29 July 2009

You Know You're a Sister When...

Photo: Pensiero

I thought the words for this post would be difficult to find because I grew up as an only child, although I now have a much-loved step-sister. But as I'm sitting at my keyboard, the answers seem so obvious.

We're sisters because we connect. We're women. It's what we do. We long to connect whether we're good at it or not. Maybe it starts in a shared bedroom throughout childhood or in the hallways of junior high with bad hair and braces. Maybe it's over the phone and with emailed pictures now that we're grown. Or through the digital sisterhood of blogging. We connect.

It’s the reason I started A Soft Place to Land. I wanted to connect with other women..women who shared my interests, my faith and my passions. And I have been connected beyond my wildest dreams.

The women with whom I have connected have become my digital sisterhood. I cheer wildly for their victories. I cry for their sorrows. I share their frustrations. They do the same for me. Because of them, I know that I am not alone.

I’m not a mom-blogger (although I am a mom). I’m not a faith-blogger (although I try to be faithful in my blogging). I’m just a girl with a can of spray paint and a desire to create a sanctuary at home for my family. I am so blessed to have discovered a digital sisterhood of women who won’t run away screaming when I put down my glue gun and tell them that they bless my life. Every day. And I am grateful.

This post is also my entry into the “I Blog with the Sisterhood” (The Sister Project) contest where the 1st prize is an all expense paid trip to the Type-A-Mom conference! Official Entry information here!

16 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Jenny Froh said...

That was beautiful!

Unknown said...

That was amazing. Thanks for sharing.

also I am having my first giveaway ever and I am so exicted. Check out my website for a chance to win.

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

Love this. All I can say is, "Amen sister!" :-).

Have a great weekend,

Anonymous said...

Me Likey...yes I do!!

grannyann said...

That was a lovely post.

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Right there with you, Kimba! The connection is so important! I've made such wonderful friends through blogging!!


Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Beautiful and oh so true, Kimba!

Suzann said...

beautiful post.

Maria said...

HI Kimba,
I was introduced to your blog by Deidra at :jumping tandom:
...and am soooo glad I stopped by...
What a wonderful blog you have.
I truly understand your sentiments here...funny, I just posted about my own sister a few days ago... and have also found such lovely people here in 'blogland.'
All the best to you and your family ~Maria

Amanda said...

Beautifully worded Kimba :-) All I can think to say is thank you for sharing that!

Eleanor Joyce said...

Beautiful . . . and I hope you win! Your blog is a blessing.

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Kimba,
What a lovely post! I feel the same way about blogging, it has been such a blessing to me as well.
I love your blog and enjoy it everytime I come. I too, love making a wonderful home for my family and always have. I truly believe "The Home" is one of the most important places on earth, and should be a haven for our families. Thanks for all the neat
things you share and all the people you introduce us to, you are a blessing,
Blessings to you hon,

Mandi Shandi said...

I always love posts about your creative endeavors, but I appreciate this type of post so much too. Thanks for sharing a piece of your heart with us.

Amber@theRunaMuck said...

Sweet Kimba, I would that we both go and actually meet, and what it is will be right. You're a sister. We stand in the same position at one's feet. Thank you for always encouraging.

This is beautiful - and it's always like that, with you.

Risa said...

So well put. I'm an only child and love to connect with my other only child friend. We're like sisters in that sense. The blog world is a great place to meet other women as well :-)

Ali Manning said...

What a beautiful post - thanks for opening your heart and sharing!