16 March 2009

Spray Painting Bunnies

That sounds like the name for a garage band, doesn't it?

That's exactly what I've been doing, though. I told you that I'd be scouring the thrift stores for some bunnies in need of a little spray paint love after I saw these beauties in the Pottery Barn catalogue. And so...a-hunting I did go. Get it? Bunny hunting?

Question: What are four hundred rabbits hopping backwards?
Answer: A receding hare line.

The first few stops were a total bust. But then I hit the bunnyload at my last stop. These two bunny babies were sitting there waiting for me. I guess they're not horribly horrible but I knew they could be better.

Question: Why don’t rabbits get hot in the summertime?
Answer: They have hare conditioning!

A couple coats of glossy white spray paint and...Voila!

New and improved bunnies! I used Rustoleum primer and then a coat of glossy white spray paint.

Last one...

Question: What is a rabbit’s favorite dance style?
Answer: Hip-Hop!

Looking for more spring ideas? Visit Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for her Spring Fluffing Party.

66 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Still Learning said...

I like your pretty bunnies. I love white and black accents, they just go with everything and look so elegant. I'll be doing my rabbit mantle tomorrow hopefully.

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

So funny - love all the jokes and the bunnies turned out great. I'm gonna hop on over to my thrift store this week!

Heathahlee said...

You are too funny.

I got an ugly chocolate bunny wannabe at Dollar Tree the other day and painted it white (it WAS horribly horrible...the eyes looked sort of scary!) It turned out so cute!

Anonymous said...

They look so much better...I like the idea of the candy as decoration too...may be time to bring out my Easter stuff...and add in a little more!!

Unknown said...

Love the bunnies! Are you considering a career in stand-up comedy, 'cuz you nailed those jokes!!

Anonymous said...

I love them. You've totally inspired me! Do you mind sharing what kind of paint you used? And did you prime them before hand? (Sorry for the dumb questions...)

Anonymous said...

They look so much better!

I couldn't find any at the thrift stores this weekend. I had to break down and by 2 new bunnies at Pier One. (But they were only $3.99 each and cute, so I don't feel too bad).

It's Always Something Around Here said...


Juli said...

Thanks for the giggle. Receding hare line. Love it.

queenbee said...

love the bunnies, i have been bunny hunting myself, but havent had any luck just yet. Great job.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Shut up! What a great idea! I have been thinking about painting my concrete rabbit on my front porch! Think that would work? Concrete is kinda porous, but, I think it's worth a try! Yours look so good!

Lou Cinda :)

Amber Filkins said...

You're too funny. I do love the idea of spray painting everything. I MUST be honest & tell you that they scare me. Just a little. It's something about their eyes...eeek!

Vanessa Greenway said...

They look great!

Ruthanne said...

They're so cute!

Caroline said...

The bunnies turned out really nice. I think they do look nicer white! Were they spray painted?

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sweet Bunnies! I especially like the receding hare line joke... got to send that one to my son-in-law :)

Mom in High Heels said...

Oh, Kimba! How I love you. And your "hare-brained" jokes. HAHAHA! The bunnies d look better white. Great job. As usual.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Your bunny jokes are just too cute! Now as for the real bunnies, you did find two really cute ones. I love them painted white and how cute do they look in your vignette. Hugs, Marty

agoodwitchtoo said...

What a fabulous idea! Now I'll be hunting wabbits too ;) I love that a can of spray paint can transform something previously loved into something loved once again!

{darlene} said...

GREAT idea!!

duchess said...

You're a funny bunny alright.
Love the end result - thanks, Kimba.

Willo said...

They are adorable! Brilliant! And I love the jokes!

Caroline said...

I look back at the title Spray Painting Bunnies...hmm and I was wondering how you painted them! LOL

Christi said...

I saw that spread in Pottery Barn as well, and I already have one bunny. Now, just need to find another one.

joyh82 said...

They turned out great!

Meredith said...

Much, much improved!

The eye on that right bunny was a little creepy : )

Lisa said...




Tiffany said...

Very cute and I'm sure much less costly than PB. Spray paint=fun!

Decor To Adore said...

What type of gold does a bunny like?
24 carrot of course!

Joanna said...

Love your bunnies! They turned out great!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Oh my goodness, good thing the rabbits are furbulous cuz your jokes were just hareible!
And off I hop into hibernation since I will never make it on the Tonight Show.
Good thing you love me anyhow.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I spent the day spray painting BIRDS!!! Don't you just love it???

Tamara said...

I must be missing the "style" these days because I love the colored bunnies - they just seem so cute and friendly and homey - the white ones just seem cold and lack personality... must be my two little girls that just love all things cuddly and animal... I think if I painted a bunny it would have to be some yummy shade of brown or even a sunny yellow... love your blog though!

Amy said...

Do you have a Tuesday Morning close to you? I just bought 4 bunnies EXACTLY like the ones in PB for 6.99 a piece!


Jill -Forever and Ever House said...

What a difference!!

Wendy said...

Oh yes, they are much better in white! Have a "hoppy" day! (I couldn't resist!)

Misti of Studio M Designs said...

I have GOT to get out my Easter decor! It's been crazy busy around here, and I keep forgetting. Let me write that on my list for tomorrow... Later...love your riddles!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Seriously, is there anything white spray paint can't fix? They look great!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

So cute! I love the new white bunnies Great job as always Kimba! Here's my smiley face bunny for you =:)

Anonymous said...

I've been scouring thrift stores for weeks too, and I finally found a bunny. Can't wait to transform him! Yours look great!!

A Hint of Home said...

It's so much fun to find good deals. Especially if an item only needs a fresh coat of paint. They turned out so cute.

Anita said...

Cracking me up...I was just at the thrift store and saw all kinds of bunnies...guess where I'm going tomorrow..?

Laurie said...

You had more luck than I did. I found 1 at Dollar Tree but have not had a chance to paint it yet. Checked at the Dollar General---nada. So the search continues. Great post, love the jokes---keep up the good work!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

So much better! That little one had scary looking eyes!

Anonymous said...

Love the "receeding hare line..." !!

I did much the same thing, but with gesso and a cherub. I do have a bunch of bunnies, but some is dark green velvet, several others are covered with moss, I think I have a green bunny thing going... nice!

Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

Pretty Organizer said...

Oh poo! I was going to post about my spray painted birdies! Man, now I've got to think up something else! Blogland is sooo competitive! I couldn't find bunnies but dollar tree had the BEST birds! Love them Kimba girl!

jessiev said...

I've been in bunny love for quite some time now...not just at Easter. Love the jokes...the bunnies came out beautiful...sweet, sweet, sweet!

Kristen said...

What a great idea. I love seeing what you are going to do next with your handy spray paint!

Mimi Sue said...

Hahahaha. I love a good bunny joke or two. It's so amazing what a little spray paint will do. Mimi

Em said...

Good score on the little buns, they look so much better white!

Stacey said...

What a difference! I love the painted bunnies.

Caroline said...

I love em, I love em, I love em!!!!
cute yet again! ;) I bought a bird at dollar tree and pretty soon, he'll be white!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

OK, so bring you and your cute white bunnies on over to my Spring Fluffing party that starts tomorrow! Aren't they cute!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

HARDY HAR! Love the bunnies!

Anonymous said...

Loved the jokes girl! Your bunnies look great!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

I saw those white bunnies at Pottery Barn yesterday and wanted them soooo badly. Couldn't justify spending the money on them, though. Love your solution! You're the Queen of Spray Paint. And rabbit jokes. :-)

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Kimba...

Your bunnies are adorable all dressed out in their pretty, fresh coats of white!!! Love them!!!

Happy Spring Fluffing!

Amanda said...

Ha - loved the bunny jokes! I got some bunnies the other day to spray paint, but it's been cold and rainy. Since it's warm today maybe I'll try it. You've inspired me!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,

I came by last week and saw that ADORABLE wreath...

Love your bunnies and thanks for the jokes...very cute...

**What do you call a rabbit with fleas?

Bugs Bunny

Happy Spring,
Kathy :)

Anonymous said...

LOL - loved the jokes! The bunnies look great!


Jo said...

Your bunnies look so much better after you finished with them! They're so cute!

Susie Q said...

Cute! What's invisible and smells like carrots?

Bunny farts?

Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

Very sweet and my boys love the jokes!

Anonymous said...

Love those bunnies.


Jenny said...

Great idea! I love them!

Anonymous said...

Love your bunnies--they turned out so cute!!

Happy spring!