31 July 2009

DIY Day Recap and a WINNER!

If you haven't finished looking through the DIY Day posts, then click here to keep looking. I have clicked on every single link over there and I'm totally amazed at the skill and creativity of you gals! I haven't had time to comment everywhere (my kids keep asking me to eat), but I have seen it all!

Megan and Lori of Whiteflower Farmhouse provided this wonderful prize and they took on the difficult task of choosing their favorite post at the winner. I do not envy that job. They took a slightly different approach (which I love, by the way). They chose their 10 favorite projects...we'll call them finalists...then put the finalist's names in a (beachy) hat and pulled out a winner.

In no particular order (Oh fine, they're in numerical order. whatev.), here are Whiteflower Farmhouse's 10 favorite projects from DIY Day!

Life is Good ~ Burlap book rack
Completely Coastal ~ Beach pebbles lampshade
A Beach Cottage ~ Do it yourself shutters
Enchantress Three ~ Kitchen cabinet makeover
Flower Patch Farmgirl ~ Slipcovered curtains
Funky Junk Interiors ~ Character outbuilding
Tea Rose Home ~ Framed fabric tutorial
Graceful Creative ~ DIY party decor
Centsational Girl ~ DIY drying rack
Living with Lindsay ~ Create your own custom headboard

Congratulations girls! You're the finalists! Do you feel like you're in some bizarre DIY pageant? I picture you all up there holding your hammers, your glue guns and your paint brushes. Very glam.

In the interest of full disclosure. Megan and Lori did not actually select the winner. Doug selected the winner. Doug is their carpenter. I need a Doug. Wait. I have a Doug. His name is Bob and he's making me a fabulous coffee table. (More on that later.)

This is Doug

Doug reached his hand into their (beachy) hat and pulled out the winner. And the winner is...Drum roll please....

Randee of Life is Good for her DIY burlap book rack! Said Doug (and Megan and Lori), "This is a great project because it's so original and anyone can replicate it."

Congratulations Randee! Shoot me an email and we'll get you set up.

20 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Randee! I agree that she is a well deserved winner. That was such an amazing, creative project.

I just want to say that I LOVE DIY Day. I go through every single link to see what is going on. And I have gotten a few ideas for my own DIYs, and I'm even trying to get bold enough to try a couple of things I really want to try.

Thanks for hosting, Kimba. It is so much fun.

Lindsay @ Makely said...

It was an honor to just be nominated. hahaha Do I sound like I just lost an Oscar or what? ;) But seriously, thanks, ladies, for nominating me!

Congrats, Randee! That is a super cool project!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

"I'd like to thank the DIY Academy for their nomination. I'd also like to thank..." nevermind. I'll save my speech for the real deal. :D

Thanks for the nomination anyway!

And congrats to the winner!


randee said...

i agree with becky & lindsay - i love diy day & get so many great ideas from everyone & it was such a honor just to be nominated.

i can't believe i won. how cool is that? & a prize, too? i love beachy things almost as much as i love the beach.

thanks, kimba & whiteflower farmhouse!

blessings & peace -

Jenny Froh said...

Congrats Randee!!!

Down Home DIY said...

Congrats Randee! Great project.
I wish everyone lived on the same cul-de-sac so we could have DIY parties on the weekend. Think of all the creativity! Thanks for all the inspiration!!!

Hey Kimba, when is the next one?

Decor To Adore said...

I loved every single idea from each and every one of these clever ladies.


Little Lovables said...

these are all great entrees! thanks for linking to them all

Surfer Earning Free said...

Great blog guys. Check out my blog for great tips and resources and get the ball rolling. Good Luck!!! :)

Richella Parham said...

Who do your kids think they are? Your family or something? Imagine that they want to eat and in so doing take you away from your computer. The nerve.

Thank you, thank you for hosting this fun day! Isn't the response WONDERFUL? I'm proud that you've been able to attract sponsors/prize givers for such a fun attraction as DIY Day. If I had a business and had something to give away, I'd be a sponsor. You have a winner with this feature.

Laura said...

That is so awesome, wow! Some people are just so clever. My favorite of course are all the fantastic storage solutions like this one.

I'm off to check out some more of the links.

kirwin @ graceful creative said...

The first thing I thought of also was that it was an honor just to be nominated. LOL I can't I believe I was in the top anything! The projects posted here each week are so cool and creative. Kimba, thanks for starting one of the coolest blog parties out there.

Congratulations to Randee! I love your bookshelf.

Yansy said...

I love DIY day. Thanks for sharing all the links with us. I wanted to invite you to participate in my giveaway. It started today and it will go on until Monday. Good Luck!

Sachiko said...

Congratulations to Randee!! Also I was so excited that my project was one of the ten finalists! Thank you so much for the recognition! That just motivates me to do more sewing, crafting, and creating.

Thank you so much Kimba, I love DIY day!

The Blushing Hostess said...

A DIY pagent - now I have read it all! :)

Cheryl said...

Congrats to all the finalist and and the winner.
I so look forward to your DIY post every week. There truly is so much talent and creativity out there and I get inspired and get to see new blogs I otherwise wouldn't have seen.
Maybe one of these days I will join.

Gina said...

Congrats Randee-that was an awesome project! And thanks Kimba, for giving us all a place to be inspired and show off a bit!

Go feed those kids-must be something with kids-mine do the same thing all the time! Really cuts into my crafting time! ;)

Brought to you by the letter K. said...

Congratulations, Randee and to all of the nominees, as well!

Shannan Martin said...

How did I miss this? I was a finalist? Fo rills?!?!?! Woo hoo! So exciting and I was just out here in la-la land - completely clueless!

Randee - Your project rocked my socks off! Especially since you chose my very favorite color and paired it with some mean burlap. Great job and congrats!!

Maya@Completely Coastal said...

I'm honored to be among the ten! And congrats to Randee.