almost as a neutral with lots of other colors like red, brown, orange, green and other shades of blue.

Over the next couple of weeks, I'll share the evolution of one boy's bedroom as we finally get on the ball and start putting it together. A small part of me dreams of little girls with their pink, frills and purse-fulls of pretty, but I also love the challenge of doing a boy's bedroom that makes us both happy.

The whole room has been inspired by this patchwork quilt that I found on clearance at Kohl's at least 3 years ago. It was only $20 and, in my opinion, captured the look of a much more expensive Pottery Barn quilt that I was drooling over and couldn't afford. I paired my inexpensive quilt with a denim bedskirt from Target for a perfectly mis-matched set. If you want the story on that thrift store headboard (with before and afters), click here.

This particular boy is huge into geography...particularly US geography...so when I found this gorgeous map at National Geographic, I knew it had to go in his room somewhere. The earthy tones make it look like a piece of artwork. And for less than $30, it makes a huge impact. And if he hates it in a few years, we can take it down and do something else.

It was so easy to hang the map on the wall and frame it out with molding from the home improvement store. Stop back tomorrow and I'll give you a detailed tutorial on how I framed out the map.

If you're interested in getting a map like this for yourself, here are a couple of options:

U.S. Political Map (Earth-toned), Enlarged

This is the one that I have from National Geographic. It is approx. 70"x49" and priced at $29.95. The site is a little confusing, but you want the one with the description that's exactly what I have here. They also have smaller versions and laminated versions. Mine is plain.

World Executive Wall Map (enlarged & tubed) For something a little more worldly, Amazon has the whole world version (in the same size) for only $23.09 with free shipping!


  1. After being in our house for a year, I've finally started getting my little boy's room decorated. Looking forward to borrowing some of your ideas!

  2. I can't wait to see the rest of this series. I've coveted your quilt for a while now! ;-)

    I've never really decorated my boys' room either (they share), but have everything pulled together to finally decorate when we move.

  3. my kids are older now...one in college and the other in high school. So, they aren't in to me decorating their rooms, but I have a spare bedroom. So, I would love to try ideas out in there. I love that quilt on your son's bed. I too love getting inspired by Pottery Barn; however, don't like the prices and often try and find a way to do it for much less.
    Looking forward to your series on the boys room.

  4. Great post! Your sons room is great. I am in the middle of putting my sons (they share) bedroom together. It is turning out to be fun, but challenging.

  5. I'm sure the boys are thrilled to have such a nice bedroom. I love the map and how you framed it in. Kids rooms are so much fun to decorate.
    Happy Monday!!

  6. Adore that map - I think I need it for our school room.
    Enjoy your Monday.

  7. Planning to add a map to my son's wall, so looking forward to tomorrow's post.

    Great foresight to buy that duvet 3 years ago.

  8. ooooooooo I love it.
    I have not 1, not 2, but 3 boys and I need great ideas !!!!!!

  9. What a coincidence... I have been wanting a antique inspired map for my family room. Put in a rustic frame... would you put a map like that in a family room????? Help!

  10. the large map is such a great idea .... provides large "artwork" on the wall, and learning possibilities at the same time!

  11. @Nancy, I love the idea of using a beautiful map in the family room. These earth-tone versions are so beautiful.

    Here's a great post from Centsational Girl using a HUGE map on their playroom wall. I think it looks beautiful and would be perfect for another room too.


    That map can be found on National Geographic too.

  12. How crazy that my project for your DIY this week involves a map!!! Can't wait to see how you did the awesome frame (I'm going to to use our leftover map in my 9 year old's air plane room!!! Love, love love the aged look to it and the Perfect boy blue is exactly what I had chosen!)

  13. What a great room for a little man. I really like the frame on the map and of course the quilt is fantastic! Especially at that price. I certainly could not make it for less than $100 ~ good job!


  14. I love the Map, AND the LACK of all things Scooby Doo, Star Wars and Bob the Builder!

  15. i have three boys and struggle with their room. so thank you for posting this and can't wait to see more "parts" to part 1!!

  16. Hi Kimba! It looks very Pottery Barn-y! I love it! The map makes a wonderful statement - can't wait to see more!

    ~ Pam

  17. I LOVE the oversized map---something about boys and maps just seem to go together! The color scheme is beautiful too (I use Vast Sky on several of my ceilings--makes me feel like I'm outside :)!) Gorgeous job Kimba...can't wait to see what else you've done in there!

  18. Perfect! I can't wait to see your post tomorrow!

  19. Yay, thanks for the map idea. I have two boys (17 and 4 months) and this will be great to do!

  20. Kimba - I am in love with this bedroom. I have an 8 year old boy and his room is lacking and I've been itching to do something to it. He does love geography and he does have a map...

  21. I love that quilt! Kelsie's is a Pottery Barn knock off that came from Target. PB has some great ideas and I'm glad to see other companies selling similar for a lot less.

    What a beautiful map!

  22. Eagerly anticipating Part 2! It looks great so far. I'm in the throes of my own son's room and so far it has the perfect boy blue walls and a bed that I painted navy blue. :)

  23. I love primary colors in a boys room. The map is great! You did a great job on his lamp too.

  24. What an adorable room! I love it! The map really makes it and what a steal on that quilt. I really like how to have the pillows stacked in the last picture - don't know why, just do.


  25. I have a similar color scheme in our older boys' room, so I can't wait to see details of some of the things you've done. You can see ours here: http://katandgray.blogspot.com/2009/03/things-i-love-in-big-boys-room.html . I DID give in and allow Star Wars sheets ... if it were up to them, the entire ROOM would be decked out in Star Wars regalia!

  26. I am getting ready to redo Child #2
    room as well!! We are getting rid of his lovely twin captain's bed--anybody need one??? We inherited a great double mattress set, so that is what we we work with. Love the map...will show if to him after school.

  27. The map is a wonderful idea for a boys bedroom. It is not the typical thing, but just perfect. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  28. We have been in our home for a year and a half and I mostly fail as a mom when it comes to my son's room. He was 18 when we moved in, and hardly ever home. Therefore, his room has taken a backseat. I painted and hung a bulletin board.
    You have inspired me to get in there, wade through the clothes-laden floor, and get to work.
    Thanks Kimba!

  29. LOVE the map!!! As for the longing to do a little girls room- I can relate!! The only difference is I have a daughter and as soon as she wants NOTHING to do with frills or pink! :( so sad!!!

  30. That map is great! After 4 years of builder beige walls, we finally did something with my son's room. I am like you. I didn't want a character room, but something classic that he could grow with. We let him keep the Cars comforter that we used to get him to give up his crib. But the walls are blue and orange (doesn't really go with the comforter, but soon he'll be ready to give that up)and the walls have photos he loves blown up in frames.

  31. I don't blame you at all for not "digging"! I love classic, clean kids' rooms that don't scream "kid's room". Looking good!

  32. It's a great room, Kimba!! :) Makes ME want to have a little boy in the same way that you think about little girls sometime. ;) Love the framing on that map!

  33. Kimba, love your fellow's room! I raised two daughters, but now a grandson that will be moving in so I'm looking for boy's room ideas. You have several here. Thanks!

  34. Beautiful map! I love the earthy colors, looking forward to see the how-to on trimming it out!

  35. Kimba, I too dreamed of pink frills, but had a boys room to decorate which evolved into many different styles over the years. Now it sits waiting for my big transition into audio~video library/guest room. How many coats of paint can a wall handle? LOL
    P.S. I LOVE the map idea, wish I had done that as my son was really into geography as well, and the quilt is perfect!

  36. This is great! Your sons will be able to enjoy that room from their youth into their adult years!

  37. I love your style Kimba! I can't wait to redo my room! Hope you have fun doing it!

    Love, Madison

  38. As a mom of three boys, I was instantly attracted to this post! I really love the colors of his room! Actually I wish I could use every detail. Your vision for the headboard is amazing. Well done.

  39. I have 2 girls and a boy. I think boys rooms are just as fun to decorate, so you're not missing out too much =)

    I posted about redoing our daughter's room today, so we were in the same frame of mind.

    I'm so looking forward to your tutorial about hanging the map. I hung one, but without much success in getting it to lay flat.

  40. THANK YOU!!! I have been longing for some classy yet funky boy room decor inspiration.

    My daughters nursery, no problem!

    My son's room - HELP! Thanks for featuring this, I'll be watching over the next bunch of weeks :)

  41. I love the colors in the quilt and I think they might be perfect for my boys room to match the curtains I made. I know you got it at Kohl's but could you tell me who the manufacturer is or the pattern name?

  42. I'm looking forward to this series since I have two boys! I don't really struggle with colors or fabrics but I'm at a loss of what to put on the walls.

  43. I love the map and the molding looks fantastic. I can't wait to see tomorrows post!


  44. I've hung maps on the wall before, but never framed them like that...it looks beautiful. I can't wait to hear how you did it!

  45. I hear you on not digging too deeply for input from the kid who occupies the kid bedroom. I made the mistake of asking my four year old daughter and was told, "Hello Kitty." Needless to say, I dropped the subject just long enough for her to forget I'd ever asked. :-)

  46. Oh, my poor boy's room is so sad. I don't know what to do with it, we've got some family sports memorabilia that we'd kinda like to hang on to, but I'm just not excited about a "sports themed" room. So, keep it comin, I NEED the inspiration!

  47. I'm looking forward to the tutorial. I have a state flag I need to frame.

  48. It's very elegant but still stylish for a little boy's room. A few Bob the Builder things here and there would not make it look so out of place. You really are good at what you do.

    Anyone who IS interested in Bob the Builder decorating and ideas can find loads of stuff at LittleToons

  49. I'm with ya, Kimba, don't "Dig" if you can't handle the answers!! :)
    My boys' rooms are all Ohio State, so we love Lowe's "Filtered Shade" paint, the perfect gray!

  50. We just totally redid Kiddo's room with a hunting theme...per his request. Sigh...oh for a little girl to add some frills to all this testosterone! : )

  51. My boy loves geography too. I recently just finished his world traveler themed room.

    Here is the link:


  52. this room is very simlarly decorated to my sam's room. hopefully i can post some pics soon of the boys' rooms. our internet is SO SLOW! so, we are taking it back tomorrow and getting verizon, so hopefully i'll be able to blog some more about the house. . .even show the castle closet passageway idea i stole from you!!!!

  53. Great room! Love maps!I'm with you on deciding room style for the little ones! I'm not doing Spiderman bedroom! :-) We've been evolving beach theme for my son and it hasn't gotten old for us.

  54. Loving the map! My son is also obsessed with geography (is that a boy thing?). I bought him a large laminated map at the Dollar Store (although not NEARLY as cute as yours) and he loves it.

  55. Hello Kimba - what an inspirational post this was! I love the idea of framing a map. You are right, it does make a huge impact. Great job!


  56. Wow, it looks great and that map is wonderful, really sets the mood.
    BRAVO, good job!

  57. That quilt totally rocks and so does the map. It looks great.

  58. Well done and I love that is not kitschy.

  59. I love this room! I decorated my son's room a couple of years ago with maps. I bought atlases from a used bookstore and decoupaged his dresser drawers with maps and painted the dressers to coordinate (they were old dressers...just right for an 8 year old).

  60. I really don't have any idea how to decorate a boy's room not until i read your blog. I think it's very challenging. I've gotten a lot of fresh ideas from your post. Thanks!

  61. That room turned out great. I think my eldest one would love a map like that above his bed!

  62. Inspired by this post we recently switched our 3 year old son over to the guest room (to make his room into baby-on-the-way's room) and painted it your "perfect boy blue" We haven't gotten the furniture moved in yet but plan on framing a world map like you did. Thanks for the inspiration!


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