09 December 2008

Open House and You're Invited!!!

Mark your calendar because it's time for my Holiday Open House!

Next Tuesday (December 16th), plan on linking up with a holiday post. No rules. It can be anything...Christmas decorating, a holiday project, a tradition, maybe a recipe (every party needs food, right?)...

There will be presents too! For you! I'll randomly pick some winners from all the party-goers and commenters and send you something made with my very own hands.

All I ask is that you link directly to your holiday post (not your main page) and that you link back to the party from your post (an old one or a new one). You can use one of the buttons below.

I can't wait to see all of the holiday goodness that you bring to the party!

If you want to help spread the word, you can grab a button for your post or for your sidebar.

Aren't the buttons adorable? Amy from Living Locurto made them for me and I swear she crawled around inside my head and figured out exactly what I wanted.

Sound good? Are you coming?

post signature

62 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Tardevil said...

I'm in! Tardevil @ http://confessionsofa40-somethingmamaqueen.blogspot.com/.

Sarah Mae said...

I'll be there! :)

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Oh Kimba, what a great idea, count me in :)

Happy Holidays!

~ Hugs ~ Cynthia

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

I can't wait to participate!

Hey- is there an easy way to put buttons on your blog? I find it challenging figuring on where to put them in the template. Can you put them in your post?

Off to figure out how to use the snow blower.

Wendy said...

Sounds fun..I'll be there!

Cathy Miller said...

WEll, yes, I think I will! This is my first visit to your blog, but sister I'll be back! So fun!!

southerninspiration said...

I'm with Astrid...I can figure out how to include the link in the contents of a blog, but not how to post in the gadgets/sidebar.....any tutorials in your bag of tricks? I did link in my post today about the Open house coming up! Looking forward to it!

Unknown said...

I will be there! :-) I just added your button to my blog. Merry Christmas!

Blogger said...

Yes, yes, yes, I will be there...and if there is really a Santa at the North Pole, I will win that monogrammed muslin pretty...I get the giggles just thinking about it ;)

Official Goofball of Blogspot

PS: Amy rocks!

The Nester said...

Amy Rocks!

Love that you are giving presents and LoVe the button!

Can't wait for the open house--now i need to clean! Just kidding--I'm not cleaning for that--I'll just push everything to the side!

Anonymous said...

Fun times! I'll be there!

southerninspiration said...

Gotta love a virtual Open House, because you can photograph one area and only clean that 4 x 4 spot, or whatever.....dim lights equal no dirt....!
Thanks for the instructions to add the button, but when I paste in the html, it says I have invalid characters......um, what they heck? How do they know I anything about my character????;)

TidyMom said...

Ooooh, I can't wait!! I love a good PARTAY!!!!

I added your adorable button - Amy did a GREAT job!!


Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Yay! Will "be here" with bells on!

Our Complete Family said...

Yep Kimba~ consider this my RSVP hun! ;) I already know what I want to do!!! How fun!!!
Merry December~ Les

Heathahlee said...

Ooh, ooh, I'm so excited! I just took a BUNCH of pictures last night and was stressing about getting them posted now, but I can wait until Tuesday! I don't know why, but our tree photographed really prettily (is that even correct grammar?) this year. All sparkly and stuff. I'm not done with it, so I'll have to take some more pictures. Oh, darn.

Anonymous said...

But BooMama is doing the same thing on the 15th...

Moi said...

can't wait to play along! What a fun idea!

shelbi said...

you know i will be there! grabbing that button now! :) woohooo!!

Kimba said...


I know! Isn't it great! I love that the blogging world has so much room for everyone to play.

We can party all week with Boo Mama (cause that's how long it will take to get through all of her links) and you all can come to my slightly more intimate gathering on Tuesday, if you're so inclined.

I don't know Boo Mama personally but I suspect she would agree. She is so kind and gracious. Not to mention fun and downright fabulous.

I'll be at her party and I might pee my pants with excitement if she came to mine.


Katy said...

Amy from Living Locurto rocks! Your buttons are adorable. Neat idea on your open house!

duchess said...

I'll be there with bells on.
Thanks, Kimba.

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Yay, I'm coming-can't wait!

Unknown said...

Looks like fun! Can't wait

Mom in High Heels said...

Oooooh, squeeeeee! I'm in. I can't wait to see everyone's stuff.

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

That's a cute button! I'll be there, can't say my house will be ready, but I will! ha.

Amber Filkins said...

I'm in too! I'll be at Boo Mama's party too. I agree Kimba. Isn't it wonderful that in the virtual world you can be at two parties at once??


Valerie said...

I will definatley be there! Going to add your button to my sidebar now!

Unknown said...

Great idea Kimba!

Natalia said...

Oh, thank you for the invite.

I'm off to add the button :)

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

I can't wait, this sounds so fun...will there be a prize too for whoever is clearly STRESSED out....ok I'm just kidding...this is all fun!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Look at you, hosting an open house! What a lovely idea! I hope I'll remember, my brain is on overload. Maybe you'll come remind me, since you are good about those things? xoxo

Sounds fun!

Cassie said...

OOoooh! This will be fun!

Melissa B. said...

Hi there! Visiting from BPOTW. Love your blog; you're quite the Scribbler! Listen, I'm up for a Pretty Neat blogging award, and I made the final cut. Yup, I'm campaigning for votes...please come by and check it out if you have a chance!

Jane In The Jungle said...

Count me in, I'll be there and I'm taking a button with me!!

Anonymous said...

A party? And I'm invited? And I get to be showoff?? Of course I'll go! And a free button to beauty up my blog, with the chance of some more freebies? I am so there!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun!!

kari and kijsa said...

Sunds so fun!! Our elf is swinging from the chandelier in teh dining room tonite...mmmm..wonder where he will be tomorrow!!
kari & kijsa

Erika said...

I've never been part of an open house, IRL or otherwise!! Oh, I am so excited!!

Elyse said...

how fun! so festive and your buttons are very cute!

kari and kijsa said...

Kimba- we are so excited about this...we think we will even do a giveaway!! We have the snowman ornament featured in this month's Christmas Ideas article about Kijsa's house...it is looking for a home...
kari & kijsa

Tanya said...

i honestly can't wait!

Free Art Printables said...

I'm In!

Anonymous said...

Count me in, thanks, Suzy!

Anonymous said...

I would love to participate. I am going to add the button to my blog.

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Count me in! I'm hosting a holiday party on my blog Monday--didn't realize Boo Mama was having one that day, or that you were having one the next. Oops. We should start coordinating our parties better, I guess! ;-) Hard to keep track of them all.

But feel free to link to mine and I'll link to yours and we'll just make our parties bigger! Sounds like fun to me! -J

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about the party! Now I've just got to figure out what I'm gonna' do.

Anonymous said...

I so want to remember to join in the fun! Thank you for hosting this Open House!

bevsclark said...

Sounds fun, so count me in.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there with bells on!! Thanks for hosting :)

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to you, but I wanted to say please count on me to be at your open house on Tuesday. And thank you for inviting me.


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

I would love to participate & will add your button right now to my side bar!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Anonymous said...

I'll be in!

Anonymous said...

I've added your link to my blog. I'm so very happy I found this. Party on, people, party on.

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

I'm linked up and linked back. Must go do some stuff around the house, but am hoping during nap to snuggle up with some hot cocoa and go visiting!

Lianna Knight said...

So much fun...here's my link


honeysuckle said...

I love your old fashioned chains on your tree! The open house is a great idea. Thanks

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Oh, oh, I want to play! Count me in.


Blessed Beyond said...

Thank you for hosting! I love the chains on your tree! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

This amazing, I've been blessed!

Anonymous said...

This is super fun - thanks for hosting!

Merry Christmas!!

Jessica said...

I'm a little late.... http://therussocorner.blogspot.com/2008/12/christmas-decor-tour.html