12 December 2008

Unwrapping My Everyday

It would seem that I'm the one that shows up to a party on Saturday and when you answer the door in your jammies, I say, "What do you mean the party was last night? But I made brownies!"

My friend, Emily from Chatting at the Sky, hosted the most wonderful everyday unwrapped party where she encouraged her readers to notice and share the small moments from our lives that so often go unnoticed because we're busy and bothered.

I had every intention to be right on time for her party but apparently I've been much too busy doing terribly important things like painting glitter pinecones and shoving feathers in wreaths.

I'm way more likely to notice little things like a million tiny plastic animals on the floor than I am the good little moments of life, so I appreciate Emily's encouragement to be purposeful.

So let me show you a bit of my everyday...

Anticipating blueberry muffins (from a mix, of course).

Lord, I love this man of mine! It was freeeeeeeezing out there!

And he can get silly with the best of them!

And look at this everyday moment that someone else captured on my camera. My amazing seamstress mom having to teach her 37-year old daughter to thread the sewing machine. What a disappointment I must be.

When did all those laugh lines show up around my eyes? Little things, my tushie!

I've noticed that I treasure a time of peace and quiet in the dark of the morning ever since I've joined the 5:16 AM Club.

Want to see some other everyday moments? Go see Emily.

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30 comments {Click here to leave a comment}:

Tiffany said...

You have beautiful everyday moments, Kimba. God bless!

Tara said...

I ♥ the everyday simple moments...you have beautiful ones! Thanks for sharing!

Rachael Black said...

Thanks for reminding me to focus on God gifts in these little moments. I let them pass me by too. I'm going to try to focus more on seeing the cup half full. That's the best way!

angi_b72 said...


Sara said...

Thanks this was nice. I just posted a couple days ago a few pics from my day to day! Come see.



Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Ahhh....it's the little things that are the big things. My 5:16 club didn't make it this week. BAck to the drawing board when I get home. :)

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

I am loving the photo of them waiting for the muffins. That IS awesome! ha. My kids run around with that same blue tunnel just like that. They are usually both inside it, which makes it very hard to walk, so someone always ends up crying. I laughed when I realized that was your husband in your tunnel. hee hee.

Those are my favorite kind of photos. Even our posed ones lately look like that! ha.

Amber Filkins said...

Geez, I still need to do my everyday unwrapped too! I started to the night Emily posted it, but decided to do it later. And later has come and gone, now I'm just flat out late.

BTW, I checked out that 5:16 club--that's awesome!! I'm gonna have to give it some thought b/c I'm not a morning person at all, and I still get up with my daughter, but I need to do that...........maybe I'll start a 7am club. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Kimba! You, your family, your home, and your moments are all so beautifully perfect. Thanks for sharing.

TidyMom said...

Makes me miss the days when mine were little!! I love the picture of your kiddos sitting by the oven - my girls LOVE blueberry muffins from the box!! - The Bakery Style with the crumb topping is the BOMB!!

You have such beautiful everyday moments!! Thanks for sharing them!


Suzann said...

What a sweet post! Thanks for sharing.

Darlene said...

Those are BEAUTIFUL everyday moments!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

I am right there with you on that sewing pic! But since my extraordinary seamstress Mom is out of state, I have been making my friends hold my hand as I attempt to sew Christmas dresses for my girls. What was I thinking?

Thanks for reminding us to take a breath and pay attention to the little things!

southerninspiration said...

Hey, I lOVE The idea of the 5:16 club!!! And I LOVE those pics of capturing everyday moments! Those are so precious....especially waiting for the muffins!
Thanks for being real!


Cathy said...

Love this post! So beautiful! And your hat...off the hook awesome. Did you make it?

kari and kijsa said...

Beautiful everyday moments!
We have a fun giveaway of a target gift card today with the AHA for go red! A little early Christmas gift!

kari & kijsa

Heathahlee said...

I'm realizing with every year that passes that I get so caught up in daily life struggles that I DON'T spend time just looking for those moments that make me smile. I have, in the past couple of weeks, taken notice of how grown up my son is getting. It makes me proud, but sad, too, because I just don't know where the time has gone. You don't believe people when you're a new mom and they say, "Cherish these moments now because you'll look back in years to come and won't know where the time has gone!" You know what? THEY WERE RIGHT! I guess I better start slowing down and calming down long enough to see the beautiful everyday moments around me.

mom3crazygirls said...

what is the 5:16am club? I'm intrigued!

emily freeman said...

Thank you for linking up, Kimba! Great everyday moments you are having. And I think you look beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. "Everyday" is what makes our lives wonderful and as a mom, you know you could never disappoint your mother. I'll bet she was as happy as a clam to be sitting next to you sewing. :)

Paula said...

AHHH, I can totally appreciate the moment with your mom threading a needle on your machine. Yikes I'm the same way and my mother is so good w/ quilting and sewing. (Must be our age, same too.)

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Kimba, first I want to say that I'm sure you are anything BUT a disappointment to your mother. Don't feel bad about not knowing how to thread a sewing machine. I have to do my mom's sewing and she's in her 70's because she never learned and never cared to. I am self-taught sewer :)

Your children are precious!



Anonymous said...

It's those everyday momments that add up to make our life so wonderful! Enjoy those little sweeties~

Katy said...

Oh, you're so cute...we don't even see those darn lines you're talking about. Sweet family, I love fun, crazy moments.
Lovin the kids watching the muffins cook....that sounds good about right now.

The Lunch Lady said...

Don't worry, I still don't know how to work my sewing machine, I even drew a diagram after my mom showed me. I'm stumped!

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm 37 with laugh lines and I have major issues with sewing machines! I bring mine out every 3 or 4 years and it's like starting over! I must have a mental block in this area!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful sweet little moments to treasure...

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh when I saw the sewing machine pic. My mom has to show her 36 year old daughter how do thread the machine everytime I drag it out! (which is about once every 3 years) She always tells me she failed me as a mother because she never insisted I learned to sew!

the wild raspberry said...

Where did you get that adorable hat? I LOVE it!

Unknown said...

What an awesome idea...and I've been meaning to tell you that I love your Sunday posts.

As for the threading the sewing machine...my mom just gave me my first sewing machine...bet I'll be learning to thread that machine soon as well...LOL! We can be a disappointment together...lol!