This giveaway has ended...

Lisa, the designer and owner of ellembee, is sponsering our giveaway today.

Lisa is a former bedding designer who decided to start her own clothing company. And she's off to a great start. Her shirts are beautiful and she does her own designing.

I love me a nice tee. But it needs to fit well and feel good. And it definietely needs to look good. Yeah, yeah. You can call me a tee-shirt snob. I can take it. These shirts fit my whole list of requirements! They're beautiful!
So what's the giveaway???? If you're the winner, you get to choose a long-sleeved tee from her etsy shop. How great is that? You choose the shirt! You choose the size!
Go look at ellembee then come back and leave me a comment telling me your favorite and you're entered! The contest closes on Friday at midnight. The winner will be announced on Saturday morning.

Go look at ellembee then come back and leave me a comment telling me your favorite and you're entered! The contest closes on Friday at midnight. The winner will be announced on Saturday morning.
Now go buy yourself a new tee! You can pick me up one while you're there. :-)
Winner of our Just Be Designs giveaway!
Congrats! Send me an email and I'll get you hooked up!
Two more giveaways next week!!! We love to buy things from real moms this year!!!
316 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:
Wow! Am I actually one of the first to comment? Amazing! I guess that's what happens when I stay up too late! :)
What a great giveaway! Very fun! I like: Entanglement Tee.
Have a great day!
Vintage Damask in Antique Rose. So pretty & feminine!
Thanks ladies! Your blog is fab!
Congrats to dreaming of mermaids!
My favorite tee is the antique damask! Gorgeous!
This is great!!! Thank you for all the wonderful ideas and for showcasing all the wonderful, talented ladies!!! My favorite is the Swirly Girlie Tank!
Oh my gosh! So cute!! I love the swirly girlie tanks and the blossom t!!
Lacy Pomegranate V-neck! And, I must say, you have the best giveaways!! :)
I like the chandelier style in aqua/turq.
Tricked out Tree Cadet Jacket or Vintage Damask in Chocolate! I love the designs!
I love the hoddie or the green one with the black on it or the Vintage Damask in Chocolate... they are really cool!
The v-neck Lacy Pomegranate definately!! What beautiful designs.
So beautiful! My favorite is definitely the Antique Damask! I can think of alot of friends who would love these shirts! :)
Wow, I so did NOT need to see that Etsy store. LOL
By far my favorite is the celedon tank. Good things could happen on date night with my hubby with that tank. I might have a little more pep in step during the day too if I was all pulled together and hip looking.
The link to my favorite is here:
What a great contest and great shirt designer.
Fingers and toes are crossed!
These shirts are incredible! My favorite is Lacy Pomegranate V-Neck Short Sleeved Shirt for sure!! What a great designer.
A pretty t-shirt...just right for a hip mom! I would choose Lacy Indigo V-Neck Short Sleeved.
Barbara in AR
Wow, those are beautiful! I love Entanglement! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!
Oh my...loooove those shirts! I'm not sure how you could pick out just one! I think this one would have to be my favorite though: Fo' shizzle my sprizzle Long Sleeve tee in cafe latte (but I also really like the ones with dandelions and pussy willow twigs).
The brown Entanglement Tee is gorgeous. She is so talented!!
Vintage damask tee in chocolate is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! I am loving the cadet jacket too - IN ANY DESIGN!! YUM-MAY!!!
Oh how to choose! These are fabulous...I love the soft gray damask hoodie but I am equally enamored of the Vintage Damask in Chocolate. Kudos for thinking of this supportive way to get people buying handmade! I would have never heard of this shop and it is beautiful!
Oh, very nice! I love the Twigs long sleeve pullover in gray. But it's very hard to choose!
I love the long-sleeved tee called "Entanglement"...I love brown and turquoise together! Very nice!!! This is so great of you to do these give-a-ways and to think about others instead of putting the money into the pockets of the already rich..Target, Sams, Wal-Mart, etc.!!!
Thos are just great! I love the first one on your post!!! LOVE IT!!!
-Sandy Toes
Well, I can't choose just one. I like the Chandelier tank in turquoise, the Chandelier long sleeved tee and the Vintage Damask in Chocolate. I love them all.
Wow, what a great store. Love the fact that you gals are letting us know about all the wonderful etsy stores. I would never find them otherwise.
Ok, I love and it was really hard to pick
Chandelier Long Sleeved Tee and
Antique Damask Long Sleeved Tee.
I'm book marking this story as I love her style and hope to be able to buy a t-shirt or two once DH finds a job, 7 months now it's getting old.
Thanks for sharing. Love your blog!
Pick just one?! They were all so awesome! My favorite three: vintage damask pullover in black; vintage damask long-sleeved in chocolate; dandelion wishes t-shirt.
I love the chandelier tee on the beautiful blue-green color. It's gorgeous!
Wow! It's really hard to decide. I think I'll have to with the Antique Damask Longsleeve.
Love the onesies, too. May have to get a few of those. Thanks for pointing out her shop to us.
And how about the model's body? Can I have that? It'll look great on me. I'll give mine to someone else. No? Darn.
I really like the killer cattails.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway. I am addicted to your blog and have gotten so many great, great ideas from you. So, thanks so much!
I love the Killer Cattails shirt.
My faves are the black vintage hoodie and the lace indigo v-neck. Love it all.
Awesome giveaway!!!!! I love love love the chandelier tee. IT ROCKS :) I read your blog everyday, Kimba. I would love to get started with my very own blog.
I love the Antique Damask Long Sleeved Tee in Avocado. It is so me!!!
I love your blog. It is so inspiring!!!
OMG! How adorable!! I LOVE the antique damask and the onesies are to die for!!! Precious!!
I'm like you , I like my t-shirts to fit. None of this big beefy t's for me!!
Love the Twigs Tee (in leaf green of course). I so need to win. Just cleaned out my clothes and gave all my ratty tee shirts to the Good will. ..... and the garbage. Pick Me. Pick Me.
Love your blog by the way.
I like the vintage damask. But all of them are so cute!
I love the chandelier long sleeve. How pretty!!
CHANDELIER! I NEED THAT! Great work that she does.
I like the lacey indigo v-neck. All very nice clothing.
Any one would be super cool to wear.I love the vintagey look. My fave is the Chandelier in turq/black.
LOVE THEM!{the shirts}
Will it make my body look like hers?
I can't decide between the damask in chocolate or the chandelier one............
They all are FAB!
Thanks for the give away!
Fun shirts. This is actually something that I would wear. I love a lot of things, but I think my fav is the antique damask tee in rose. I love your blog too, it's great.
Yummmmmmmm, so I know those shirts, my mom has a graphic design and print shop, they are so comfortable! My fav would be the antiqued damask in avocado green, I like it when I feel compelled to eat because of my outfit!
Vintage Damask in Chocolate - beautiful design and chocolate brown is one of my new favorite colors!!!
I sure hope your prize-picker picks me!!!
I like the Dandelion Wishes tee...I love dandelions and both color options are great!
I love these shirts - they look so COZY. It's okay to be a t-shirt snob, by the way. ;)
My favorite is the Twigs Long Sleeve Pull-over. What can be better than a nice t-shirt WITH a hoodie? NOTHING, I tell you... NOTHING.
I'll take the size two waist and the tummy tuck, please...oh wait...sorry, got side tracked by the cute little (I want it back) figure. :)
Now I forgot the title of the one I want...oh yes, entanglement tee in bamboo...sounds a little shady, but sure is cute. :)
Love it! Vintage Damask in Chocolate!
I love the Antique Damask. (Anything with damask has my vote.)
Thanks girls!
My favorite...tough decision...I'm going to go for the Lacy Pomegranate V-Neck Short Sleeved Shirt. So cute.
I love the dandelion shirt, but wish it was on a long sleeve t instead. Those shirts look great!
Wow. These are stunning. The first tee looks like a shirt that I had when I was heavy set (150lbs ago - see my blog, I just posted about my weight loss last night in fact!) and I love that shirt so much. Alas, it went to Goodwill with my other clothes that were too big. I am gonna get me on of those! So b-e-a-utiful!
I love the twigs long-sleeve pullowve in gray, GORGEOUS! I might have to do some Xmas shopping there!
I love the twig tee - perfect for fall! I would wear one of each of these tees! I LOVE THEM! Thanks for letting us know about this etsy shop!
Vintage Damask in Chocolate is SO me!! I just LOVE it and would oh so love to win it!!
.....and I agree, you have THE best giveaways!
how adorable!! i love love love the "fo' shizzle" one! too cute!
I love the Twigs Tee in Leaf Green. The colors are wonderful and it looks so comfy!! Love this giveaway!
I'm in for the giveaway! Love the antique damask long sleeved T.
What great shirts! I love the vintage damask in chocolate tee -- the v-neck is super-flattering. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the chandelier or the antique damask. The ladybug for kids is adorable too! WOuld love to win one!! ;-)
Ooh they are gorgeous!! I love entanglement, but if I actually won I'd pick one for my girl who likes Fo'Shizzle my Sprizzle.
I'm loving the blue killer cattails long sleeved tee! She does beautiful work! Thanks for the giveaway!
OH MY GOODNESS... There are so many cue ones I love the Chandelier Dress and the Vintage Damask pull over with the print on the back... thank you for introfucing me to such cute clothes!
These are so cool. I'd have to go with "Fo' shizzle my sprizzle" how fun is that name!
SO many choices! I love the chandelier tshirt or the Fo' shizzle one. They are all so cute!
I adore the chandelier in blue... oh gosh, it is just to pretty! And, my best friend just got married and has decided to decorate their master suite in that style - so it would be a perfect Christmas gift for her! And one less thing that I have to buy!
For myself, the 'killer cattails' shirt is right up my alley. Me likey!
Oh they are all so cute! I really love the Chandelier Tee in Raspberry.
i love the damask and the dandelion one. So cute.
Thanks for another great giveaway, kimba! My favorite is the tricked out tree design.
Oh my gosh, these are all beautiful! I like the Twig teeth in leaf green and the fo' shizzle the best. Just beautiful stuff.
I love love all of the shirts and the onesies are absolutely adorable! But my favorite is the chandelier tee in Raspberry, but again they are all beautiful, and perhaps I can see a perfect gift for my sister-in-law!
I love the twigs and entaglement. I love leaves. These are so pretty!
I love the Lacy Pomegranate one. SO cute and I LOVE red.
I love the twig tee. Although the onesies are very cute!!
Beautiful shirts!
Dandelion Wishes and Blossom are two of my top fav's!
Great giveaway!
I absolutely adore these shirts! My favorite is the vintage damask hoodie!
love, love, love these shirts!!! it's so hard to pick a favorite b/c i would wear them all. but the one that stuck out the most was the "tricked-out tree tee" b/c my husband works with trees everyday.. great stuff!
Wow, that is a great idea. I have purchased a few things from etsy for myself but haven't even thought about Christmas presents. Hopefully I will win but even if not, I know where many of my gifts will come from this year. My favorite is of course the dress but of the shirts I love the "fo shizzle" one!
Morning, Kimba! Oh, these shirts are wonderful. Now if only I could look like that gal in them. Is that you, my sweetie?
Shelia ;)
Such cool tees!
I could barely decide on a fave..... It'd have to be either Vintage Damask or For Shizzle.
Ahhh, great giveaway (again)---thanks!
My favorite is Killer Cattails! Kimba I love your blog. :)
Lynsee in TX
I can't decide between the Chandelier or the Dandelions... I love them both!
-Sadie/Smrfchic @ Gmail
What a fabulous giveaway! Her store is amazing! Even little onesies! Anyway, I love the Entanglement Tee. Gorgeous!
Beautiful stuff! I love them all but would like the chandelier shirt!
Very hard to pick just one, but I like the Antique Damask Long Sleeved Tee in Avocado.
They all look great! I like the Chandelier tee in Raspberry. Hard decision :)
I've seen her stuff before, and I love her style, very urban chic. I love the pomegranate tee, because the design is so cool and the color is delish!
I love all of her tees! I'm picking two favorites. The Elegant Tee made from Bamboo is great and I love the Elliot the Giraffe onesie. I'm thinking my little guy really needs it!
Oh my gosh...they're all gorgeous and fun! I really like the long-sleeved Vintage Damask in chocolate, though...
What a great giveaway! I, too, am a total t-shirt snob!
I hate to choose the very first item because it looks like I didn't take a good look, but really, I did! I'm lovin' the Lacy Pomegranate V-Neck Short. Such cute tees!
I love the Vintage Damask and Killer Cattails. Beautiful stuff. Thanks for highlighting quality handmade goods!
I am in LOOOVE!! THe vintage damask in choc. is my fav :)!! What awesome shirts!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Vintage Damask in Chocolate! LOVE it!!
Heather Bailey
The girlie swirlie is cute...but of course I'd love to have the abs the model has first!!
Did you see the one with the chandelier on it? That's my favorite. Joanne ~~
Well, my favorite is the short sleeved - Twigs - as for long sleeve, it would be entanglement. So pretty!!!
Okay, I love love love Antique Damask Long Sleeved Tee in Avocado!!!! I love all of them really but that one is my fave!
Oh wow...these are just beautiful!
Love the twig in leaf green.
This is a GREAT giveaway! Thanks for introducing me to this etsy shop! My favorite shirt is the "Twigs Long Sleeve Pullover Hoodie in Gray." I LOVE hoodies and practically live in them during the winter. This would be a great addition to my wardrobe... :)
Woohooo! Pick me, pick me! I love the Twigs Long Sleeve Pullover Hoodie in gray too! It looks so comfy, and much more stylish than my husbands old sweatshirt which I am wearing right now...
I'd like to throw my name in the hat! I spend most of my life in cute t-shirts. Thanks!
love Fo' Shizzle! and the dandelion onesies are super cute!
Oh. My. Goodness. I love her designs!! Definitely bookmarking her site!! I love her Antique Damask Long Sleeved Tee the best. Thanks Kimba!!
I like the Bamboo Entanglement Tee. They're all beautiful though.
OooOooOoo How must one choose a favorite?!... However, I am leaning towards the twig long sleeve hoodie in gray. With the first "fall" like day in Texas, I'm feeling a long sleeve t. They are all adorable.
Oh, those are lovely! If it weren't for being currently 32 degrees I would drool all over: Floral Tank in Celadon. They are all great, though, especially the kiddo stuff!!
I'm fairly new to your blog and I love it. Thanks for the giveaways. My favorite shirt is the Chandelier long sleeve in turquoise.
Now she is one talented designer. Hm - I guess the antique damask is one I'd choose. Or the tricked out tree. It's hard to just choose one!
I love anything with a chandelier on it.
Wow, amazing love!!!!!! the long sleeve twigs.
Pat H
I like the Entanglement long-sleeve tee. Beautiful!
Oh my! My eyes are in heaven! LOVE the lacy pomegranate--wonder if she makes it in long sleeved! They are all just amazing.
My faves are the ones with the Twig design. They are all gorgeous though.
Well, since you are twisting my arm, I guess I will enter another giveaway! Thanks and good luck to all!
love love love that store! thank you so much for introducing me to new things-christmas will be so much fun this year!
p.s. my fav was the tricked out tree cadet! it's actually a jacket.
~becca (sorry, my blog is private)
Frankly - I am all over the TIme, the Dinosaur onesie - but, for myself, I love the Entanglement tee.
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
Wow, these are super cute! My favorite is Fo' Shizzle my Prizzle. The onesies, though, were beyond cute as well. If only I had a baby to wear one...(someday)!
I really love all of the t-shirts. I am a huge fan of good looking t-shirts. And these really are!! It was hard to choose but my favorite is the Twigs Long Sleeve. Love the color and design. Oh!! And I really love the baby tees they are adorable.
These shirts are great!! I love them all but the Killer Cattails is definitely my favorite!
I love the brown entanglement tee. THey are all so cute, but I like that one the most.
I just wish my stomach was as flat as the models :D
i want to win! please pick me!!!
sorry i should of said i like the twig tee the best!
They are very pretty! I like the Killer Cattails. Cute! Thanks for hosting!
Oooo the Fo' Shizzel my Sprizzel is really cute, I like that one. :)
These t-shirts are seriously awesome! I like all of them, especially the vintage damask! Hope I win. This lady is talented!
I like the entanglement tee the best! They are all great though! pick me Pick me!!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
my fav...the Antique Damask Long Sleeved. thanks for the chance to win.
love your blog!
I love the dandelion wishes!
I LOVE her designs! This is awesome! My favorite is "fo shizzle my sprizzle" or twigs- the long sleeves shirt. LOVE THEM!!
Great store. Thanks for posting this!
Those are great Tees and a very difficult decision to choose just one. But......Whimsical Weeds on Granite Tee looks alot like me.
Wow! I love these! This is such a great idea! I like the Vintage Damask in Chocolate. So stinkin' cute! :)
I love the Entanglement tee. She has such great designs.
Love the Vintage Danmask V-neck in Chocolate! Great gift ideas! - especially the ADORABLE onesies! Thanks!
What gorgeous clothing! I love it all! But especially the Vintage Damsk in Chocolate. Everything about it is just perfect.
By the way, I had to post this comment in Internet Explorer, because your new comment form doesn't work in least for me. I've noticed that blogger has been having some issues with Firefox lately.
The tees are fabulous - I really covet the black and grey lacy v!
I DIGGITY DIG DIG DIG the chandelier on the long sleeved teal shirt. Cuteness!
Thanks, Kimba!
It was hard to pick just one, they are all reall cute. My favorite was the Tricked Out Tree tee. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love that brown entanglement tee.... so sweet and such a great color brown on the tee!
I love the vintage damask in antique rose and the twigs in leaf green. These are VERY cute!
i've never done this before, so i better win! just kidding, but i'd love to! i love the "fo shizzle" and the vintage damask ones...really, they're all awesome! thanks for letting me in on ellembee!
I want the Twigs tee in Leaf green. SO cool! A close second is the Chandelier in aqua.
They are really ALL awesome.
Hope I win...
They are all fun shirts but I like "fo shizzle my sprizzle'...because I get to say fo shizzle..and now fo shizzle will be in my head all day!
Oh, I love all of the dandelion wishes shirts and onesies! They are too perfect!
Fo' shizzle my sprizzle Long Sleeve tee in cafe latte is my favorite!
Wow, her stuff is amazing. I'd have to say that the chandelier tee and onesie are my faves. That onesie is too cute for words!
The chandelier tee has my name written all over it!
Lacy pomegranate and the vintage damask are my favorites, but I love them all! Great stuff!
Love the tees.
I especially love Vintage Damask in Chocolate!
Kimba- I emailed you about the Just Be giveaway. THANK YOU! And God bless- I so enjoy your site!!!
Ooo...this was a hard one. I liked so many designs! I setteled on my favorite though and I think it is the Floral print on the tank tops. Thanks for the opportunity!
I love the Vintage Damask pullover hoodie. I didn't see any that I didn't like. They are beautiful!
Jennifer Anderson
I LOVE the Chandelier shirt!! I MUST have it!!
Could the model be any skinnier?? Oh I wish......
They're so beautiful! Love them! xo Vanessa
So cute! Dandelion wishes is my favorite.
I really enjoy the "fo shizzle" shirt! Love the pattern, love the name! (my husband uses that term, I sadly admit, though only when he's being silly) :)
I also like the vintage damask t shirt :)
For heavens sake, I like them all!
the dark brown entanglement one is definitely my favorite! it's gorgeous!
I like the Vintage Damask in Chocolate :-) Awesome shirts!
oooh - love these shirts! I think the dandelion wishes if my fav be friends with a superstar :-). The shirts are all very cool...many of them I would not be able to pull off...but I love the twigs shirts.
The onesies are very cute too!
My favorite is probably the weeds or cattails. What a nice give away.
I like the twigs.....very cute shirts
Chandelier Tee in Raspberry I love anything pink.
Kimba, I am new to your blog and let me just say I LOVE IT!!!!!
My fave shirt is the Vintage Damask Pullover Hoodie in Black....oh so cute!
I love the long sleeve chandelier. So pretty. Thanks for hosting Kimba!~Amy
These are AWESOME!!! Loving cattails and dandelions.
I love these Etsy features!!!!
I love the Entanglement Tee, I love anything brown.
What a great idea for you to do, I love etsy but there are so many sellers out there that I don't know about and this is a nice way to see their shops that I most likely wouldn't stumble across.
Love, love, love the shirts! For myself, I'm partial to the Fo'Shizzle tee (you just gotta love the name!) and for my baby on the way, Tim the Dino onesie is just too cute! Thanks, Kimba!
Hey-- I'm lovin the fo shizzle design...and the dinosaur too :) Great to find this talented woman!
I love these shirts. My favorite is Twigs Tee in Leaf Green.
For the long sleeve shirts, I really love the white twigs on the blue shirt. I also LOVE the dandelions but that would be best on a short sleeved shirt for summer!
Oh, how sweet!!!! the Chandelier(pink) to die for. Love it.
Oh yes! Vintage Damask in Chocolate please. please. pretty please.
I love the Twigs long sleeved hoodie in gray. These designs are AWESOME!
Oh my gosh...I need a new tee so bad! And what I really need is the Damask in Chocolate. My jeans will cry if they don't get to snuggle up next to it!
Love the colors. It was hard to choose a favorite but I would have to say the entanglement tee is one of my top favorites. The baby clothes are too adorable also.
I like the long sleeve twigs pullover! =D
WOW, I love them all! Vintage Damask in Chocolate is one of my favorites though.
I like the Vintage Damask in Chocolate. The design is pretty and the style of shirt is great.
If I wore tanks, my favorite would be the swirly girlie one.
I love the fo'shizzle shirt! So pretty.
Wow, you may not remember me "pink portuguese roses" but I remember you from way back, when you first started blogging....Wow, you have come along way baby...LOL!
Talk to you soon,
My fav is the "fo shizzle" one. SO CUTE!! Hope I win!
'i would love me a damask-shirt.'
She does have some great work.
ME ME ME!!!!
Wait, is this thing working yet? I thought it was. Shoot, Kimba. We may be back to Twittering.
the Vintage Damask in Chocolate
Hmmm...I am thinking that only one of my arms will fit in one of those. I want a magic pill that will let me fit. But for now, I'll just have to admire how beautiful they are rather than spending my moola...
Love the tees! My favorite is the one with the weeds. =)
I LOVE your blog, you do such a great job and I'm 'jealous' of all your creativity! I'm new to the blogger world, but think yours is top notch! Thanks for sharing!
My favorite tee is Antique Damask Long Sleeved Tee! It is super duper cute and looks so comfy!!
Love the Chandelier long sleeve tee. Oh and the diney dinosaur cute.
She has been one of my favorite etsy shops for a long time! Love her designs! Lovin' Fo' shizzle my sprizzle.
Beautiful shirts! I like the Entanglement Tee Made From Bamboo best.
I am enjoying getting to see all the mom made items out there. So much variety!
I love "Fo' Shizzle my Sprizzle in Cafe Latte". I want to win just so I can tell everyone the name of the shirt I'm wearing. Thanks for the fun giveaways!
I like the Fo' Shizzle My...or the Chendelier--I just.can't.decide! They're all awesome.
killer cattails is my fav!
Vintage Damask in Chocolate is delicious! Thanks!
Fo' Shizzle these shirts are the bomb. I love me a fabulous comfy longsleeved tee. It's my daily uniform with cool sneakers and jeans. Thanks for sharing her etsy shop with us...I have something new to add to impending birthday list -- one of these might lessen the blow a bit!
Kimba, I visited ellenbee and loved all the shirts but the blue one with cat tails is my choice.
I wanted to let you know I tagged you. Come and see me. smile.
Hugs, Jeanne
my fave is the antique damask in avocado! Deana
I will take the "Shizzle" my friend!
Thanks, Kimba! :)
Wow! It looks like you sure have brought a lot of viewers to her shop! Nice:) My favorite is the twigs long sleeve hoodie.
I like vintage damsask
this is such a good giveaway Kimba, love a good tee
Vintage damask in Choc. I like all the damasks though, very cool!
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